Yes, they actually ARE coming for your guns....

Then why didn't something like this pass in Obama's first year? After the Gabby Giffords shooting?

Yes, why didn't they? When the President and his fellow Democrats continually stand united in making the claims that we need massive gun control, why didn't they take the opportunity to do pass that kind of legislation? They certainly tried to drum up public support afterwards. But they were stalled by the fact that the appearance of using that tragedy for political gain would have been devastating.
Did you just prove my point?

Sounds like it.

Gun control legislation WILL NOT pass through Congress.

Actually, your point seems to be that failure to do something you try to do is equivalent to not trying to do it at all. You're really a special kind of stupid, eh?
No gun control legislation has passed the house

Obamacare repeal bills have.

What's so hard about that
You're still not getting it.

It WON'T pass.

That's a Republican controlled Congress

No YOU don't get it. I know it won't pass. Yes, there are more Republicans THIS time. It DOESN'T matter (completely) that it won't pass...this time.

The FACT is that Anti-Constitutional Liberals like this @$$hole are out there, they are continuously scheming to take your Constitutional Rights to bear arms away. Like ISIS / Islamic Extremists, they won't stop coming.

No one thought the Democrats would ram a piece of un-wanted minority-supported legislation opposed by the majority of the American people into law in the wee hours of the morning while Americans slept, but they did (Obamacare).

Wake up...

(Just saw your latest post...maybe you ARE starting to get it...)

Democrats could have passed something like this a few years ago when they had a super majority in Congress and yet they didn't.
These crackpots aren't acknowledging that.

They just ramble off into talking about "intent"

They're talking crazy if you ask me.

I own rifles and pistols, and nobody is coming for my guns.
Democrats could have passed something like this a few years ago when they had a super majority in Congress and yet they didn't.

NO, they couldn't have... They have tried to slip in more and more insanely restrictive pieces of legislation from time to time but even they know this is a 'bridge too far' for now.

Then what are you concerned about? The only people in Congress who introduce these types of legislation are from deep blue districts where they don't need to worry about backlash. They know they won't pass.
House Democrats Introduce Bill to Ban Manufacture of ‘Assault Weapons’

Yep, they ARE coming for your guns…they just intend to stop them at the source:

"On 16 December, D-Rep David Cicilline (D-RI-1st) will introduce the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2015″ to ban all manufacturing of “assault weapons.”

Besides banning the manufacturing of AR-15s and related firearms, the ban would put in place “new restrictions on the sale of already existing assault weapons.”

According to The Hill, Cicilline said, “Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of killing as many people as quickly as possible. We need to do everything we can to reduce the toll of gun violence by keeping these weapons out of our communities.”His bill has “90 Democrat co-sponsors including House Minority WHIP D-Md Steny Hoyer."

I AM actually for any anti-gun legislation that bans Obama and his administration from ever handling, selling, or handing our guns / weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeida, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, or anyone else. Based on their documented history they can not be trusted with weapons...and they probably could not pass their own vetting process after handing out weapons to all those groups (especially considering all the innocent people killed and crimes / terrorist acts perpetrated with those weapons).
They're awfully slow about it.
Then what are you concerned about? The only people in Congress who introduce these types of legislation are from deep blue districts where they don't need to worry about backlash. They know they won't pass.

As I said earlier, the Liberals would NEVER force a minority-supported piece of legislation into law against the majority opposition of Americans in the wee hours of the morning, now would they? Oh yeah. That describes Obamacare...
You 3 must be outside yo damn paranoid minds

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to getcha.

Why do you think eliminating private sales is Obama's answer to every mass shooting...even though the shooters have all bought guns through FFLs and passed background checks?

How is the answer to people passing background checks and committing crimes to force other people to pass the same background check the shooters just passed?

Doesn't make any sense does it?

Unless the goal is defacto registration.

Cause you can't confiscate if you can't compile a registration.

Maybe this isn't the case...maybe it is paranoia...but when people you can't trust persue solutions that do not solve the problem that they claim to be their goal...but just happen to further their anti-gun ambitions...forgive me if I'm suspicious of their underlying motivations.
They're awfully slow about it.

Much like Islamic Extremists, which you either are not aware of or are ignoring, time is on their side. They can wait for however long it takes, testing the 'waters' from time to time to see if they can slip more of their agenda into law. There is no deadline or urgency. Persistence and patience pays off. Like with Obamacare, they can wait until the perfect time, when Americans are asleep (literally, when it came to Obamacare). No rush.
They're awfully slow about it.

Much like Islamic Extremists, which you either are not aware of or are ignoring, time is on their side. They can wait for however long it takes, testing the 'waters' from time to time to see if they can slip more of their agenda into law. There is no deadline or urgency. Persistence and patience pays off. Like with Obamacare, they can wait until the perfect time, when Americans are asleep (literally, when it came to Obamacare). No rush.

They just got smart and did one that would pass the American Medical Association approval, who has halted the others for the last 50 years.
The point is these career politicians have no clue what a so called "assault weapon" is. Since they can't figure that out, its obvious more laws will not save one single person... Just taking away freedoms.
The point is these career politicians have no clue what a so called "assault weapon" is. Since they can't figure that out, its obvious more laws will not save one single people... Just taking away freedoms.
These are the same politicians that a few years ago, as I pointed out, tried to outlaw civilian ownership of 'missiles' while trying to redefine certain types of ammo as 'missiles'. There is even some legislation trying to reclassify flares as 'explosives' (ATF supposedly wants to do this)...
Then what are you concerned about? The only people in Congress who introduce these types of legislation are from deep blue districts where they don't need to worry about backlash. They know they won't pass.

As I said earlier, the Liberals would NEVER force a minority-supported piece of legislation into law against the majority opposition of Americans in the wee hours of the morning, now would they? Oh yeah. That describes Obamacare...

They had a super majority in Congress when they did that. They have no majority now.
They had a super majority in Congress when they did that. They have no majority now.
Are you saying they will never have one again...? :p

They could, of course, particularly given how nutty the GOP has become, but in order to win that kind of majority they have to win seats in Republican leaning districts and those representatives will not be so inclined to support gun control.
Just saying, they passed (imposed) Obamacare in the wee hours of the morning against the majority will of the American people. To think / discard the idea that they could not do something like that again is foolish, IMO...
You 3 must be outside yo damn paranoid minds

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to getcha.

Why do you think eliminating private sales is Obama's answer to every mass shooting...even though the shooters have all bought guns through FFLs and passed background checks?

How is the answer to people passing background checks and committing crimes to force other people to pass the same background check the shooters just passed?

Doesn't make any sense does it?

Unless the goal is defacto registration.

Cause you can't confiscate if you can't compile a registration.

Maybe this isn't the case...maybe it is paranoia...but when people you can't trust persue solutions that do not solve the problem that they claim to be their goal...but just happen to further their anti-gun ambitions...forgive me if I'm suspicious of their underlying motivations.
Thanks for proving you're insane.

The goals you speak of will never be met.

Until a bill containing any of that crap leaves the house approved...quit whining
You 3 must be outside yo damn paranoid minds

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to getcha.

Why do you think eliminating private sales is Obama's answer to every mass shooting...even though the shooters have all bought guns through FFLs and passed background checks?

How is the answer to people passing background checks and committing crimes to force other people to pass the same background check the shooters just passed?

Doesn't make any sense does it?

Unless the goal is defacto registration.

Cause you can't confiscate if you can't compile a registration.

Maybe this isn't the case...maybe it is paranoia...but when people you can't trust persue solutions that do not solve the problem that they claim to be their goal...but just happen to further their anti-gun ambitions...forgive me if I'm suspicious of their underlying motivations.
Thanks for proving you're insane.

The goals you speak of will never be met.

Until a bill containing any of that crap leaves the house approved...quit whining
Why even waste time and money on an such a foolish, meaningless bill??
You 3 must be outside yo damn paranoid minds

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to getcha.

Why do you think eliminating private sales is Obama's answer to every mass shooting...even though the shooters have all bought guns through FFLs and passed background checks?

How is the answer to people passing background checks and committing crimes to force other people to pass the same background check the shooters just passed?

Doesn't make any sense does it?

Unless the goal is defacto registration.

Cause you can't confiscate if you can't compile a registration.

Maybe this isn't the case...maybe it is paranoia...but when people you can't trust persue solutions that do not solve the problem that they claim to be their goal...but just happen to further their anti-gun ambitions...forgive me if I'm suspicious of their underlying motivations.
Thanks for proving you're insane.

The goals you speak of will never be met.

Until a bill containing any of that crap leaves the house approved...quit whining
Why even waste time and money on an such a foolish, meaningless bill??

Why do Chihuahuas growl at Bulldogs?
You 3 must be outside yo damn paranoid minds

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to getcha.

Why do you think eliminating private sales is Obama's answer to every mass shooting...even though the shooters have all bought guns through FFLs and passed background checks?

How is the answer to people passing background checks and committing crimes to force other people to pass the same background check the shooters just passed?

Doesn't make any sense does it?

Unless the goal is defacto registration.

Cause you can't confiscate if you can't compile a registration.

Maybe this isn't the case...maybe it is paranoia...but when people you can't trust persue solutions that do not solve the problem that they claim to be their goal...but just happen to further their anti-gun ambitions...forgive me if I'm suspicious of their underlying motivations.
Thanks for proving you're insane.

The goals you speak of will never be met.

Until a bill containing any of that crap leaves the house approved...quit whining
Why even waste time and money on an such a foolish, meaningless bill??

Because they have to show their constituents back home that they are trying to represent them.
They introduce the bill, it goes nowhere, then they go back home and say see I tried it just didn't pass - this time around........ but in the future :)
Keeps getting them the votes all the time. Doing it this way is insane and wastes a lot of money.
This is what many are talking about as to how things need to change in how congress is run.
Neither party wants to change it, because this is how many are continually re-elected.
You 3 must be outside yo damn paranoid minds

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to getcha.

Why do you think eliminating private sales is Obama's answer to every mass shooting...even though the shooters have all bought guns through FFLs and passed background checks?

How is the answer to people passing background checks and committing crimes to force other people to pass the same background check the shooters just passed?

Doesn't make any sense does it?

Unless the goal is defacto registration.

Cause you can't confiscate if you can't compile a registration.

Maybe this isn't the case...maybe it is paranoia...but when people you can't trust persue solutions that do not solve the problem that they claim to be their goal...but just happen to further their anti-gun ambitions...forgive me if I'm suspicious of their underlying motivations.
Thanks for proving you're insane.

The goals you speak of will never be met.

Until a bill containing any of that crap leaves the house approved...quit whining
Okay...let me get this only oppose legislation after it passes.

A test then. You haven't said a word about Trump's temporary ban on Muslim immigrants.

I hadn't passed...he's not even part of the government. So you kept completely mum...


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