Would an Ambassador Need The Email Address of the Secretary of State...

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Would an Ambassador Need The Email Address of the Secretary of State...in order to get the attention of the Secretary? Couldn't an Ambassador simply pick up the phone, send a cable...to get in touch with the Secretary of State?

What is wrong with the GOP prosecution case against Hillary Clinton? Will any right winger, conservative, or Clinton hater (any combination of those will do too) stand up and claim Ambassador Stevens needed Clinton's personal email in order to get in touch with her?
Would an Ambassador Need The Email Address of the Secretary of State...in order to get the attention of the Secretary? Couldn't an Ambassador simply pick up the phone, send a cable...to get in touch with the Secretary of State?

What is wrong with the GOP prosecution case against Hillary Clinton? Will any right winger, conservative, or Clinton hater (any combination of those will do too) stand up and claim Ambassador Stevens needed Clinton's personal email in order to get in touch with her?
Why would anyone claim that? The email portion of the investigation is to get hard data on any information before, during, or after the attack. aka Did they communicate via email considering potential threats in Benghazi...... Trying to connect the dots of what transpired leading up to, as it happened, and after the fact..............

A Predator Drone was on station during the attack...................monitoring the whole thing..................They, via NSA or DOD would have notified the chain of command and the President would receive the data immediately..........They had real time intel throughout the attack to rescue of the whole ordeal.............

What gets me the most about Benghazi, is the attempted cover up for Political reasons immediately after the attack................The Video did it when they knew damned well that was BS......................They should have said it was a terrorist attack up front................the warning before the attack weren't acknowledged..........so we screwed up and didn't evacuate or increase security.................Even more than that is why a ready reaction force wasn't in the area given how dangerous the region was.............so dangerous that England had pulled it's people out......................

Don't LIE TO US ABOUT IT..........aka the VIDEO...........say we screwed up and made a mistake by ignoring the danger....................
These jobs are inherently dangerous............those serving there knew this..............................
There is no way that we can guarantee the safety at all the embassies of the world...............because we don't know when and where they will attack......don't Lie about it when it goes down....................say the simple truth and get on with it.....................
The aftermath tragedy is that they felt it was necessary to lie to the American people................other than that, lets HOPE they have recognized to keep ready reaction
units in area hot spots because of the lessons of Benghazi.
Would an Ambassador Need The Email Address of the Secretary of State...in order to get the attention of the Secretary? Couldn't an Ambassador simply pick up the phone, send a cable...to get in touch with the Secretary of State?

What is wrong with the GOP prosecution case against Hillary Clinton? Will any right winger, conservative, or Clinton hater (any combination of those will do too) stand up and claim Ambassador Stevens needed Clinton's personal email in order to get in touch with her?
Why would anyone claim that? The email portion of the investigation is to get hard data on any information before, during, or after the attack. aka Did they communicate via email considering potential threats in Benghazi..i.

Diplomats and State Dept personnel communicate more often by other means than by email
Would an Ambassador Need The Email Address of the Secretary of State...in order to get the attention of the Secretary? Couldn't an Ambassador simply pick up the phone, send a cable...to get in touch with the Secretary of State?

What is wrong with the GOP prosecution case against Hillary Clinton? Will any right winger, conservative, or Clinton hater (any combination of those will do too) stand up and claim Ambassador Stevens needed Clinton's personal email in order to get in touch with her?
Why would anyone claim that? The email portion of the investigation is to get hard data on any information before, during, or after the attack. aka Did they communicate via email considering potential threats in Benghazi..i.

Diplomats and State Dept personnel communicate more often by other means than by email
Would an Ambassador Need The Email Address of the Secretary of State...in order to get the attention of the Secretary? Couldn't an Ambassador simply pick up the phone, send a cable...to get in touch with the Secretary of State?

What is wrong with the GOP prosecution case against Hillary Clinton? Will any right winger, conservative, or Clinton hater (any combination of those will do too) stand up and claim Ambassador Stevens needed Clinton's personal email in order to get in touch with her?
Why would anyone claim that? The email portion of the investigation is to get hard data on any information before, during, or after the attack. aka Did they communicate via email considering potential threats in Benghazi..i.

Diplomats and State Dept personnel communicate more often by other means than by email
So what's up with the psychotic obsession with emails?

Would an Ambassador Need The Email Address of the Secretary of State...in order to get the attention of the Secretary? Couldn't an Ambassador simply pick up the phone, send a cable...to get in touch with the Secretary of State?

What is wrong with the GOP prosecution case against Hillary Clinton? Will any right winger, conservative, or Clinton hater (any combination of those will do too) stand up and claim Ambassador Stevens needed Clinton's personal email in order to get in touch with her?
Why would anyone claim that? The email portion of the investigation is to get hard data on any information before, during, or after the attack. aka Did they communicate via email considering potential threats in Benghazi..i.

Diplomats and State Dept personnel communicate more often by other means than by email
So what's up with the psychotic obsession with emails?

You don't know much about handling confidential and classified data or material do you?
Diplomats and State Dept personnel communicate more often by other means than by email
So what's up with the psychotic obsession with emails?

You don't know much about handling confidential and classified data or material do you?
Secretary Clinton communicated more often by other means than by email. The proof is it is mostly emails between her and friends. Official business of state was handled with cables, memos, secure phones...

get some rest
Diplomats and State Dept personnel communicate more often by other means than by email
So what's up with the psychotic obsession with emails?

You don't know much about handling confidential and classified data or material do you?
Secretary Clinton communicated more often by other means than by email. The proof is it is mostly emails between her and friends. Official business of state was handled with cables, memos, secure phones...

get some rest
Yeah right................That's how they found the Classified emails that she said didn't exist.....................Put your head back into the sand.
State Dept. says 150 more classified emails in latest Hillary Clinton release - Washington Times

The Obama administration is increasingly finding classified information in former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails, declaring secret material in nearly 3 percent of the batch released late Monday night.

That is up from just 1.7 percent of the emails in the previous releases and raises questions about whether the new set of emails is more troublesome or whether the administration is being more strict after repeated warnings by watchdogs that Mrs. Clinton’s messages contain matters that should not be made public.

All told, the government redacted parts of at least 125 messages because of secrecy out of 4,348 emails released Monday, as the State Department rushes to comply with a judge’s order that all 30,000 of Mrs. Clinton’s messages from her time as secretary be made public.
Diplomats and State Dept personnel communicate more often by other means than by email
So what's up with the psychotic obsession with emails?

You don't know much about handling confidential and classified data or material do you?
Secretary Clinton communicated more often by other means than by email. The proof is it is mostly emails between her and friends. Official business of state was handled with cables, memos, secure phones...

get some rest
Yeah right................That's how they found the Classified emails that she said didn't exist.....................Put your head back into the sand.
majority of work was done in meetings and in memos, cables, secure phone lines and not on emails

sorry, your obsession with emails is infecting your mind
So what's up with the psychotic obsession with emails?

You don't know much about handling confidential and classified data or material do you?
Secretary Clinton communicated more often by other means than by email. The proof is it is mostly emails between her and friends. Official business of state was handled with cables, memos, secure phones...

get some rest
Yeah right................That's how they found the Classified emails that she said didn't exist.....................Put your head back into the sand.
majority of work was done in meetings and in memos, cables, secure phone lines and not on emails

sorry, your obsession with emails is infecting your mind
Again, you haven't been around classified data much...............You sign papers for the clearance, and if you violate it your ass gets the slammer.............but that is for the little people.............aka the military in my case.........................A Clinton, can just violate the law as she chooses without consequence..............even after firing some who did even less than her..............

And of course the Liberal Brigade will kiss her ass for it.
tired old crap

it's all in the testimony you obviously did not pay attention to

Read the full transcript of Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi
I served and signed papers for Classified Data...............her emails were a violation of the rules..........they have found Secret and Classified data on her server............under the rules her ass should have already been grass...................................PERIOD...............

But with the Libs in the WH the DOJ will not prosecute squat........................she should be in jail.
So what's up with the psychotic obsession with emails?

You don't know much about handling confidential and classified data or material do you?
Secretary Clinton communicated more often by other means than by email. The proof is it is mostly emails between her and friends. Official business of state was handled with cables, memos, secure phones...

get some rest
Yeah right................That's how they found the Classified emails that she said didn't exist.....................Put your head back into the sand.
majority of work was done in meetings and in memos, cables, secure phone lines and not on emails

sorry, your obsession with emails is infecting your mind
Again, you haven't been around classified data much...............You sign papers for the clearance, and if you violate it your ass gets the slammer.............but that is for the little people.............aka the military in my case.........................A Clinton, can just violate the law as she chooses without consequence..............even after firing some who did even less than her..............

And of course the Liberal Brigade will kiss her ass for it.
Stop regurgitating crap from discredited FOX News experts like the odd couple

Who Are The Right-Wing Media's Benghazi Lawyers Victoria Toensing And Joseph diGenova?
tired old crap

it's all in the testimony you obviously did not pay attention to

Read the full transcript of Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi
I served and signed papers for Classified Data...............her emails were a violation of the rules..........they have found Secret and Classified data on her server............under the rules her ass should have already been grass...................................PERIOD...............

But with the Libs in the WH the DOJ will not prosecute squat........................she should be in jail.
Go tell it to the judge, you weirdo

wtf are you, Linda Tripp?

tired old crap

it's all in the testimony you obviously did not pay attention to

Read the full transcript of Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi
I served and signed papers for Classified Data...............her emails were a violation of the rules..........they have found Secret and Classified data on her server............under the rules her ass should have already been grass...................................PERIOD...............

But with the Libs in the WH the DOJ will not prosecute squat........................she should be in jail.
Go tell it to the judge, you weirdo

wtf are you, Linda Tripp?

Yawn........................Again, you know nothing of classified data and the handling of it.....................

Just as you don't care about Truth and Honor as well.............something political hacks don't care about................Hillary is a Lying Sack who has violated the rules of handling Secret and Classified data...........................

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