Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Generally accepted estimates put the population of undocumented immigrants in the United States at approximately 11.3 million. A new study, using mathematical modeling on a range of demographic and immigration operations data, suggests that the actual undocumented immigrant population may be more than 22 million. Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates

The other day I heard some hack cite that there were 11 million undocumented immigrants in America…What a joke!

We‘ve been hearing that number for over a decade. Does anyone buy that lie?

I’d say probably more than 30 million by now…And growing fast.
I wrote this in another thread awhile back.
We have printed the employee benefits booklet every year since the 90s for a very large manufacturer in the auto industry.
Back then we use to only print a few hundred Spanish versions for Spanish employees.
By the mid 2000s we were printing 3 times that many.
By 2020 almost half were English, half Spanish.
This year - we printed more Spanish than English.
We have no border any more. It is just wide open country with a welcome sign courtesy of President Potatohead.

The sonofabitch promised that he would do that prior to stealing the election so anybody that voted for him is an idiot.
The other day I heard some hack cite that there were 11 million undocumented immigrants in America…What a joke!

We‘ve been hearing that number for over a decade. Does anyone buy that lie?

I’d say probably more than 30 million by now…And growing fast.

You can say that, but where's your evidence?

I wrote this in another thread awhile back.
We have printed the employee benefits booklet every year since the 90s for a very large manufacturer in the auto industry.
Back then we use to only print a few hundred Spanish versions for Spanish employees.
By the mid 2000s we were printing 3 times that many.
By 2020 almost half were English, half Spanish.
This year - we printed more Spanish than English.
Probably because they have more plants in Mexico now... not because we have more Mexicans here.
For every ONE documented invader, there are at least 10 that aren't.

Companies that hire them need to be shut down and put out of business. And our tax dollars need to stop being handed over to them.

If you take away the reasons they are invading us, they will not come.
For every ONE documented invader, there are at least 10 that aren't.

Companies that hire them need to be shut down and put out of business. And our tax dollars need to stop being handed over to them.

If you take away the reasons they are invading us, they will not come.

Yet that never happens, even when Republicans are in charge.. like Trump.

Do you ever ask yourself why?
The other day I heard some hack cite that there were 11 million undocumented immigrants in America…What a joke!

We‘ve been hearing that number for over a decade. Does anyone buy that lie?

I’d say probably more than 30 million by now…And growing fast.
Also any children those 20 million illegals have while here in this country are automatic American citizens. Cuck whites are entirely fucked. 😆
You have to dig deeper on this one and ask, why was the study done?

If the Ivy League "tall foreheads" can convince the politicians that there are twice as many illegals as there is believed to be (census-wise) then it will help offset the bleeding of population from certain blue states and along with it their declining congressional representation.

They just have to figure-out which states the illegals are in. I guess another "study" will have to be commissioned for that. ;)
I've said for a long time that we actually have no clue how many are here but that those jobs have to be filled and the products on the shelves of Wal Mart have to be purchased.
For every ONE documented invader, there are at least 10 that aren't.

Companies that hire them need to be shut down and put out of business. And our tax dollars need to stop being handed over to them.

If you take away the reasons they are invading us, they will not come.

While I don't agree with companies hiring illegals, we shouldn't deflect the responsibility on companies to secure the US border.
While I don't agree with companies hiring illegals, we shouldn't deflect the responsibility on companies to secure the US border.
Yet the criminal USG has $100 billion confiscated from the people, to protect Ukraine’s borders.
While I don't agree with companies hiring illegals, we shouldn't deflect the responsibility on companies to secure the US border.

The border is easily secured with out the lure of millions of jobs. But you are well aware of this.

You say what you say because you know the parties will do nothing about the businesses hiring illegals and you have to come up with something to support our failed politics.
The other day I heard some hack cite that there were 11 million undocumented immigrants in America…What a joke!

We‘ve been hearing that number for over a decade. Does anyone buy that lie?

I’d say probably more than 30 million by now…And growing fast.
Not a joke, dear man. Love, beautress.
Yet the criminal USG has $100 billion confiscated from the people, to protect Ukraine’s borders.
Considering the order was made by a person who has an unpredictable disease such as dementia or Alzheimers, it's not a surprise. What is a surprise is that leadership in the House for the past two yearsfailed to initiate the 25th amendment that was designed to fix such a problematic misjudgment on priorities that went to the outter limits. Sad, hmm. Love, beautress.
The border is easily secured with out the lure of millions of jobs. But you are well aware of this.

You say what you say because you know the parties will do nothing about the businesses hiring illegals and you have to come up with something to support our failed politics.
Yes, our nation is nailed to the wall with leadership failures. :( Leaders are humans. Humans make mistakes. And for the last 2 years, these mistakes were not brought forth any way to fix the problem of such a failure.
Yes, our nation is nailed to the wall with leadership failures. :( Leaders are humans. Humans make mistakes. And for the last 2 years, these mistakes were not brought forth any way to fix the problem of such a failure.

These are not "mistakes". They are intentional. Business wanted the cheap labor and consumers and politicians wanted the money that business would provide them for their campaigns.

Nobody has tried to address the problem but you will continue to make excuses.
The border is easily secured with out the lure of millions of jobs. But you are well aware of this.

You say what you say because you know the parties will do nothing about the businesses hiring illegals and you have to come up with something to support our failed politics.

I say it because I don't buy they're all coming to the US illegally for jobs.
The overwhelming vast majority do. You think addressing the minority is going to solve the issue? LOL

We don't have the real numbers on illegals so how can anyone say the vast majority are coming for jobs?

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