Wow...even liberals can't defend Solyndra on this one..


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
As the company was about to declare bankruptcy...Solyndra executives helped themselves to $60,000 the same time this happened...the White House was considering a 2nd bailout.

While congressional Republicans are trying to find out more about the role the White House played in the $535 million loan guarantee that was awarded to Solyndra by the Department of Energy, the bankruptcy documents offer extensive information about what was happening internally at Solyndra.

According to the documents, chief financial officer Wilbur Stover was awarded a $60,000 bonus in April and in July. So were executive vice president Ben Bierman and senior vice president John Gaffney. Other executives enjoyed slightly smaller sums - marketing executive Karen Alter was awarded $55,000 in April and in July; Vincent Valentin, another vice president, earned two $44,000 bonuses.

Read more: Solyndra Execs Reaped Bonuses Before Bankruptcy, Documents Show | Fox News
Dude ... who cares? Didn't you hear that someone knows someone that heard that some lady was offended by some thing that Herman Cain did. She went to an ivy league school too. You can't argue with those specifics. Now that's news worth 5 days of straight coverage. Not this crap about some Solyndra chick. Wait is this Solyndra chick one of the chicks sexually harassed by Herman Cain ... cause then it might be worthy of coverage.
Very shady dealings on this one. And this isn't the only Company in this awful cronyism nightmare. There are other companies now being exposed. This may not even be the worst case. It's very clear these people who ran this company were close friends of the President and were big campaign donors. This is beyond scandal. This is just plain sad.
and not one peep from the NAACP? im sure the black community could of used the 535 Million dollars Obama flushed down the toilet. Why aren't they complaining?
Cronyism at it worst. But stay tuned because this isn't the only company the President gave handouts to. It actually gets worse.
Liberals bitch and bitch that the conservatives wont allow them to create jobs, how brainless and ignorant are they? how does the left expect to create jobs with a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit? do they really think that stealing a few billion from the rich will create 8 or so million jobs?
Someone needs to be arrested over this debacle. A serious crime has been committed against the people. Time for accountability.

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