Would you watch a Pats/Bucs Superbowl if it happened?? Not me I would rather go to a Plus Size Nudie Bar for Women over 40

I beg to disagree.

My buddy told me his uncle made him shoot a deer when he was a kid to make him a man. He didn’t think it was cool for uncle to do. I said, “if you had to go to war and shoot someone, you’d be a lot less traumatized after your first kill because of that experience”

So hand to hand combat, or playing sports, teaches you things too. How to fight in case you have to. How to work with others. Dealing with loss. Being a good winner.

Playing sports helps make you a better man.

Look how many young men say sports kept them off the streets and out of trouble?
Watching a stupid game on TV with a beer in your hand doesn't prepare you for anything.,
Watching a stupid game on TV with a beer in your hand doesn't prepare you for anything.,
No watching doesn't.

If you don't like football, that's cool with me. It's like me with religion. People who go to church tell me I'm missing out. Same with people who love football. I don't know what my dad would do without sports on tv after my mom died. It's the only thing that makes him happy.
Who would you rather them get paid by and how would that assure they aren’t cheating?

The Vegas mafia can still get to the refs. That’s why I like it that calls can be reviewed and overturned. Now 1 guy can’t rig the game. They’d all have to be in on it.
IDGF about your religion. You figure it out. It would probably start by breaking up the cartels, to begin with.

You make your peace, that isn't my job.

Corruption and Manipulation in Sports: Interdisciplinary Perspectives​

No watching doesn't.

If you don't like football, that's cool with me. It's like me with religion. People who go to church tell me I'm missing out. Same with people who love football. I don't know what my dad would do without sports on tv after my mom died. It's the only thing that makes him happy.
Playing doesn't either.
Even if they go, as long as they don't win, it's all good. Because I would enjoy watching Jerry Jones losing a superbowl.

Sure it's better to think about him sitting at home watching a superbowl and being butt hurt but this way we get to see the disappointment.
Jerry Jones losing a SB.....Yeah, I can see how a man would derive a certain amount of pleasure from that. ;)
I was too busy surviving to waste my time on games that mean nothing
Oh that sucks for you. I guess my advice should be, if you aren't suffering from extreme poverty, or living in a war torn country, sports are good. If you are trying to survive, fuck playing sports.

Although I'm sure if you were a running back on a football team that might help you when you steal a loaf of bread and have to run with it.
Watching the best QB in the game against the best rookie QB? Sounds like a good game.
I dont want to see Belechick and Brady face. I rather look at the ass cheeks of a fat lady over 40
Well hell, who wouldn't? A curvy woman over 40 (I prefer over 45) is the best! If you are still chasing those 20somethings you are a joke.
No I think I have officially retired from 20 somethings
I beg to disagree.

My buddy told me his uncle made him shoot a deer when he was a kid to make him a man. He didn’t think it was cool for uncle to do. I said, “if you had to go to war and shoot someone, you’d be a lot less traumatized after your first kill because of that experience”

So hand to hand combat, or playing sports, teaches you things too. How to fight in case you have to. How to work with others. Dealing with loss. Being a good winner.

Playing sports helps make you a better man.

Look how many young men say sports kept them off the streets and out of trouble?
Watching a game played by other people on TV doesn't teach anybody anything.
Watching a lot of things doesn't teach anybody anything. But it is still entertaining.
I don't watch much sports on TV.

However, if that is your entertainment then that is fine with me. I would never ridicule somebody for liking something I don't care about.

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