Yes....the left embraces evil every chance they get...even on their t.v. shows...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Scrolling through menu items on youtube, clips from Californication, a david duchoveny show came up......watching them, it is obvious that the left truly are vile and evil. Take for example, this clip......Becca says grace.....who does she say grace to on the show....Satan....and all the left wing socialists at the table applaud her defending her beliefs against the one individual at the table defending Western Civilization......This is a small clip, so I am not sure where else it goes.....but it captures the real spirit of left wing socialism....a complete disdain for Western Civilization, and the values that created it...

Democrats would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven.

Scrolling through menu items on youtube, clips from Californication, a david duchoveny show came up......watching them, it is obvious that the left truly are vile and evil. Take for example, this clip......Becca says grace.....who does she say grace to on the show....Satan....and all the left wing socialists at the table applaud her defending her beliefs against the one individual at the table defending Western Civilization......This is a small clip, so I am not sure where else it goes.....but it captures the real spirit of left wing socialism....a complete disdain for Western Civilization, and the values that created it...

Democrats would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven.

Once again, in order to understand where the modern American Left is coming from philosophically, politically, socially and culturally, one must first get to know postmodernism. Have you ever had an argument with someone who tried to bully you into changing your longest held beliefs be they about religion, history or even the color of the sky and why it appears the way it does? If so, then you have encountered postmodernism but not necessarily a postmodernist. Postmodernism is a philosophy, an ideology; an ethos and an epistemology all rolled up into a godless religion and a way of life and means of destroying a capitalist government, although postmodernism holds no meaningful way to either build a civilization or govern it, only to seize power over and destroy what is already there.

The motivating factors for the creation of postmodernism run parallel to deep and ancient seated hatred of both Christianity, its moral restraints and capitalism, which is the progeny of aristocratic hierarchy, in a manner of speaking. See, the postmodernists rose to the world stage along with atheists and Marxists whose core enemy of the universe was and remains hierarchies of economic, political and religious power; the same ones in fact which allowed for and brought about the eventual creation of our America. In less vague terms, postmodernists despise any concept of overarching moral codes; of a higher authority from which they derive; the very concept of a single man starting from poverty and rising to join the economic nobility, and of course personal freedom and individuality.

Marxism birthed communism which in turn birthed postmodernism, a form of communism its founders apparently believed would become the secret panacea to finally bring about More's Utopia. So then, where is the evil in postmodernism, which is a wholly human construct? Well, the end goal of postmodernism is to burn down Western Civilization (America in particular) and from its ashes erect its Utopia. Problem is, even though none of the postmodernists can agree on what Utopia ought to look like, lack of having a plan to rebuild civilization never stops them. Towards achievement of their end goal, the postmodernists will stop at nothing to take down the West. Doing that successfully mean a full frontal assault against every institution and belief we Americans hold sacred; they must destroy every facet of Christian values, family values, wholesome cultural practices and in particular our government's founding documents which allow for them and provide for our historically unprecedented individual freedom and potential to define and better ourselves.

The evil comes into the picture in the methods the postmodernists have chosen to topple our civilization. Take for instance the beautiful, amazing differences between men and women, to include the ancient wonder of the institution of marriage, which is the foundation for the nuclear family. What do the postmodernists do to undermine this? They create radical feminism which in turn leads to a sexual revolution, The Pill and a falsely manufactured mass need for abortion. Through radical feminism they have convinced women that being a mother is wrong, optional and a potential death sentence for their careers. They've led women to believe they can assume the ancient role of men and vice versa, leading to the near destruction of the traditional family and a decline in new American generations. Evil pure, evil simple.

The same can be observed with any sacred American tradition, institution, law or belief . . . the postmodernists have been attacking all of them across the board for decades. Homosexuality, an anti-human movement, is another example. We can't all be homosexuals, right? If we were, the human race could end. Transgenderism. The taking of a beautiful child and mutilating their body. Anti-human practice again because if all human beings were transgender, no one would reproduce, no matter how much the postmodernists tell them they can. Abortion. Every women who gets pregnant cannot have an abortion, right? Again, the human race could not go on under such a situation. Thus we see how postmodernism, and the Democratic Party they have infiltrated, are completely anti-human race. What the postmodernist does not understand is that yes, his methods of destroying everything Western Civilization and America might well succeed, but by that point the human race will no longer be recognizable and no longer in a place to continue on at all; extinction.

Frankly, I cannot imagine a greater evil than postmodernism and what it has so far wrought on our civilization. The question then becomes, I suppose: is postmodernism a wholly human creation or is something more ancient and sinister behind its inception and spread? We might not survive to learn the answer . . .
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Over the past several years every single detail of the Left has been an exercise in mindless hatred of American white males. So logically, as a fair American white male I want these liberals destroyed as much as they want me destroyed. How many years did liberals think they could spew their murderous hatred of Americans before the hatred becomes RECIPROCATED in obedience to human nature?

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