'WSJ Columnist Wrecks The Democrats' Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Claims'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Democrats allege there was quid pro quo, wherein Trump threatened to delay military aid if Zelensky didnā€™t open a corruption probe into Hunter Bidenā€™s arrangement with Burisma, an energy company. WSJ Editorialist Kimberley Strassel completely shreds the latest 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine' coup attempt:

1. The Whistle Blower is a reported CIA agent who is a registered Democrat and had worked with a 2020 Democratic candidate - JOE BIDEN.

2. The staff of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, was in contact with this person and knew about the contents of the complaint before it was even filed....and Schiff lied to both Congress and the American people about it. (His contact with the Whistle Blower makes him a Contact Witness, which disqualifies him from being part of the investigation, let alone the one leading it.)

3. The Whistle Blower complaint claims President Trump asked the Ukraine Prime Minister to ā€œlocate and turn over servers.ā€ He did NOT do so - nowhere in the transcripts or testimony so far supports this false claim.

4. The complaint claims President Trump ā€œpraisedā€ a prosecutor named Yuriy Lutsenko and suggested the Ukrainian president ā€œkeep him in his position.ā€ Again, it didn't happen. The transcripts, testimony - even Ukraine's PM -- none of it supports this false claim.

5. No Quid: 'the Ukrainians say they had no knowledge the aid was being withheld until a month after the call. How can you demand a quo when the target is unaware of the quid?'

6. The aid Democrats and the Whistle Blower claim was held back was releasedā€”despite no ā€œinvestigationā€ or ā€œdirtā€ from Ukraine.

7. Ukraine's Prosecutor, Mr. Zelensky, has twice said there was no ā€œpressureā€ or ā€œblackmailā€ from the U.S. with regard to an investigation. Democrats - who are at best a complete 3rd of 4th party who were not involved in the conversation - insist that THEY and THEIR fictional accounts of what happened be believed over those directly involved.

8. Kurt Volker, the former special representative to Ukraine, testified last week to the House Intelligence Committee that "Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussionā€ during negotiations".

Democrats / snowflakes claim the transcript of the phone call that was released contains criminal evidence of Quid Pro Quo by the President ... YET when D-Adam Schiff held a televised House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment he did NOT read the transcript that supposedly contained the criminal evidence they say exists. Instead, Schiff read a fictional, manufactured account of the call that HE authored, presenting it as the actual, legitimate transcript of the conversation! Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi even declared in an interview a short time later that what Schiff had read was President Trump's actual words.

The truth quickly came out that what Schiff read and what he claimed - that it was the actual words used in by the President during the conversation - was his own fictional creation and that he had lied in an attempt to seditiously con Americans into believing the President had attempted to extort the Ukraine Prime Minister and incite them into demanding the President be removed from office. As the backlash against Schiff grew, he and the MS< attempted to spin his Sedition as an intentional 'parody', a fictional skit meant to be 'funny' during the serious Committee hearing on the possible Impeachment of a US President...


Popcorn: WSJ Columnist Wrecks The Democrats' Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Claims

As it stands, there is growing pressure in the House for a vote to be held to Censure D-Schiff for his attempt to present his fictional account as legitimate evidence during his Committee Hearing. Schiff also faces a House Ethics Violation complaint for demonstrating a willingness to collaborate / collude with Ukrainian politicians to acquire 'dirt' on the President to help the Democrats' attempt to remove the President from office.

And THIS is what they are staging a faux impeachment over?

The democrat desperation stinks to high heaven since Barr went to Ukraine!
THIS is the LATEST faux Impeachment scam the Democrats are willing to further divide the nation over, grinding Congressional business involving legitimate concerns / issues effecting this nation to a halt in an effort to do what will benefit them and their party politically the most.

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