Yet Another Debt Ceiling Battle


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Looks like another battle to raise the debt ceiling will arrive just in time for Obama's first election loss.....

The federal government could hit the debt ceiling sooner than expected — and possibly around the November election — according to a report out Friday.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill had hoped that last summer’s deal to end the nasty fight over lifting the debt ceiling would ensure the issue wouldn’t resurface until at least 2013.

But the Bipartisan Policy Center said Friday that the debt-limit doomsday could come earlier than that.

Analysts from the Bipartisan Policy Center projected that the United States will hit its $16.4 trillion debt ceiling between late November 2012 and early January 2013 due to lower-than-expected corporate tax revenues and the recent extension of the payroll tax holiday.

A number of other factors, such as the ongoing financial crises in Europe, volatile gas prices and how quickly the U.S. economy continues to grow could push the debt-ceiling deadline forward or backwards, according to the center.

Read more: Debt ceiling: Doomsday may come sooner than expected -
Yet Another Debt Ceiling Battle
What a bunch of amateurs.

Not-to-worry.....allowing those TEMPORARY Bush tax-cuts to (finally) die-on-the-vine will do wonders for our.....

The rating agencies are still looking for the same deficit reduction they were seeking last time we got downgraded because they perceived us lacking in the political will to address the problem.

If you'll recall they cautioned that another downgrade might be warranted if the deficit wasn't dealt with. So has anyone seen any effort by Barry to attack the deficit? Anything?
Yet Another Debt Ceiling Battle
What a bunch of amateurs.

Not-to-worry.....allowing those TEMPORARY Bush tax-cuts[/SIZE] to (finally) die-on-the-vine will do wonders for our.....


And a major contributor was:

" the payroll tax holiday deal"

Obama is collecting less and spending more, same old same old......
ooooooooooooo......geeeeeeeee.....I'm convinced.

The rating agencies are still looking for the same deficit reduction they were seeking last time we got downgraded because they perceived us lacking in the political will to address the problem.

If you'll recall they cautioned that another downgrade might be warranted if the deficit wasn't dealt with. So has anyone seen any effort by Barry to attack the deficit? Anything?

Would passing a Health care bill that reduces the deficit by over 120billion dollars count?
Would reducing future military spending by 500billion dollars count?
Would expanding IRS funding for tax cheats reducing the deficit by 4billion count?
Would increasing taxes on companies that offshore reducing the deficit by several billion count?
Wood a food safety bill that reduces the deficit by several billion, a DREAM act that reduces it by 1.4billion, anti-fraud measures, eliminating overspending on military goods, more energy efficient government buildings, raising tobacco taxes, count?
The rating agencies are still looking for the same deficit reduction they were seeking last time we got downgraded because they perceived us lacking in the political will to address the problem.

If you'll recall they cautioned that another downgrade might be warranted if the deficit wasn't dealt with. So has anyone seen any effort by Barry to attack the deficit? Anything?
Yeah....I'm sure he's gettin' the same overwhelming-support from John Boner & Mitch usual.

Yet Another Debt Ceiling Battle
What a bunch of amateurs.

Not-to-worry.....allowing those TEMPORARY Bush tax-cuts[/SIZE] to (finally) die-on-the-vine will do wonders for our.....


And a major contributor was:

" the payroll tax holiday deal"

Obama is collecting less and spending more, same old same old......


Ignore Shaman, he got even less attention in programming than the normal Obamabot.
The last time the GOP pulled these shenigans, everyone but the extreme Right, saw right through it. Repubs dived in polls and the blame for America's problems was shifted directly onto them. When Boner first announced this, I predicted that Romney would suffer because of it. He had just taken the lead (on RCP) from Obama for the first time. Since this bonehead move by Boner, Romney has lost the lead he finally gained and the decline is oth consistent and trackable from that exact day.
Obviously, this is nothing more than a political ploy by the GOP. They've got a candidate who is nowhere near Conservative enough for their liking. So they'll do this a bit to get the herd back in the corral and then, as always, return to sanity before they lose those who decide the elections: The Middle.
What a bunch of amateurs.

Not-to-worry.....allowing those TEMPORARY Bush tax-cuts[/SIZE] to (finally) die-on-the-vine will do wonders for our.....


And a major contributor was:

" the payroll tax holiday deal"

Obama is collecting less and spending more, same old same old......


Ignore Shaman, he got even less attention in programming than the normal Obamabot.

Hell, I manage to kick your ass, without breakin' a sweat.

The rating agencies are still looking for the same deficit reduction they were seeking last time we got downgraded because they perceived us lacking in the political will to address the problem.

If you'll recall they cautioned that another downgrade might be warranted if the deficit wasn't dealt with. So has anyone seen any effort by Barry to attack the deficit? Anything?

Would passing a Health care bill that reduces the deficit by over 120billion dollars count?
Would reducing future military spending by 500billion dollars count?
Would expanding IRS funding for tax cheats reducing the deficit by 4billion count?
Would increasing taxes on companies that offshore reducing the deficit by several billion count?
Wood a food safety bill that reduces the deficit by several billion, a DREAM act that reduces it by 1.4billion, anti-fraud measures, eliminating overspending on military goods, more energy efficient government buildings, raising tobacco taxes, count?

Would Star ever actually post proof of his bullshit?
More party over country politics I see. That's the sad state of the GOP these days.
This was so politically disastrous for the republicans last time that I was sure they would not do it again. There has to be some republicans who can remember back that far.
This was so politically disastrous for the republicans last time that I was sure they would not do it again. There has to be some republicans who can remember back that far.

Sadly, I'm guessing they all remember and they're ready to pull the same shit all over again.
The rating agencies are still looking for the same deficit reduction they were seeking last time we got downgraded because they perceived us lacking in the political will to address the problem.

If you'll recall they cautioned that another downgrade might be warranted if the deficit wasn't dealt with. So has anyone seen any effort by Barry to attack the deficit? Anything?

Would passing a Health care bill that reduces the deficit by over 120billion dollars count?
Would reducing future military spending by 500billion dollars count?
Would expanding IRS funding for tax cheats reducing the deficit by 4billion count?
Would increasing taxes on companies that offshore reducing the deficit by several billion count?
Wood a food safety bill that reduces the deficit by several billion, a DREAM act that reduces it by 1.4billion, anti-fraud measures, eliminating overspending on military goods, more energy efficient government buildings, raising tobacco taxes, count?

As far as I know Obamcare is going to add to the deficit in a major way. Next you want to cut 500 billion out of defense when they only spend 700 billion a year yet you won't cut one single social program...

Don’t get me wrong, I want all the wars over with, but from my understanding that would be around 250 billionish saved a year. You still need to come up with about 1,2 trillion in cuts…

Oddly you seem to want to cut from the only thing that the federal Government has authority to spend on per the constitution...

EDIT: Because I feel I have to give links so I'm not a retarded sounding as the dumbass I quoted. This was a simple search, I don't care who has the information just use google.
As the website for the House Budget Committee (which Ryan chairs) notes, the $226 billion in projected debt spending doesn't include "the $115 billion needed to implement the law." (That figure of $115 billion is provided by the CBO as well.) So, $115 billion plus $226 billion equals $341 billion that Obamacare would add to the national debt by the end of 2019.
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