Yet more Trump derangment syndrome


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.
Dims, so what happened to:


Was it all a bunch of BS used just to gain power?
Those Moon Bats are going crazy nowadays.

Yesterday Maxine Waters had her Negroes out burning the American flag.

This kind of mindless hate is going to backfire on the Moon Bats big time, just like with Crooked Hillary and her "deplorable" hatefest.

The Moon Bats can kiss their blue wave this November goodbye.

Those asshole Libtards couldn't stand having their hate and dishonesty exposed.

Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.
Pirro is the type of person that can only be treated like a dog.
Wow....that is a perfect example of the new regressive left. Not all Democrats are like her, in fact the vast majority are not...but they clap while she goes on a nonsensical tirade that had nothing to do with what people were talking about
Why do people who watch this show tolerate this?
It is painfully obvious Whoopi had no intention of letting the Judge speak. Even when others were asking her a question, she interrupted with nonsensical rhetoric that had nothing to do with what everyone else was talking about. And then when Pirro pointed towards Whoopi in a gesture to tell the other woman to let Whoopi speak.... Whoopi gets aggressive and outcome the vile insults.

Why do people who watch this show tolerate this?
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.
Tolerant Libs...gotta love them. :p
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.
Pirro is the type of person that can only be treated like a dog.

And there it is.

Feel free to continue to shout people down wearing vagina hats and burning American flags while yelling "Black Power!"

Just don't expect it to get you too far with sane people.
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.
Pirro is the type of person that can only be treated like a dog.

And there it is.

Feel free to continue to shout people down wearing vagina hats and burning American flags while yelling "Black Power!"

Just don't expect it to get you too far with sane people.
Sounds like youā€™re having a PC problem, snowflake
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.

The cat's out of the cultural revolution bag. What that cat looks like under the light of day has shocked most Americans into hair-standing-on-end. Radical militant feminist Leftistas like Whoopi can only leap to damage control mode, but there's no scraping the hideous accident of cultural suicide back into the sackcloth. The Left has taken a bridge too far out onto the freak show frontier, and now its time for them reap the consequences. I think Whoopi is the one who despises Mexicans and others, because the political currency the Left has wrung out of them is running dry.
Just when I think that pedophile-defending old coot Whoopi can't possibly be more of an idiot......
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.

The cat's out of the cultural revolution bag. What that cat looks like under the light of day has shocked most Americans into hair-standing-on-end. Radical militant feminist Leftistas like Whoopi can only leap to damage control mode, but there's no scraping the hideous accident of cultural suicide back into the sackcloth. The Left has taken a bridge too far out onto the freak show frontier, and now its time for them reap the consequences. I think Whoopi is the one who despises Mexicans and others, because the political currency the Left has wrung out of them is running dry.

The proof will be in the pudding this election cycle.

Will the Left be rewarded for such behavior, or chastised?
Just when I think that pedophile-defending old coot Whoopi can't possibly be more of an idiot......

I think you will find people like Whoopi love the status quo, and that is, immigrant families with children making the perilous journey to the US border with the knowledge that there is a pot of entitlement gold on the other side.

This is what happens to sh$t hole countries, but the Left still tries to deny that the US is really that much better. Instead, the Left tries to change the US into the same types of governments from which these people are trying to flee.

Imagine if the Left has there way and there is no where to flee.
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.

The cat's out of the cultural revolution bag. What that cat looks like under the light of day has shocked most Americans into hair-standing-on-end. Radical militant feminist Leftistas like Whoopi can only leap to damage control mode, but there's no scraping the hideous accident of cultural suicide back into the sackcloth. The Left has taken a bridge too far out onto the freak show frontier, and now its time for them reap the consequences. I think Whoopi is the one who despises Mexicans and others, because the political currency the Left has wrung out of them is running dry.

The proof will be in the pudding this election cycle.

Will the Left be rewarded for such behavior, or chastised?

The media and mass fabricators of pop culture will continue to rake in billions on it. The average American voter will use their suffrage as censorship, as they did in 2016, and will do again in November and 2020. They want to put the jack back in the box.
By defending Roman Polanski a few years ago with her infamous "rape-rape" quote, Whoopi has proved herself to be a giant pile of humanoid-shaped SHIT on which someone stapled a bunch of dreadlocks as a practical joke. Does she have any redeeming qualities of any kind? I already hated this dumb bitch for contaminating Capt. Picard's crew on Star Trek; she wasn't even a good actress, she recited her Zen-wisdom lines as boringly as an actress possibly could. If you were having a drink at a starship's bar, would you take this boring idiot's cliche advice? No? I didn't think you would.

I guess my overall question is: Exactly what purpose does that Medusa-headed goof-up of nature serve in this world? I assure you that at age 6 or 7 I had more brains than this dreadlocked column of walking shit-colored shit currently has as an "adult" (I use term "adult" very loosely in her case).
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.
You have no idea how many ironic and self-contradictory and illogical statements you made in that one post, do you. :lol:
Pirro: Whoopi Goldberg treated me ā€˜like a dogā€™ after argument

Here is yet another example of Trump derangement syndrome.

Whoopi Goldberg invites someone on the view and the explodes at them as she screams for them to leave the set. Then after the fact backstage, screams at her to get the "F@ck" out of the building.

She then defended her actions by saying, "ā€œListen, I donā€™t have 'Trump derangement,' ā€ Goldberg fired back. ā€œLet me tell you what I have. Iā€™m tired of people starting a conversation with 'Mexicans are liars and rapists.' ā€

Funny, I know of no conservatives that say that Mexicans are liars and rapists. No, what I hear are concerns that groups like MS 13, which is all about raping and killing, are coming across the border to murder American citizens.

No, conservatives just want border security for reasons like this, something that Dims cannot refute, so they just create Strawman arguments like Goldberg and scream profanity as they foam at the mouth and demand ICE be done away with

Sad pathetic humanity on full display.
Pirro is the type of person that can only be treated like a dog.

typical black--pissed off/upset when they are lawfully told something/to do something--
but they think murdering someone is not that big of a deal

...she's tired of people starting a conversation, but not about EIGHT blacks murdered every DAY by another black
...not tired of blacks graduating at lower levels
..she is out of her mind

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