Yellowstone eruption fears: steamboat geyser starts to blow underground near volcano


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Yellowstone eruption fears: Steamboat geyser starts to BLOW underground near volcano
YELLOWSTONE could be erupting from underground after experts recorded signs of activity from a powerful geyser in the national park which is home to a terrifying super volcano.

What a great occurrence that would knock the idiots into reality lol........Oh wait they would blame Trump and say it's his fault and he caused it. They're that pathetic.

We haven't had a good steam explosion (hydro-thermal event) in about 170 years.. Its way overdue.. Last one leveled trees for 100 miles in all directions. Lewis and Clark even noted the direction the dead wood was pointing..

Yellowstone, one of the world’s largest active volcanic systems, has produced several giant volcanic eruptions in the past few million years, as well as many smaller eruptions and steam explosions. Although no eruptions of lava or volcanic ash have occurred for many thousands of years, future eruptions are likely. In the next few hundred years, hazards will most probably be limited to ongoing geyser and hot-spring activity, occasional steam explosions, and moderate to large earthquakes. To better understand Yellowstone’s volcano and earthquake hazards and to help protect the public, the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of Utah, and Yellowstone National Park formed the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, which continuously monitors activity in the region.

Steam Explosions, Quakes, and Volcanic Eruptions—What’s in Yellowstone’s Future? | USGS Fact Sheet 2005-3024
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Little i know it'll be good if its only a Steam Explosion as opposed to an actual Eruption . Course it might just be more normal rumbling , hissing and heaving , who knows eh ??
Volcanologists have been saying that the Yellowstone Super Volcano is overdue for an eruption, but that it may not happen for a couple of hundred more years. Only time will tell, of course. Once it goes though, there goes our nation's breadbasket states and our economy. Massive deaths and starvation will ensue. As good a time as any for that overdue civil war to also erupt and drive out the socialists/communists and Islamists.

I have goose bumps!!!
I have to admit that show was awesome.... They actually got some of it right.. Crustal deformation and earth quakes are a good precursor to an eruption. The last rise stopped in 2009 and has now receded to pre-rise levels. At one time the west thumb of the lake was almost drained..

I just looked at the active GPS tilt meters and rise velocity has not changed. Back in 2009 we had a rise run of about a foot in three days and there were a lot of people with serious butt pucker..

Stations with live seismograms | U of U Seismograph Stations
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I have goose bumps!!!
I have to admit that show was awesome.... They actually got some of it right.. Crustal deformation and earth quakes are a good precursor to an eruption. The last rise stopped in 2009 and has now receded to pre-rise levels. At one time the west thumb of the lake was almost drained..

I just looked at the active GPS tilt meters and rise velocity has not changed. Back in 2009 we had a rise run of about a foot in three days and there were a lot of people with serious butt pucker..

Stations with live seismograms | U of U Seismograph Stations
The special effects in that movie were awesome. :thup:
Volcanologists have been saying that the Yellowstone Super Volcano is overdue for an eruption, but that it may not happen for a couple of hundred more years. Only time will tell, of course. Once it goes though, there goes our nation's breadbasket states and our economy. Massive deaths and starvation will ensue. As good a time as any for that overdue civil war to also erupt and drive out the socialists/communists and Islamists.
Yellow stone ash clouds.JPG

Depending on the size of eruption it would render 2/3's of the US uninhabitable for some time..

Its the aerosols and dust that will kill the most people as global temps would drop by 2-5 deg C in about three weeks time..
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