Wouldn't A Better Response For Trump To Have Made Be To


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Simply pick up the phone, call the grieving widow, Myeshia Johnson, the wife of fallen solder Sgt. Johnson, and simply say to her something to the effect of...

"Mrs. Johnson, I'm so sorry that if what I said came out or was understood that way, but what I meant was, that he served well and I'm sorry for your loss. The country suffers in his loss. His death was not in vain."

Wouldn't that have been, like, a gazillion billion trillion villion times better than what he actually did, which was to punch down and pummel the grieving widow and her family with his childish self-defensive callous brutishness?

This man is not human, he's something else all together.

MY EE SHE AAH!!! She probably descended from Afro American Kings and Princes in the make believe Africa that is not a village of rapists and mud huts.
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Wouldn't it have been better if Obama did the same about dead police officers and speaking to their families? Shall I wait for a shitty excuse from you for Obama's behavior?
Wouldn't it have been better if Obama did the same about dead police officers and speaking to their families? Shall I wait for a shitty excuse from you for Obama's behavior?
Can't address the deplorable and utterly reprehensible behavior of 45 huh?

I get it.
Obama said so many dumb things it is impossible to count them. Yet, you had not problem with it.

What changed?
I had to google to find out what Trump said to Myeshia Johnson. Something about he knew the risks when he signed up.. Let's state the obvious. That that remark was part of a longer conversation and yanked out of context, that it isn't possible to say exactly the right thing to someone who just lost a loved one. No matter. Some people are so determined to criticize every thing President Trump does, details and reason don't matter.
"Wouldn't that have been, like, a gazillion billion trillion villion times better than what he actually did, which was to punch down and pummel the grieving widow and her family with his childish self-defensive callous brutishness?

This man is not human, he's something else all together."

Aren't you being a little hysterical here ?

Trump could have chosen better words, but he probably simply meant:

"He knew what he signed up for" (yet he answered his country's call anyway).
Simply pick up the phone, call the grieving widow, Myeshia Johnson, the wife of fallen solder Sgt. Johnson, and simply say to her something to the effect of...

"Mrs. Johnson, I'm so sorry that if what I said came out or was understood that way, but what I meant was, that he served well and I'm sorry for your loss. The country suffers in his loss. His death was not in vain."

Wouldn't that have been, like, a gazillion billion trillion villion times better than what he actually did, which was to punch down and pummel the grieving widow and her family with his childish self-defensive callous brutishness?

This man is not human, he's something else all together.


But to Trump, he would rather say "I like having anal sex with men" than say "I'm sorry".
No transcript of the PRIVATE conversation between a grieving widow and her President. Nor should there be; it was PRIVATE.

Wouldn't it have been better if Obama did the same about dead police officers and speaking to their families? Shall I wait for a shitty excuse from you for Obama's behavior?

Does this answer mean that you have no issues with how both Obama and Trump approached these situations?

Or does it mean you agree with the OP that Trump's words were as inappropriate as Obama's?

Or does it mean that you are a hypocritical partisan hack?
Wouldn't it have been better if Obama did the same about dead police officers and speaking to their families? Shall I wait for a shitty excuse from you for Obama's behavior?

Does this answer mean that you have no issues with how both Obama and Trump approached these situations?

Or does it mean you agree with the OP that Trump's words were as inappropriate as Obama's?

Or does it mean that you are a hypocritical partisan hack?

We don't know what the President said. You are going by what a hysterical Partisan said. Frankly sounds quite pathetic of the Dem freak.

Like we keep telling you Trump haters MSM smears Trump on purpose in the media to keep you dumbasses in their stupid club. As proven on the left of the image.



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Then we have this story where the FATHER says the complete opposite MSM IS FULL OF FKN chit and you dumbasses fall for it all over and over having no clue wtf you even hate Trump and worse part is the hate you have for the GUY is based off of FALSE INFORMATIOn no different than someone hating you just because someone down the street said you smell like puke when you don't.


Father Of Soldier Slain In Niger Says Pres. Trump Was ‘Real Cordial’ In Condolence Call
Wouldn't it have been better if Obama did the same about dead police officers and speaking to their families? Shall I wait for a shitty excuse from you for Obama's behavior?

Does this answer mean that you have no issues with how both Obama and Trump approached these situations?

Or does it mean you agree with the OP that Trump's words were as inappropriate as Obama's?

Or does it mean that you are a hypocritical partisan hack?

We don't know what the President said. You are going by what a hysterical Partisan said. Frankly sounds quite pathetic of the Dem freak.


We don't know what he said.

But we do know of many, many other inappropriate things he has said in the past, so his alleged comments to this widow are not out of character.

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