World Population To Keep Growing This Century, Hit 11 Billion By 2100


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
World population to keep growing this century, hit 11 billion by 2100
Sep 18, 2014

The top panel shows total world population projected to 2100. Dotted lines are the range or error using the older scenario method, while shaded regions are the uncertainties using statistical methods. The darker shading is the 80 percent …more
Using modern statistical tools, a new study led by the University of Washington and the United Nations finds that world population is likely to keep growing throughout the 21st century. The number of people on Earth is likely to reach 11 billion by 2100, the study concludes, about 2 billion higher than some previous estimates.


The paper published online Sept. 18 in the journal Science includes the most up-to-date estimates for future world population, as well as a new method for creating such estimates.

"The consensus over the past 20 years or so was that world population, which is currently around 7 billion, would go up to 9 billion and level off or probably decline," said corresponding author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and of sociology. "We found there's a 70 percent probability the world population will not stabilize this century. Population, which had sort of fallen off the world's agenda, remains a very important issue."

The paper explains the most recent United Nations population data released in July. This is the first U.N. population report to use modern statistics, known as Bayesian statistics, that combines all available information to generate better predictions.

Most of the anticipated growth is in Africa, where population is projected to quadruple from around 1 billion today to 4 billion by the end of the century. The main reason is that birth rates in sub-Saharan Africa have not been going down as fast as had been expected. There is an 80 percent chance that the population in Africa at the end of the century will be between 3.5 and 5.1 billion people.

Read more at: World population to keep growing this century hit 11 billion by 2100

We need to stop feeding AFRICA.They either learn to feed themselves or --- stop breeding! The entire world is going to be transformed into a third world shit hole.
"About half the countries of the world—now including the United States—have a fertility rate below the replacement level of 2.1. America’s population likely will continue to grow for the foreseeable future because of immigration and longer life spans, but population growth probably won’t continue unless something changes. A shrinking population—after 200 years of growth—will create enormous social and economic disruption. These disruptions are already making themselves felt in some European countries. If current trends continue, the centuries-long rise in global population will top out within the next 30 years or so and we’ll see a gradual reduction in worldwide population."

WORLD Signs and Wonders Worldwide population implosion Warren Cole Smith Jan. 9 2014

Developed countries have flat line population growth.

Developing countries have explosive growth of populations.

Food Production will need to increase by 70% by 2050 to feed the world.

Biofuels are using large amounts of food, aka corn, in the production of fuel.

About a Billion people on the planet are already hungry. Millions currently face starvation primarily in Africa.

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