Yes, Trump calling for increases for NATO worked. Canada to increase spending, MSM will spin it


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more
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Kind of telling that a number of Eastern European countries are refusing to take advantage of Russia's pipeline, enriching Russia yet Germany is 70% dependent on the teet of 'the motherland'. The very nation that NATO was formed, in the first place, to counter against...
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I'm all for Trump's insistence that countries abide by their commitment to NATO and he deserves full credit for holding their feet to the fire. My enthusiasm however is restricted as I want to see those savings reflected in the federal budget's bottom line. For fiscal year 2018, the first under Trump, increased the annual federal deficit by 1/3. With the good economy and taxes rolling in, I next hope to see congressional toes roasting over the 2019 budget.
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more

Of course his tactics work; that's why he's so hated by the assorted traitors and deviants in the first place. He just goes from Win to Win, like a train.
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more
Dude, okay so the orange guy is getting our allies to annie up and pay their share of protecting their country....:clap2::clap:But they will do so not because of the orange narcissistic clown's threats, because they have no choice nor confidence in the US having their backs....70 years of a partnership that has worked, only to have whites in America and Trump destroy it. Look for Putin after all the damage is done, to invade the US afterwards after Trump give all our secrets away at this meeting and nobody coming to our aid...and folks you heard it here first.....we're that close to Russia
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more

We will explain for the UMPTEENTH TIME. They already agreed to it WITH GEORGE W. BUSH and BARACK OBAMA NOW will they slow walk it again? MOST PROBABLY!
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more


In 2006, NATO members agreed to try to spend at least 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense spending. In 2014, they agreed again to aim to meet that standard by 2024.

As of now, though, only the U.S., Greece, Estonia, Britain, Romania and Poland meet the 2 percent target, which led Trump to argue that our allies are not paying their “fair share.”

But other countries have been spending more in recent years. The estimated 4.3 percent bump in 2017 was the third straight year that defense spending by Canada and European allies increased, according to NATO.
Kind of telling that a number of Eastern European countries are refusing to take advantage of Russia's pipeline, enriching Russia yet Germany is 70% dependent on the teet of 'the motherland'. The very nation that NATO was formed, in the first place, to counter against...

After the U.S. and other countries spent billions in helping them get off energy dependence on Russia, the former Commie Merkel shits on all of it and makes a sweetheart deal with Putin.

So much for all that 'Obama Magic' these idiots keep trying to claim existed. All anybody got was more bribes for Hillary and a new source of uranium for the Iranian terrorists to buy from, and about $600 billion to buy it with. First nuke those animals or NK's Mad midget that goes off and kills somebody we round up Democrats and use them as human shields.
Kind of telling that a number of Eastern European countries are refusing to take advantage of Russia's pipeline, enriching Russia yet Germany is 70% dependent on the teet of 'the motherland'. The very nation that NATO was formed, in the first place, to counter against...

Once again quoting Trump finds you in error.
But other countries have been spending more in recent years. The estimated 4.3 percent bump in 2017 was the third straight year that defense spending by Canada and European allies increased, according to NATO.

'4.3%' of 2% of nothing is, well, nothing, so Trump is indeed right on the money. For you math challenged gimps, that' less than 1/20th of the increase called for, so it will take them yet another 19 years to comply, at that rate of 'bumping'.
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What in the world does Canada need military spending for?

To keep you fat ass white American 'refugees' out of the country, that's why.

In other news, Canada has an admirable record when it comes to backing allies in war time and police actions. Yeah, this sucks for you Commie perverts and deviants, but that's the way they roll, gimp.
What in the world does Canada need military spending for?

To keep you fat ass white American 'refugees' out of the country, that's why.

In other news, Canada has an admirable record when it comes to backing allies in war time and police actions. Yeah, this sucks for you Commie perverts and deviants, but that's the way they roll, gimp.
^ Whoa this little bitch is TRIGGERED

Trump got Canada to raise their military budget by a completely insignificant amount? MAGA :laugh:
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more
Trump is a Putin puppet for making NATO stronger!
What in the world does Canada need military spending for?

To keep you fat ass white American 'refugees' out of the country, that's why.

In other news, Canada has an admirable record when it comes to backing allies in war time and police actions. Yeah, this sucks for you Commie perverts and deviants, but that's the way they roll, gimp.
^ Whoa this little bitch is TRIGGERED

Trump got Canada to raise their military budget by a completely insignificant amount? MAGA :laugh:

You wish you could trigger somebody; it's just a joy to watch you go down hill simpering like a snowflake, gimp.

Got any more strawmen you think will make you look less like a retarded organ grinder's monkey? I didn't say a thing about Trump or his effect on Canadian military spending, you stupid dope-addled loon. Can't even remember your own posts. lol lol lol what a loser.
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more
Trump is a Putin puppet for making NATO stronger!

Yes, just like when 'Putin hacked the election' and gave Hillary 3 million more votes than Trump. at least that was their claim, anyway; I guess sounding stupid is so normal for them they just don't even notice any more.
So it's funny, at NATO our PM said "we are re-commiting to the 2014 Wales Agreement to increase to 2%" He is working to NOT give credit to Trump, but suggesting this is due to 2014 agreement. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to know that you don't all of a sudden 4 years after the last agreement say "we are going to increase by 70% over a decade" out of the blue.

Trump is responsible for this. Especially in regards to German spending as Trump called out their pipeline and their former leader being on the Board! Painted the two faced liars in a corner, it was a classic tactic only Trump would pull because he has the balls quite frankly. He's not messing around with these global trade abusers and they better take his threat of auto tariffs seriously, it would be a BOON to U.S jobs and his votes if he does so.

Don't believe Macron and others who try to undermine Trumps effect. He is the reason for the season when it comes to NATO spending.

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more
NATO Shields U.S. From Its Military Adventures

"July 11, 2018

"It is the U.S. that needs NATO, which allows the US to bypass the UN Security Council and engage in military adventures abroad, while keeping a safe distance across the Atlantic..."

NATO Shields U.S. From Its Military Adventures

Europe has paid the price in civilian blood and treasure for the US interventions in Afghanistan and Libya, in particular.

It's time to end NATO, and the eternal US Warfare State.


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