Yes.....hilary wore an ear piece...

Well, I heard it was photoshopped and reported nowhere but a couple of frequently denounced websites.
Or no one else reported it because WHO CARES IF SHE DID?
Well, I heard it was photoshopped and reported nowhere but a couple of frequently denounced websites.
Or no one else reported it because WHO CARES IF SHE DID?
Good question.

I hope that Trump puts in a hearing aid or other fake device during the debates and lets see who actually cares.
Well, I heard it was photoshopped and reported nowhere but a couple of frequently denounced websites.
Or no one else reported it because WHO CARES IF SHE DID?
Everyone should care but we know many won't. I don't know if it's true or not but it would mean she was getting answers.
Yes, it seems as if hilary wore an ear piece during her time with matt lauer....

Did Clinton Wear an Earpiece During Last Night's Forum?

I read the piece. I didn't catch a name as the confirmatin source that she cheated. Though I am quite sure she did. That Wikileaks email, and that manufactured presentation in Reno all but seal up a pattern of media and presentation manipulation. It's a reoccance of deceptive behavior.

The article cited only said;

"a quiet buzz started circulating in New York law enforcement circles about Hillary’s left ear. NYPD sources involved with the NBC forum’s security detail confirm Clinton was wearing an ‘inductive earpiece,” the same technology employed by almost all lead Broadway actors to receive forgotten lines and stealth off-stage cues from directors."

Supporters of Hillary are so rabid, that unless they who confirmed and have an impartial career professional that will to go on the record testifying that she cheated, giving their name and stating that they witnessed it, they won't believe it to be true. Besides, they need to know who to assassinate. Keeps others from blowing the lid off the illusion. :badgrin:

On top of that, even if she did cheat, like Oldlady shows, these partisans still might not care. When I described to my fourteen year old why having such a device would be an unfair advantage, even he didn't seem to get it, and he's not invested. So then I had to meticulously give him an example to imagine him taking the SAT's with one of those, while I sat at my PC on the internet feeding him the answers, while his peers represented his opponent, who would have the advantage? Epiphany.

There are companies already marketing these devices to college kids, for example. Then the type of corruption and unfairness of this scenario became clear to him. It's a shame Hillary supports like OldLady and Hillary herself are so bereft of ethics, they don't understand this.

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