~Worst Movie You Have Ever Seen~

Avitar the last Air Bender. It's was nothing more than highlights from an entire season of the cartoon.

Followed by every movie that portrays the mob as anything less than murdering scum.

And just behind, every movie that has a large corporation in it. They are always the bad guy.

Then you would have hated Michael Clayton (George Clooney as a "fixer").
This whole thread can be summed up in this one post: John Water's Pink Flamingos.

Who can top that?

So bad that its good?

Kinda like "Plan 9 from Outer Space" you don't even count those movies. The ones I look at are either high budget, big stars or loved by the Acadamy Awards
This whole thread can be summed up in this one post: John Water's Pink Flamingos.

Who can top that?

So bad that its good?

Kinda like "Plan 9 from Outer Space" you don't even count those movies. The ones I look at are either high budget, big stars or loved by the Acadamy Awards
Funny thing: I own both Pink Flamingos AND Plan 9 from Outer Space on DVD. I like an eclectic collection.
The book "The Stepford Wives" was terrific, but they just couldn't get the intrigue right in the movie, either the first one or the remake. Same with Amityville Horror. Read the books which are much scarier.

Isn't that the usual way of book to movies?

Now that would be an interesting thread. Which movie was most faithful to the book. Which movie was more enjoyable than the book.

And there are some, The Godfather, The Grapes of Wrath The Shining which were not completely faithful to the book but made for great films on their own.

I was totally spooked by both the book and the movie "The Exorcist."
The book was kinda creepy. I have it. The movie didn't scare me so much, but it startled me with the director's cut and the flash images of the demon in the girl and the walking backwards upside down on all fours down the stairs. THAT was freaky.
The Exorcist was fucking gross at the part where Linda Blair starts stabbing herself in her genitals. Damn, made my head spin round and round.

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