Yes, They're Going to Arrest Donald Trump. Deal With It.

Arresting Trump is the absolute best thing that could possibly happen to the republican party
How? It may incite the MAGA crowd, but it removes the focus of their attention from the political arena. Who replaces Trump as the face, the voice, and the Candidate for MAGA if he’s embroiled in this legal battle?

More importantly, how does this help whoever that face/voice/Candidate happens to be connect to those who may be predisposed to support a MAGA candidate but are completely sick and tired of the drama?
Thats exactly right. The Rs talk talk talk......and do nothing and try to play nice. They went along with the dems and allowed trump to be investigated for russian collusion under a fake dossier. They could have easily stopped that from happening. I refuse to vote for that. Idiots.
I know it is not easy. Then stop running for office! They do not like Trump...The push the real issues we need. Repubs went to Ukraine as fast as Progs. A percentage are globalists. It is just the speed we get to total capitulation.
HONESTLY----IMHO----Biden did worse and Obama somehow managed to MYSTERIOUSLY get rich
Jimminy Cricket, you've gone off the deep end...

Obama and his wife, and Biden and his wife, got rich from their BOOK DEALS.... after they left office, this is EASILY researched, and known by ALL....except those who CHOOSE to stay ignorant, for political purpose....

Thats exactly right. The Rs talk talk talk......and do nothing and try to play nice. They went along with the dems and allowed trump to be investigated for russian collusion under a fake dossier. They could have easily stopped that from happening. I refuse to vote for that. Idiots.
Republicans made ALL THE CHOICES on the Russian investigations....democrats had nothing to do with Republican choices. Republican deputy attorney general, requested a Special Counsel, and appointed republican Mueller, to investigate, AFTER Trump fired the FBI director, investigating Russia's election interference... No democrat was involved in those decisions.
He isn't going to be arrested.

1 they won't get him on anything to arrest him for.

2 and more importantly, none of this is about arresting him. This is all about just finding something to make him unable to run for presidency. All they want is the ability to say "nope he can't run for president". They are like the customer service agent waiting for the upset customer to say one curse word so they can just say "I don't appreciate that kind of language" and just hang up on them.

3 this is also about sending a message to other Republicans. "We will ruin you if you disagree with us". They want to strike fear in the hearts of those that aren't on their side. Even if they fail to nail trump it's still a clear message they will come after those not on their side.
Republicans made ALL THE CHOICES on the Russian investigations....democrats had nothing to do with Republican choices. Republican deputy attorney general, requested a Special Counsel, and appointed republican Mueller, to investigate, AFTER Trump fired the FBI director, investigating Russia's election interference... No democrat was involved in those decisions.

Dems were screaming and crying too but the Rs went along with their fake dossier and wasted tens of millions of taxpayer money on a scam.
Here's the real problem the GOP has.

Support of the Trump Cult is all they have left.
It’s not ALL they have left; but unless they distance themselves from the Centrist/Progressive elements of the political spectrum and become a truly Traditionalist, Nationalist, and Conservative party, they will be doomed to being swallowed up by the Democrat Party.
It’s not ALL they have left; but unless they distance themselves from the Centrist/Progressive elements of the political spectrum and become a truly Traditionalist, Nationalist, and Conservative party, they will be doomed to being swallowed up by the Democrat Party.

Nationalism isn't good. That's for Hitler and Mussolini.
Nationalism isn't good. That's for Hitler and Mussolini
It’s for people who understand that the only way to ensure your culture and society remain pure and proper is to keep outside things where they belong… OUTSIDE.

We are at this point as a nation because we have been to open, inviting, and accepting of foreign people and ideas.
It’s for people who understand that the only way to ensure your culture and society remain pure and proper is to keep outside things where they belong… OUTSIDE.

We are at this point as a nation because we have been to open, inviting, and accepting of foreign people and ideas.

We are a nation of immigrants. Our culture reflects that. Zionism is nationalism. Nationalism is racist and authoritarian.. like Franco in Spain. If you are in doubt look up the Nationalists of the 20th century.. usually they are fascists.
We are a nation of immigrants. Our culture reflects that. Zionism is nationalism. Nationalism is racist and authoritarian.. like Franco in Spain. If you are in doubt look up the Nationalists of the 20th century.. usually they are fascists
We WERE a nation of immigrants who came here to become what we already were. Now these immigrants come and demand that we acquiesce to and embrace their culture. That’s not immigration, that’s conquest.

I have no problem with Authoritarianism and little issue with discrimination, where it is deserved. The Republican form of government has failed in this country.
We WERE a nation of immigrants who came here to become what we already were. Now these immigrants come and demand that we acquiesce to and embrace their culture. That’s not immigration, that’s conquest.

I have no problem with Authoritarianism and little issue with discrimination, where it is deserved. The Republican form of government has failed in this country.

That's utter nonsense. Look around you and see evidence of other cultures everywhere all across the country.
^ I watched the latest clip of him tottering around, so apparently lost and confused, and realised that while the jury is out on his mental capacity, something else goes unremarked: it doesn’t seem to matter that the world is watching the President of the United States so enfeebled, so vulnerable.

It doesn’t seem to matter either, about his son, Hunter Biden’s, laptop, the one most of the US media invited us to dismiss as Russian propaganda. Of course, if such a laptop, belonging to a son of Donald Trump, had come to light before Trump was elected, it would have been the end of him. There would have been wall to wall media coverage of its contents, not least the references of payments made from shady deals to ‘the big guy’. But any mention of Hunter Biden’s laptop was suppressed out of existence by Big Tech.

For the duration of his presidency, Mr Trump was dogged with Democrat claims he colluded with Russia to seize power. All of those claims were proven false. Democrats, media and tech giants got away with a cover up. They got away with smearing the president. The world knows it was a smear followed by a cover up and yet it has had no consequences for any of the perpetrators. If one thing hasn’t changed, from 2019 until now, it is apparently the corrupt behaviour of so much of the world’s media.

That it doesn’t matter that we know that Biden is failing, that big tech and others colluded to suppress the truth and affect a US election, reminded me of the ongoing farce labelled Partygate. Whatever has or has not happened in the aftermath of internal enquiries, it is evident they broke their own rules. It is also clear they didn’t fear the disease. While the rest of the population was missing weddings and funerals, leaving loved ones to die alone, the politicians and their advisors were secure in the knowledge that get togethers posed no risk at all. Most important of all, they know we know all that and have the gall to think it shouldn’t matter.

I don’t care if Rishi Sunak has sworn loyalty to another state while Chancellor of our Exchequer. I don’t care how much tax his wife pays or doesn’t.

I care that they seem to think none of it matters.
We didn't elect that guy, he was foisted upon us by Democrats, the MSM, and Big Tech; Illegally.
That's utter nonsense. Look around you and see evidence of other cultures everywhere all across the country
Yes, and that’s exactly the problem. In the early days of this nation the immigrants added a little bit of new spice to the “American Stew”, but it remained “American Stew”. These new immigrants want to throw the entire stew out and replace it with quesadillas and other crap.

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