Wow....some hope for the left!

Law and order is going to THE issue for a long time, I think.

When Trump came in it was illegal immigrants, but the black crime is so bad now, we have to focus on that. Even some dems realize that law and order will sell, I guess.
I don't think seeing all the boats/trucks lined up plays well in Cali
Yeah, the Wall Street Journal yesterday said a whole lot of people (the ones with money, whites as a rule) are leaving the California coastal cities and settling either in the interior of the state or in states further east. They had a graph ----- the numbers are huge, I was startled. Since the blacks have organized into small army raids on stores, I bet a lot more will leave.
Law and order is going to THE issue for a long time, I think.

When Trump came in it was illegal immigrants, but the black crime is so bad now, we have to focus on that. Even some dems realize that law and order will sell, I guess.
Even commie Gavin Newsom was on the news last night vomiting his displeasure for the cameras over the criminal activity in SF. His indignation is way too little, way too late.
You Democrats need to get rid of those DINOs.
Most Democrats are corporatists. <- follow the link before you assume you know what corporatism means. An excerpt:
Corporatism is a collectivist political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, business, scientific, or guild associations, on the basis of their common interests. The term is derived from the Latin corpus, or "human body". The hypothesis that society will reach a peak of harmonious functioning when each of its divisions efficiently performs its designated function, such as a body's organs individually contributing its general health and functionality, lies at the center of corporatist theory. Corporatism does not refer to a political system dominated by large business interests, even though the latter are commonly referred to as "corporations" in modern American legal and pop cultural parlance; instead, the correct term for this theoretical system would be corporatocracy. However, the Cambridge dictionary says that a corporate state is a country in which a large part of the economy is controlled by the government.

Corporatism is not government corruption in politics or the use of bribery by corporate interest groups. The terms corporatocracy and corporatism are often confused due to their use of corporations as organs of the state.
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Is he up for re-election next year? If so there is a better than average chance this epiphany of his is more about saving his political ass than anything else.
California is deteriorating very rapidly....
It may be about saving California.

California is deteriorating very rapidly....
It may be about saving California.

You know, this is a good point. The power company expects to cut off a hundred thousand people during Thanksgiving, I read on the Bloomberg headlines, because of high winds likely to set fire to the state again. Black gangs are plundering like Vikings in all major cities in California now, including last night, homeless are taking over San Francisco, they are Covid-mandating them to death again, the only thing not going wrong is they haven't got an earthquake right now (I better shut up! It's like Igor saying, "At least it isn't raining." Kaboom!)
You know, this is a good point. The power company expects to cut off a hundred thousand people during Thanksgiving, I read on the Bloomberg headlines, because of high winds likely to set fire to the state again. Black gangs are plundering like Vikings in all major cities in California now, including last night, homeless are taking over San Francisco, they are Covid-mandating them to death again, the only thing not going wrong is they haven't got an earthquake right now (I better shut up! It's like Igor saying, "At least it isn't raining." Kaboom!)
They will need the national guard in there at this point. When the retailers all shut down and move it's going to get very ugly. The gangs will simply walk right into your house and go shopping and kill you if you have anything to say about it. This is coming now....however when the black gangs hit the Hispanic neighborhoods they will probably wish they hadn't....just sayin.

He sounds very grounded and reasonable.....I wish him the best...he's going to need it. They will attack the hell out of him for not being a Stalinist recruit. More than anything else he sounds Intelligent....unlike 90 percent of the assholes we elect to office today....sounds like he has a firm grasp of the actual facts. Sheesh.....we could use about 500 more just like him.

They will need the national guard in there at this point. When the retailers all shut down and move it's going to get very ugly. The gangs will simply walk right into your house and go shopping and kill you if you have anything to say about it. This is coming now....however when the black gangs hit the Hispanic neighborhoods they will probably wish they hadn't....just sayin.

I am thinking there is a lot of anger building up in the white community. Up and up but no one protects us, no one stops the crime, it just gets worse and worse and worse. And we let it.

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