Would it be unethical or immoral for a 40 year-old man to procreate with a 14 year-old girl if...

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Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
...they were the last two remaining people on Earth?

I say no, it would not. Being fruitful and multiplying as soon as possible would be a "good" thing, based on my personal belief system. How about you?
If they are the only two people left, then they get to decide what is moral or ethical and the opinions of people that no longer live does not matter. That being said, it would be difficult for them to know if they are the last two people on Earth.
...they were the last two remaining people on Earth?

I say no, it would not. Being fruitful and multiplying as soon as possible would be a "good" thing, based on my personal belief system. How about you?

Maybe by liberal standards it would be unethical, because
(1) nobody would be around to provide free health care if they had children,
(2) nor abort pregnancy to prevent children from being born into a life of deprivation,
(3) since there would be no government to support welfare benefits, a guaranteed job and free college.
Trying to turn a 14 year old girl into a baby factory is just a very bad for health reasons alone, for both the baby(ies) and the 14 year old.
Keep the flippant pedophilia references out and this conversation could make for an interesting discussion in Religion and Ethics. Zone 2.

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...they were the last two remaining people on Earth?

I say no, it would not. Being fruitful and multiplying as soon as possible would be a "good" thing, based on my personal belief system. How about you?

Biology (and the vast majority of human history) would disagree with you.
...they were the last two remaining people on Earth?

I say no, it would not. Being fruitful and multiplying as soon as possible would be a "good" thing, based on my personal belief system. How about you?

Biology (and the vast majority of human history) would disagree with you.

Maybe so. I'm not a medical doctor but the question is whether it's moral or ethical.
Too young. The idea is repulsive to me.

Setting aside for a moment the medical-risk to the young female for a moment, is it preferable to wait and risk, for the sake of discussion, the male dying prematurely and the human race becoming extinct?
...they were the last two remaining people on Earth?

I say no, it would not. Being fruitful and multiplying as soon as possible would be a "good" thing, based on my personal belief system. How about you?

Biology (and the vast majority of human history) would disagree with you.

Maybe so. I'm not a medical doctor but the question is whether it's moral or ethical.

At the end of civilization, survival supersedes subjective ethics.
Some are uncomfortable with this topic. Ethic discussions tend to do that. I found the following statement that might apply here.

Ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion. In such cases, societal and personal ethical guidelines can provide no satisfactory outcome for the chooser.
Some are uncomfortable with this topic. Ethic discussions tend to do that. I found the following statement that might apply here.

Ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion. In such cases, societal and personal ethical guidelines can provide no satisfactory outcome for the chooser.
It is not an ethical dilemma. If one finds procreating with an adolescent unethical, then not procreating with an adolescent resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.
It is not an ethical dilemma. If one finds procreating with an adolescent unethical, then not procreating with an adolescent resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.

Let's say that the man and the young female didn't want to procreate ever and agreed to let the human species go extinct. Do you believe that would be ethical? I suppose your answer depends upon your philosophy. One who adheres to the philosophy below would, presumably, support the argument that it would be ethical for them to procreate.

Consequentialism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Consequentialism, as its name suggests, is simply the view that normative properties depend only on consequences. This historically important and still popular theory embodies the basic intuition that what is best or right is whatever makes the world best in the future, because we cannot change the past, so worrying about the past is no more useful than crying over spilled milk. This general approach can be applied at different levels to different normative properties of different kinds of things, but the most prominent example is probably consequentialism about the moral rightness of acts, which holds that whether an act is morally right depends only on the consequences of that act or of something related to that act, such as the motive behind the act or a general rule requiring acts of the same kind.
But then all their progeny would be entirely inbred. No, it would be unethical to submit descendants to such likely misery.
...they were the last two remaining people on Earth?

I say no, it would not. Being fruitful and multiplying as soon as possible would be a "good" thing, based on my personal belief system. How about you?
When I was in the Navy I had a girlfriend that claimed to be 15. She was born in the Philippines she was working in a bar as a dancer. She had an I.D. that said that she was 19. I was 20 at the time so the age difference wasn't that much....but still, I think she was a bit too young to get married...even though it's common overseas for even younger girls to get married. Now, if you're talking about Bill Clinton in his 70s screwing 14 year olds.....that's pretty perverted....unless he's a Muslim.....who marries more than one wife and regularly have slaves.....maybe Bill thinks he's a Muslim. Perhaps that's how they got so many in our government to secretly convert to Islam.....so they could poke a few 14 year olds.
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