Yesterday the US withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement.

A trump legacy that will last a few days.
I guess that reversing that idiocy will be top of President Bidens to do list.

The failed Accord that no nation succeeded at and for which they promoted as the "end to climate change". They still tell us "we need to solve Climate Change".

Huh Wtf was the trillions in the Paris Accord for? Oh yeah, now I remember, that was a global tax sent to China, right.

The Paris Accord is for losers and suckers. Of which, the vast majority of the citizens of the world are now and as docile as ever.

A trump legacy that will last a few days.
I guess that reversing that idiocy will be top of President Bidens to do list.
We don’t need to be in any such agreement, dolt.

The US already has the emissions regulations in our own laws. You Euros can sign whatever you want with China.

A trump legacy that will last a few days.
I guess that reversing that idiocy will be top of President Bidens to do list.
yep...the US economy will weaken under the new communist regime in charge .....and terrorists will be emboldened and the world will have more dependence on the middle east for oil China is cheering with you.
So all that is required of the US is to decrease emissions from 5 billion tons per year to 3 billion tons per year by the year 2030. Piece of cake. Our emissions have been declining by 50 million tons per year per year for the past 14 years. So to reach the 3 billion ton target by 2030 would only require a 200 million ton per year per year reduction or to say it another way another 150 million ton per year per year reduction on top of our existing 50 tons per year per year reductions.

China and the rest of the developing world is another matter all together though. Just try getting them 40% below their 1990 emission levels. There is no chance of that happening. Their 1990 levels were ridiculously low as the majority of the world's increases since 1990 has come from them as they began developing.

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