Workin on 1000 days without a budget

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
With the election upcoming it baffles the mind that democrats don't seem to be smart enough to know that the GOP is going to beat them over the head on this issue. 2010 was all about being fiscally responsible and apparently the DEMs intend to just say FUCK YOU AMERICA in 2012?
That's a strange way of responding to the people.
With the election upcoming it baffles the mind that democrats don't seem to be smart enough to know that the GOP is going to beat them over the head on this issue. 2010 was all about being fiscally responsible and apparently the DEMs intend to just say FUCK YOU AMERICA in 2012?
That's a strange way of responding to the people.

and apparently the DEMs intend to just say FUCK YOU AMERICA in 2012?

Why should they stop, now??? :eusa_whistle:
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With the election upcoming it baffles the mind that democrats don't seem to be smart enough to know that the GOP is going to beat them over the head on this issue. 2010 was all about being fiscally responsible and apparently the DEMs intend to just say FUCK YOU AMERICA in 2012?
That's a strange way of responding to the people.

and apparently the DEMs intend to just say FUCK YOU AMERICA in 2012?

Why should they stop, now??? :eusa_whistle:

To get reelected? Lol

If the gop can frame the fiscal issue and pound it we'll have another trouncing.
The tea party only represents a tiny minority of Americans.
They cannot see through their bias, so they remain ignorant of just how out of touch they are with REAL AMERICANS.

The report from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released Tuesday showed support for the tea party dropping nationwide, with more Americans viewing the movement unfavorably. The view of the Republican Party in the 60 districts represented by members of the House Tea Party Caucus has also suffered.
Overall, according to Pew, more Americans (27%) disagree with the goals of the movement than agree (20%), with half of those surveyed having no opinion. A year ago, those numbers were reversed, with 27% of Americans favoring the tea party’s aims.

The decline has been just as steep in districts that sent a tea party follower to Congress. A year ago, 33% in those districts said they agreed with the tea party, now that number is just 25%. In contrast, those who disagreed with the tea party shot up from 18% to 23%. (In March 2010, just 10% of those surveyed said they disagreed with the tea party.)
Tea Party Poll | Buyer's remorse? Poll shows tea party support fading - Los Angeles Times

What has the tea party caucus accomplished?
Oh, a patent reform act and TWO spending bills
April 15, 2011: 2011 United States federal budget (as Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011), Pub.L. 112-10
August 2, 2011: Budget Control Act of 2011, Pub.L. 112-25
September 16, 2011: Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, Pub.L. 112-119, H.R. 1249
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the REAL problem is that Obama and the libs aren't implementing the same policies that led us down the craphole we're in?

Come November, you're going to see JUST HOW IMPOTENT the tea party is.
Here's a hint.
Think over-cooked spaghetti.
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The tea party only represents a tiny minority of Americans.
They cannot see through their bias, so they remain ignorant of just how out of touch they are with REAL AMERICANS.

The report from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released Tuesday showed support for the tea party dropping nationwide, with more Americans viewing the movement unfavorably. The view of the Republican Party in the 60 districts represented by members of the House Tea Party Caucus has also suffered.
Overall, according to Pew, more Americans (27%) disagree with the goals of the movement than agree (20%), with half of those surveyed having no opinion. A year ago, those numbers were reversed, with 27% of Americans favoring the tea party’s aims.

The decline has been just as steep in districts that sent a tea party follower to Congress. A year ago, 33% in those districts said they agreed with the tea party, now that number is just 25%. In contrast, those who disagreed with the tea party shot up from 18% to 23%. (In March 2010, just 10% of those surveyed said they disagreed with the tea party.)
Tea Party Poll | Buyer's remorse? Poll shows tea party support fading - Los Angeles Times

What has the tea party caucus accomplished?
Oh, a patent reform act and TWO spending bills
April 15, 2011: 2011 United States federal budget (as Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011), Pub.L. 112-10
August 2, 2011: Budget Control Act of 2011, Pub.L. 112-25
September 16, 2011: Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, Pub.L. 112-119, H.R. 1249
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the REAL problem is that Obama and the libs aren't implementing the same policies that led us down the craphole we're in?

Come November, you're going to see JUST HOW IMPOTENT the tea party is.
Here's a hint.
Think over-cooked spaghetti.

Put the crack pipe down son. Passing a budget has nothing to do with the tea party. All that shit you're smoking is clouding your thought process.
The tea party only represents a tiny minority of Americans.
They cannot see through their bias, so they remain ignorant of just how out of touch they are with REAL AMERICANS.

The report from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released Tuesday showed support for the tea party dropping nationwide, with more Americans viewing the movement unfavorably. The view of the Republican Party in the 60 districts represented by members of the House Tea Party Caucus has also suffered.
Overall, according to Pew, more Americans (27%) disagree with the goals of the movement than agree (20%), with half of those surveyed having no opinion. A year ago, those numbers were reversed, with 27% of Americans favoring the tea party’s aims.

The decline has been just as steep in districts that sent a tea party follower to Congress. A year ago, 33% in those districts said they agreed with the tea party, now that number is just 25%. In contrast, those who disagreed with the tea party shot up from 18% to 23%. (In March 2010, just 10% of those surveyed said they disagreed with the tea party.)
Tea Party Poll | Buyer's remorse? Poll shows tea party support fading - Los Angeles Times

What has the tea party caucus accomplished?
Oh, a patent reform act and TWO spending bills
April 15, 2011: 2011 United States federal budget (as Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011), Pub.L. 112-10
August 2, 2011: Budget Control Act of 2011, Pub.L. 112-25
September 16, 2011: Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, Pub.L. 112-119, H.R. 1249
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the REAL problem is that Obama and the libs aren't implementing the same policies that led us down the craphole we're in?

Come November, you're going to see JUST HOW IMPOTENT the tea party is.
Here's a hint.
Think over-cooked spaghetti.

Put the crack pipe down son. Passing a budget has nothing to do with the tea party. All that shit you're smoking is clouding your thought process.

Oh, so the tea party caucus in congress hasn't affected the outcome of various votes?

Um...someone is on the crack, but it sure as hell isn't me.
Maybe you should look at the guy who claimed that the tea party has nothing to do with passing a budget. Oh, that's you.
Well, there you go.
With the election upcoming it baffles the mind that democrats don't seem to be smart enough to know that the GOP is going to beat them over the head on this issue. 2010 was all about being fiscally responsible and apparently the DEMs intend to just say FUCK YOU AMERICA in 2012?
That's a strange way of responding to the people.

Feel free to quote any document showing where Congress is required by law to pass a budget.
The tea party only represents a tiny minority of Americans.
They cannot see through their bias, so they remain ignorant of just how out of touch they are with REAL AMERICANS.

The report from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released Tuesday showed support for the tea party dropping nationwide, with more Americans viewing the movement unfavorably. The view of the Republican Party in the 60 districts represented by members of the House Tea Party Caucus has also suffered.
Overall, according to Pew, more Americans (27%) disagree with the goals of the movement than agree (20%), with half of those surveyed having no opinion. A year ago, those numbers were reversed, with 27% of Americans favoring the tea party’s aims.

The decline has been just as steep in districts that sent a tea party follower to Congress. A year ago, 33% in those districts said they agreed with the tea party, now that number is just 25%. In contrast, those who disagreed with the tea party shot up from 18% to 23%. (In March 2010, just 10% of those surveyed said they disagreed with the tea party.)
Tea Party Poll | Buyer's remorse? Poll shows tea party support fading - Los Angeles Times

What has the tea party caucus accomplished?
Oh, a patent reform act and TWO spending bills
April 15, 2011: 2011 United States federal budget (as Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011), Pub.L. 112-10
August 2, 2011: Budget Control Act of 2011, Pub.L. 112-25
September 16, 2011: Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, Pub.L. 112-119, H.R. 1249
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the REAL problem is that Obama and the libs aren't implementing the same policies that led us down the craphole we're in?

Come November, you're going to see JUST HOW IMPOTENT the tea party is.
Here's a hint.
Think over-cooked spaghetti.

Put the crack pipe down son. Passing a budget has nothing to do with the tea party. All that shit you're smoking is clouding your thought process.

Oh, so the tea party caucus in congress hasn't affected the outcome of various votes?

Um...someone is on the crack, but it sure as hell isn't me.
Maybe you should look at the guy who claimed that the tea party has nothing to do with passing a budget. Oh, that's you.
Well, there you go.
HEY NUMBNUTS, how about those 2 years that the DEMS controlled both house and senate. The tea party just came into play in 2010. Get your fucking facts right before you post
The tea party only represents a tiny minority of Americans.
They cannot see through their bias, so they remain ignorant of just how out of touch they are with REAL AMERICANS.

The report from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released Tuesday showed support for the tea party dropping nationwide, with more Americans viewing the movement unfavorably. The view of the Republican Party in the 60 districts represented by members of the House Tea Party Caucus has also suffered.
Overall, according to Pew, more Americans (27%) disagree with the goals of the movement than agree (20%), with half of those surveyed having no opinion. A year ago, those numbers were reversed, with 27% of Americans favoring the tea party’s aims.

The decline has been just as steep in districts that sent a tea party follower to Congress. A year ago, 33% in those districts said they agreed with the tea party, now that number is just 25%. In contrast, those who disagreed with the tea party shot up from 18% to 23%. (In March 2010, just 10% of those surveyed said they disagreed with the tea party.)
Tea Party Poll | Buyer's remorse? Poll shows tea party support fading - Los Angeles Times

What has the tea party caucus accomplished?
Oh, a patent reform act and TWO spending bills
April 15, 2011: 2011 United States federal budget (as Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011), Pub.L. 112-10
August 2, 2011: Budget Control Act of 2011, Pub.L. 112-25
September 16, 2011: Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, Pub.L. 112-119, H.R. 1249
112th United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the REAL problem is that Obama and the libs aren't implementing the same policies that led us down the craphole we're in?

Come November, you're going to see JUST HOW IMPOTENT the tea party is.
Here's a hint.
Think over-cooked spaghetti.

Put the crack pipe down son. Passing a budget has nothing to do with the tea party. All that shit you're smoking is clouding your thought process.

Oh, so the tea party caucus in congress hasn't affected the outcome of various votes?

Um...someone is on the crack, but it sure as hell isn't me.
Maybe you should look at the guy who claimed that the tea party has nothing to do with passing a budget. Oh, that's you.
Well, there you go.

This thread is NOT about "various votes" in congress.

Nice try oh budgetless one.
Put the crack pipe down son. Passing a budget has nothing to do with the tea party. All that shit you're smoking is clouding your thought process.

Oh, so the tea party caucus in congress hasn't affected the outcome of various votes?

Um...someone is on the crack, but it sure as hell isn't me.
Maybe you should look at the guy who claimed that the tea party has nothing to do with passing a budget. Oh, that's you.
Well, there you go.
HEY NUMBNUTS, how about those 2 years that the DEMS controlled both house and senate. The tea party just came into play in 2010. Get your fucking facts right before you post

So where's the budget from you guys?
Dems gave you the opportunity to create a budget after you won in 2010. What have you done since? A patent reform law and two spending laws.

You whine about democrats, yet what have republiCONS produced? NOTHING. The DO NOTHING congress passed 14 laws during their tenure. The tea party has passed THREE. THREE laws in the TOUGHEST ECONOMIC times since the great depression. So much for caring about any job other than their own.

You complain when dems pass legislation and you complain when they don't.

Why don't you hold rethugs to the same standard you hold dems to for a change? Hmm? Whining about what happened 2 years ago isn't really a compelling argument as to why you haven't done squat, is it?
At least the dems aren't advocating the same policies that threw our economy into the toidy, like repubs are doing.
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Oh, so the tea party caucus in congress hasn't affected the outcome of various votes?

Um...someone is on the crack, but it sure as hell isn't me.
Maybe you should look at the guy who claimed that the tea party has nothing to do with passing a budget. Oh, that's you.
Well, there you go.
HEY NUMBNUTS, how about those 2 years that the DEMS controlled both house and senate. The tea party just came into play in 2010. Get your fucking facts right before you post

So where's the budget from you guys?
Dems gave you the opportunity to create a budget after you won in 2010. What have you done since? A patent reform law and two spending laws.

You whine about democrats, yet what have republiCONS produced? NOTHING. The DO NOTHING congress passed 14 laws during their tenure. The tea party has passed THREE. THREE laws in the TOUGHEST ECONOMIC times since the great depression. So much for caring about any job other than their own.

You complain when dems pass legislation and you complain when they don't.

Why don't you hold rethugs to the same standard you hold dems to for a change? Hmm? Whining about what happened 2 years ago isn't really a compelling argument as to why you haven't done squat, is it?
At least the dems aren't advocating the same policies that threw our economy into the toidy, like repubs are doing.

The REPUBLICAN house passed a budget.

The DEMOCRATIC senate promptly threw it in the trash.

Balls in the democrats hands. You all own it. Now Obama has stated his budget will be late. Imagine that! Course like last time I imagine the DEMOCRATS will scrap it too.
Oh, so the tea party caucus in congress hasn't affected the outcome of various votes?

Um...someone is on the crack, but it sure as hell isn't me.
Maybe you should look at the guy who claimed that the tea party has nothing to do with passing a budget. Oh, that's you.
Well, there you go.
HEY NUMBNUTS, how about those 2 years that the DEMS controlled both house and senate. The tea party just came into play in 2010. Get your fucking facts right before you post

So where's the budget from you guys?
Dems gave you the opportunity to create a budget after you won in 2010. What have you done since? A patent reform law and two spending laws.

You whine about democrats, yet what have republiCONS produced? NOTHING. The DO NOTHING congress passed 14 laws during their tenure. The tea party has passed THREE. THREE laws in the TOUGHEST ECONOMIC times since the great depression. So much for caring about any job other than their own.

You complain when dems pass legislation and you complain when they don't.

Why don't you hold rethugs to the same standard you hold dems to for a change? Hmm? Whining about what happened 2 years ago isn't really a compelling argument as to why you haven't done squat, is it?
At least the dems aren't advocating the same policies that threw our economy into the toidy, like repubs are doing.
Paul Ryan has made one. Plus I think there has been at least 6 sent to the Senate who RIED has not even looked at .. Look at who is blocking them. ITs the Senate not Congress
You guys know that "a budget" is just a spending bill, right?

The fact that the Dems haven't passed "a budget" is meaningless. They've passed plenty of other spending bills.
You guys know that "a budget" is just a spending bill, right?

The fact that the Dems haven't passed "a budget" is meaningless. They've passed plenty of other spending bills.

A lot of people don't use budgets. Like them the govt goes negative every year writing bad checks. Except the govt doesn't goto jail for it.

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