Would there be democracy(republicanism) without whites?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Would there be democracy(republicanism) without whites? We all know in the 4th century BC Athens had the first democracy and the Roman republic from the 6th through 1st century BC. Would it of even of developed without the white race? I know you blacks hate white people, but you do have to give some credit to whites for many good things.

I'd also give whites credit for advancing human rights and ending slavery. Do you agree or disagree?
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That's like asking a liberal to give credit to a conservative. If whites didn't exist? This world wouldn't be remotely similar - yes, and yes!
Would there be democracy(republicanism) without whites? We all know in the 4th century BC Athens had the first democracy and the Roman republic from the 6th through 1st century BC. Would it of even of developed without the white race? I know you blacks hate white people, but you do have to give some credit to whites for many good things.

I'd also give whites credit for advancing human rights and ending slavery. Do you agree or disagree?

You're are a sick worthless SOB; who or what made you into the piece of shit which you have become?
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Would there be democracy(republicanism) without whites? We all know in the 4th century BC Athens had the first democracy and the Roman republic from the 6th through 1st century BC. Would it of even of developed without the white race? I know you blacks hate white people, but you do have to give some credit to whites for many good things.

I'd also give whites credit for advancing human rights and ending slavery. Do you agree or disagree?

You're are a sick worthless SOB; who or what made you into the piece of shit which you have become?

Hey, I'm asking an honest question. Don't like it, please don't read it. Blacks seem to be blaming whites for everything wrong in this world, so I'm going to point out the rights.
Would there be democracy(republicanism) without whites? We all know in the 4th century BC Athens had the first democracy and the Roman republic from the 6th through 1st century BC. Would it of even of developed without the white race? I know you blacks hate white people, but you do have to give some credit to whites for many good things.

I'd also give whites credit for advancing human rights and ending slavery. Do you agree or disagree?

Oh my god, this again? Seriously Matthew if whites are so magical why do guys like you need to point out the accomplishments of other guys to make yourself look good instead of doing something just as great(y'know since your so great due to being white:rolleyes:). don't let the black devil hold you down. until then I'll just continue to appreciate the whites who worked their asses off. Why is it that you give more credit to the race rather than the people who actually did something, do you think they'd like a little recognition? Since whites contributed so much to the world then lets not forget the A-bomb(one of the greatest threats to humanity at the time) or the European colonization of Africa between the 1870s and 1900.:eusa_whistle:

But seriously Matthew,How often does some black ever come up to you and blame you for anything(if ever)? How often do you experience black racist(and don't throw that Obama BS at me)?:confused: I don't know what kind of f*cked up neighborhood you live in, but where I live races seem to get along just fine.
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