You Believe NASA should be cut? Read this and think again.

I'd keep funding NASA myself, I think it's a worthy investment at a number of different levels.

If the US cut 20% of its mlitary budget (largely achived by closing all off-shore bases) it wouldn't have a budget crisis to begin with.
I would love for NASA to have gobs of money to play with and use for all sorts of exciting stuff.

I'd also really love for every American child to have a home and a full tummy. How about highways and bridges that are not falling apart? And schools that actually teach our kids to compete on the world stage?

How about we pay our teachers and cops and fire fighters what they're worth?

Oh wait, I forgot, idiot rw's believe that's CommieMarxFascSoshSomething Or Other. They believe we raise taxes on the middle class and give it to the 1%. Stupid.
I would love for NASA to have gobs of money to play with and use for all sorts of exciting stuff.

I'd also really love for every American child to have a home and a full tummy. How about highways and bridges that are not falling apart? And schools that actually teach our kids to compete on the world stage?

How about we pay our teachers and cops and fire fighters what they're worth?

Oh wait, I forgot, idiot rw's believe that's CommieMarxFascSoshSomething Or Other. They believe we raise taxes on the middle class and give it to the 1%. Stupid.

I agree that we should increase jobs for those people who have a direct impact on our everyday lives.

To Do List:
1. Cut Defense Spending
2. End Tax Breaks for All Businesses, Corps, etc. (That plan hasn't worked. They are just hoarding the money instead. It's time to make EVERYONE pay their fair share.)
3. Increase funding for Law Enforcement, Education, and Firefighting. Make it specific and mandatory that the additional go directly to jobs.

Now How much are we saving?
And our tax income has increased while putting more people to work.
Once we accept the fact that government spending does not grow the economy it's easier to accept the concept of less funding for toys for big boys. It's no secret that NASA is in the global warming propaganda business now that Hussein cut the Space Shuttle program. What's the sense of sending robots to Mars and keeping a hunk of junk in space? Let China and Russia do it for a change. Clinton sold them the technology.
Once we accept the fact that government spending does not grow the economy it's easier to accept the concept of less funding for toys for big boys. It's no secret that NASA is in the global warming propaganda business now that Hussein cut the Space Shuttle program. What's the sense of sending robots to Mars and keeping a hunk of junk in space? Let China and Russia do it for a change. Clinton sold them the technology.

Well, Tax cuts don't improve the economy. Instead, it just lets the well off hoard their money, deficits increase, and unemployment rates rise.

It's time for something that gives SOME kind of RESULTS to anyone besides the well off. It might not prove to be much in the end, but IT'S A START!
NASA should be focused on automated robotic exploration of space and ASSISTING private industry to gain payload and delivery expertise.

There are issues to resolve in Climate Change and Earth Resources such as upper atmospheric measurements, solar irradiance measurements, ocean studies and other tasks that should be continued.

The rockets and payloads are ALREADY private. NASA doesn't make crap. And the Mars rovers are a prime example of leveraging tech into the private sector. To make a rover -- you are developing the same type of breakthrus required for 21st Century manufacturing automation.

But the days of cowboys riding rockets is probably over for them. And orbiting labs that don't really have a payback or application other than doing maintenance on expensive telescopes.
NASA should be focused on automated robotic exploration of space and ASSISTING private industry to gain payload and delivery expertise.

There are issues to resolve in Climate Change and Earth Resources such as upper atmospheric measurements, solar irradiance measurements, ocean studies and other tasks that should be continued.

The rockets and payloads are ALREADY private. NASA doesn't make crap. And the Mars rovers are a prime example of leveraging tech into the private sector. To make a rover -- you are developing the same type of breakthrus required for 21st Century manufacturing automation.

But the days of cowboys riding rockets is probably over for them. And orbiting labs that don't really have a payback or application other than doing maintenance on expensive telescopes.

I agree with some of it. and NASA's innovations have indeed worked wonders. They solved a multi-million (possibly billion) problem with just 5 bucks.
They have much potential and should not have any budget cuts. They should work along side commercial industries, but still have the budget to do their thing.
NASA is one of the few parts of our government that must be funded. If we cut it, tens of thousands of technical jobs and know how will be losted. I'd cut the military a hundred billion before I'd cut another cent from nasa....There's tons of waste to be found within the military. Get out of the middle east and fund nasa the way it should.

We don't deserve to be a super power and won't be if we're stupid enough to cut techical sectors like Nasa.
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Nasa deserves to be funded even more to keep innovation up and the economy thriving.

I'm sorry, I'm not a f- idiot like you are, so I can't accept that funding NASA is good for the economy. How rich do you think it would make America to put astronauts on Pluto? Would it end to world poverty if we put a million people on Pluto?
NASA is a waste of time at this point.

Explain why nasa is more of a waste than the military half way around the world nation building? :eusa_shifty: Hell, the military loses more money than the entire science budget at nasa.:badgrin:

We should be increasing our sciences as that would increase are technical sector to be able to stay ahead of China. Unless you believe we can compete with China without one.:eusa_silenced: You people are like Saddam Hussein, you think you can kick down anyones door with a big and well funded military, but you forget that it's our technology that won the day. :eusa_shhh:

God, nasa hardly gets anything and gets penny pinched. But yet, it's the bitch that must be cut.
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Nasa deserves to be funded even more to keep innovation up and the economy thriving.


You don't compete with the rest of the world by killing your technology sector in the face of the rest of the world. Talk about weaking our nation. I'll admit that there's a lot of waste and things to cut within our government, but science and techonology is something that we must be increasing.

Nasa deserves to be funded even more to keep innovation up and the economy thriving.

I'm sorry, I'm not a f- idiot like you are, so I can't accept that funding NASA is good for the economy. How rich do you think it would make America to put astronauts on Pluto? Would it end to world poverty if we put a million people on Pluto?

We won't be any kind of power within your world without such a technology sector, China will become far more powerful than we are. :eusa_boohoo: No, we don't live in the 18th century any longer and space is part of being a world power...Guess what, it will only become more important as more world powers see that it's very useful for many reasons.

We could end world poverty if we mined the Asteroids. :eusa_shhh: O'yes you talk without any facts. :eusa_eh: One Asteroid is worth trillions...Who ever that controls this will be the next super power that's able to do as it wishes. China does it then don't be surprised if our grandchildren see's their troops within our cities. Think it can't happen? Learn history.

NASA should be for science and exploring. China, India, Eu all do it and is part of being a world power. I'll admit that the private sector through mining, ect should do most of the real work.
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We could end world poverty if we mined the Asteroids. :eusa_shhh: O'yes you talk without any facts. :eusa_eh: One Asteroid is worth trillions...

Which asteroid is worth trillions? And, how much do you think it'll cost to recover the wealth of that asteroid?
We could end world poverty if we mined the Asteroids. :eusa_shhh: O'yes you talk without any facts. :eusa_eh: One Asteroid is worth trillions...

Which asteroid is worth trillions? And, how much do you think it'll cost to recover the wealth of that asteroid?

This $20 Trillion Rock Could Turn a Startup Into Earth’s Richest Company

April 26, 2012 by Chris Taylor 126

Meet Amun 3554. Doesn’t look like much, right? Little more than a mile wide, it’s one of the smallest M-class (metal-bearing) asteroids yet discovered. Unless it ever decides to smash into us — a theoretical possibility, but extremely unlikely over the next few centuries — it will continue orbiting the sun, unknown and unmolested.

That is, unless Planetary Resources has its way. Planetary Resources is the asteroid-mining company launched Tuesday in Seattle, with backing from Microsoft and Google billionaires, along with the equally prominent James Cameron and Ross Perot Jr.

Its object is to completely dismember poor little rocks like Amun.

That’s because Amun is a goldmine — well, not gold so much. But it does contain a cool $8 trillion worth of platinum, an essential precious metal used in everything from jewelry to fuel cells to computers (and one that’s currently trading at the same rate as gold — $1500 an ounce.) On Earth, only a few hundred tonnes of the stuff are produced every year.

The $8 trillion figure is an estimate based on observations by John S. Lewis, professor of planetary science, author of Mining the Sky: Untold Riches from the Asteroids, Comets, and Planets, and now a consultant to Planetary Resources. He also found 3554 Amun to contain another $8 trillion in iron and nickel, and a mere $6 trillion worth of cobalt.

So, the total payout from one unassuming asteroid? $20,000,000,000,000.

That’s what got Planetary Resources co-founder Peter Diamandis so excited. “There are $20 trillion checks up there waiting to be cashed,” he enthused at a space development conference in 2006.

How do you get it? The same way we crossed the oceans of our world and built the rail road across our continent. Through thinking and doing. People act like it's somehow impossible to make it profitable. People have thought this way throughout all of human history.

You also don't want to kill off your techoloical sector.

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