Wow! As a Democrat I was embarrassed last night.

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.
Just Millionaires Being Millionaires.
You think Socialists Do this Shit for FREE?
I still think the only Democrat worth a vote is Tulsi.

and she has no chance.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.

if you were an independent (like me!) you'd NEVER be embarrassed by either party again!

you could laugh at BOTH of them!
Warren is good at throwing money at problems. She had a huge number ready for every problem anyone came up with.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.
so we can get Bloomberg and his version of megalomania....what a choice.....
Instead of being embarrassed...spend tonight getting charged up with a positive attitude and good spirit by watching the TRUMP RALLY at 6:00 pm :banana:

I think the debate was as entertaining as the group therapy sessions Nurse Ratchett held in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.

If you think Mini Mike won anything, I have some swampland I want to sell you.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

NO disrespect intended, seriously, but that wasn't 'keeping his composure'....Bloomberg was 'shell-shocked'.

In the aftermath of a rocket attack in close proximity or a 'flash-bang' grenade going off in your face - as you probably have seen portrayed on TV, 'you' are usually disoriented, 'you' can't hear, and 'you' are moving slow while you can see people moving quickly (it seems) around 'you'....

Warren charged out of the 'gate' last night and lobbed a 'flash-bang' right into Bloomberg's 'grill'...he was not ready for it, seemed disoriented, and was - for the most part, it seemed - on the defensive the rest of the night. He had a couple of good moments, but he was 'rocked' right off the bat.

His campaign / debate-prep team did NOT prepare him enough for what he faced...or maybe he just didn't listen, maybe he just thought, "I got this".

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