WTF Were They Thinking?


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Oct 27, 2007
Anemona Hartocollis wrote for The New York Times 16 June 2015:
In a cozy cottage decorated with butterflies to symbolize transformation, Katherine Boone was recovering in April from the operation that had changed her, in the most intimate part of her body, from a biological male into a female. It was not easy. She retched for days afterward. She could hardly eat. She did not seem empowered; she seemed regressed.

...Her childlike reaction was, perhaps, not surprising. Kat, whose side-parted hair was dyed a sassy red, is just 18, and about to graduate from high school.


Hundred years from now folks will look back at the crazy times we are in and say "WTF were they thinking?" They will look at the primitive method of physically changing ones sex and wonder why they did it that way when it would have been so much simpler to just apply hypnotherapy to find out why the person thinks that way with the goal to correcting their thinking.
Hypnotherapy!? How silly. Using leeches to remove the bad blood is the preferred method in the medical community.
NYT = For every sickness there is.

Hey Katherine, what did you do today?

Aww not much. I had some doc cut my dick and balls off. Couldn't eat for three days. Now I'm gonna go down on Sandie.
Anemona Hartocollis wrote for The New York Times 16 June 2015:
In a cozy cottage decorated with butterflies to symbolize transformation, Katherine Boone was recovering in April from the operation that had changed her, in the most intimate part of her body, from a biological male into a female. It was not easy. She retched for days afterward. She could hardly eat. She did not seem empowered; she seemed regressed.

...Her childlike reaction was, perhaps, not surprising. Kat, whose side-parted hair was dyed a sassy red, is just 18, and about to graduate from high school.


Hundred years from now folks will look back at the crazy times we are in and say "WTF were they thinking?" They will look at the primitive method of physically changing ones sex and wonder why they did it that way when it would have been so much simpler to just apply hypnotherapy to find out why the person thinks that way with the goal to correcting their thinking.
The tower of babel. When man thinks they are god.
Stella Morabito wrote for The Federalist 11 November 2014:
Everyone has regrets. Some of us have big regrets. Most everyone has some place to go to get help dealing with them. Except for, say, a guy who had sex-change surgery and now would like to have his penis back. Our culture seems pretty much “to each his own” when it comes to elective bodily mutilation and the regret thereof.

Plastic surgeons make money both puttin’ it in and takin’ it out.


It was noted: "The transgender lobby actively polices and suppresses discussion of sex-change regret..."

Some heart-wrenching stories of those who have had mutilation surgery...

WTF were they thinking???
From The Associated Press 22 June 2016:
The U.S. Education Department says a South Carolina school district has agreed to let a transgender elementary student use the restroom with which she identifies. The Department's Office for Civil Rights said in a statement that Dorchester District 2 had violated Title IX, which protects students from sex-based discrimination. The office said the district originally had not given access to the girls' bathroom as a result of her transgender status.

The office said the district has agreed to comply with Title IX requirements.

Journalist Pam Belluck wrote for The New York Times 26 July 2016:
The World Health Organization is moving toward declassifying transgender identity as a mental disorder in its global list of medical conditions... ...“The intention is to reduce barriers to care”...

...“It’s sending a very strong message that the rest of the world is no longer considering it a mental disorder”... ...“One of the benefits of moving it out of the mental disorder section is trying to reduce stigma.”

...Others have concerns about a proposal to change the name from “transsexualism” to “gender incongruence,” a name chosen to try to express “a discrepancy between a person’s experienced gender identity and their body,” said Dr. Reed, who was part of the working group that recommended the changes to W.H.O. One problem is that “incongruence” resonates differently in different languages. “In English it sounds kind of neutral — my association is with geometry,” Dr. Reed said. “But in Spanish it sounds very bad, it sounds kind of psychotic.”


It IS a psychosis! WTF are they thinking?
From The Associated Press 2 August 2016:
Pope Francis has lamented that children are being taught at school that gender can be a choice, adding that his predecessor, Benedict XVI has labeled current times "the epoch of sin against God the Creator." ..."We are living a moment of annihilation of man as image of God."

Francis said: "Today, in schools they are teaching this to children -- to children! -- that everyone can choose their gender."

From The Associated Press 21 August 2016:
The federal prison system has approved a Texas inmate's request to begin hormone therapy to transition into a man... ...Mason is the first to receive health care assistance from the federal prison system to undertake a female-to-male transition, Meltzer-Cohen told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth federal prison to begin hormone therapy for transgender inmate ).

...Mason has not been comfortable with his birth gender for years, Meltzer-Cohen said. He was diagnosed in 2013 with gender dysphoria and went public with his wish to be male in 2014, she added.


So, being uncomfortable, the State pays to make you comfy...

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