World Federation of Scientists Says: “Climate Change Not An Emergency"


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
The World Federation of Scientists has revised its policy. Climate change is no longer an emergency.

In fact, there are benefits to increases in CO2, such as increased food production and relief of starvation. The scientists also reject the role of politics in the debate.

Finally, a rational outlook.

he World Federation of Scientists, at its annual seminars on planetary emergencies, has been advised by its own climate monitoring panel that global warming is no longer a planetary emergency. The President of the Italian Senate, Judge Pietro Grasso … and the President of the Federation, Professor Antonino Zichichi {emeritus professor of Physics, U of Bologna}, said that care should be taken to examine carefully the basis for concern about CO2 emissions as well as the relevance and cost-effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures.

… This year Dr. Christopher Essex, Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario and chairman of the Federation’s permanent monitoring panel on climate, gave the Federation’s closing plenary session his panel’s confirmation that “Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.”

… {Essex said} “Human societies have lived and thriven under every conceivable climate, and modern technology makes adaptation to changing weather conditions entirely routine.” The increasing fraction of CO2 in the air could be expected to result in some warming, but it had been accepted that “the benefits of food production and the relief of starvation overwhelm concerns about the potential climate changes induced by land-surface modification.”

… “Our greatest concern at present is that the intellectual climate for scientific investigation of these matters has become so hostile and politicized that the necessary research and debate cannot freely take place. Political constraints take the form of declaring the underlying science to be settled when it clearly is not; defunding or denigrating research that is perceived to threaten the case for renewable energy; or the use of odious pejoratives like “denialist” to describe dissent from officially-sanctioned views on climate science.”

World Federation of Scientists changes its policy: ?Climate change in itself is not a planetary emergency.? | Fabius Maximus
As has been covered in another thread, the "World Federation of Scientists" has roughly two members left, both of them lifelong global warming denialists. So you got scammed by the denialist phony organization trick.

WFS was once fairly large, during the cold war, when it worked on nuclear disarmament issues. After the cold war ended, WFS faded to insignificance, with everyone retiring and not getting replaced. It's down to essentially nobody now, with the last sensible members quitting because the leadership is a pack of cranks. That would be why nobody cares what they -- I mean, those two guys -- say.

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