Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Now ESPN will need to somehow not talk about Serena Williams and how she is the greatest woman to ever live and how much she had to overcome. You know, since she is a black person.

Now, get ready for a long week of race baiting by the main stream about how unfairly poor Cam Newton is since he is.....you know, a black person.

It is going to be a long week and a lot of lecturing to those of us who are sickened by someone who celebrates after every fucking first down. Then, listening to the "reverse racists" claim how the Aaron Rodgers discount double check celebration for two seconds after he scores a TD is precisely the same thing as Cam Newton celebrating for 15 to 30 seconds while "dabbing." I doubt the losers in the media know or more importantly do not care that the dabbing dance is actually a drug dance.

To press a piece of cannabis extract known as Butane Hash Oil against a heated surface of an oil rig pipe and inhale the smoke. These extracts have up to 90% THC levels. It is the newest growing trend for cannabis connoisseurs and Colorado currently has the largest following to date.

Urban Dictionary: Dabbing
Now ESPN will need to somehow not talk about Serena Williams and how she is the greatest woman to ever live and how much she had to overcome. You know, since she is a black person.

Now, get ready for a long week of race baiting by the main stream about how unfairly poor Cam Newton is since he is.....you know, a black person.

It is going to be a long week and a lot of lecturing to those of us who are sickened by someone who celebrates after every fucking first down. Then, listening to the "reverse racists" claim how the Aaron Rodgers discount double check celebration for two seconds after he scores a TD is precisely the same thing as Cam Newton celebrating for 15 to 30 seconds while "dabbing." I doubt the losers in the media know or more importantly do not care that the dabbing dance is actually a drug dance.

To press a piece of cannabis extract known as Butane Hash Oil against a heated surface of an oil rig pipe and inhale the smoke. These extracts have up to 90% THC levels. It is the newest growing trend for cannabis connoisseurs and Colorado currently has the largest following to date.

Urban Dictionary: Dabbing
how she is the greatest woman to ever live

No one said that. Oh, I get it. You're a racist piece of slimy monkey shit. To make your "point", you have to make shit up. Climb back under your rock with others of your kind.
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
some black person probably fucked up your title, and life.
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
some black person probably fucked up your title, and life.

Oh is that what they did? Awwww, are you a person who thinks blacks do not have it "fair" here? Tell me. In what ways should they be patronized more by you stupid racist left wingers?

Let me know what they do not have.

Fucking left wing racists.
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
some black person probably fucked up your title, and life.

Wadda ya' think about this?
" “Tennis is a prejudice game. Well, I’m black and I’m prejudiced, very prejudiced. I’ll be always prejudiced as the white man. The white man hated me all my life and I hate him. That’s no secret. I’m not even an American, it just so happens that I was born in America. People are prejudiced in tennis. I don’t think Venus or Serena was ever accepted by tennis. They never will be. But if you get some little white no-good trasher in America like Tracy Austin or Chris Evert who cannot hit the ball, they will claim this is great…"

Know who said it?
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
some black person probably fucked up your title, and life.

Wadda ya' think about this?
" “Tennis is a prejudice game. Well, I’m black and I’m prejudiced, very prejudiced. I’ll be always prejudiced as the white man. The white man hated me all my life and I hate him. That’s no secret. I’m not even an American, it just so happens that I was born in America. People are prejudiced in tennis. I don’t think Venus or Serena was ever accepted by tennis. They never will be. But if you get some little white no-good trasher in America like Tracy Austin or Chris Evert who cannot hit the ball, they will claim this is great…"

Know who said it?
franklin delano roosevelt? hitler? ann coulter?
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
some black person probably fucked up your title, and life.

Wadda ya' think about this?
" “Tennis is a prejudice game. Well, I’m black and I’m prejudiced, very prejudiced. I’ll be always prejudiced as the white man. The white man hated me all my life and I hate him. That’s no secret. I’m not even an American, it just so happens that I was born in America. People are prejudiced in tennis. I don’t think Venus or Serena was ever accepted by tennis. They never will be. But if you get some little white no-good trasher in America like Tracy Austin or Chris Evert who cannot hit the ball, they will claim this is great…"

Know who said it?
franklin delano roosevelt? hitler? ann coulter?

Lol, are you stupid fucking pawns of your democrat socialist gods anything other than fucking cliches?

You stupid ass patronizing left wing piece of shit.

Yeah, poor blacks sure have it so bad in America.



Awwww, poor blacks. Poor poor black Americans.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Originally set up as a national civil rights law firm, this group provides free legal representation to blacks in cases against discrimination in education, employment, voting, housing, health care, and administration of criminal justice.

National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses, Inc.
This organization is comprised of spouses of attorneys and judges from the Unites States, the Virgin Islands, and Africa. Its role is to execute charitable and/or educational endeavors and to promote a closer union among spouses and surviving spouses of lawyers and judges on local, national, and international levels.

National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
Dedicated to the collaboration between accountants and accounting students with similar interest and ideals, who are equally committed to professional and academic excellence.

National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
An association heading offices for black Catholic ministries in the Roman Catholic dioceses.

National Association of Black County Officials
An association formed for black county officials to review, share, and develop responses to local and national issues affecting their constituency and county government.

National Association of Black Journalists
Representing a majority of African American journalists in the nation's major newspapers, magazines, radio, and television stations and networks.

National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc.
Organized to provide a structure and forum through which African American social workers and workers in related fields of social services can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs which work in cooperation, support, development, or sponsorship with community welfare projects and programs.

National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters
This association provides information on the broadcast industry and the Federal Communications Commissions to both the general public and to its members.

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
A national organization designed to examine and act upon the needs and concerns of African Americans and other minorities in the administration of equal justice in the United States.

National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (NACWC)
A group open to women interested in pursuing civic, education, and social-based activities, which will benefit the African American community at large.

National Association of Health Service Executives
This association sponsors and participates in local and national programs and projects designed to improve quality, access, and availability of health service administration.

National Association of Investment Companies
An association set up to aid private equity firms that invest in an ethnically diverse marketplace.

National Association of Minority Contractors
This is a full-service, not-for-profit, educational association representing thousands of African American, Hispanic, Asian Pacific, and Native American construction contractors in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands.

National Association of Minority Media Executives
Founded to establish relationships among experienced officers, editors, and business managers of color in media based industries in the United States.

National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs
Comprised of a coalition of local groups, this organization serves as a support network for tens of thousands of African American women in both professional and business functions.

National Association of Neighborhoods
Formed to provide information, training, and technical assistance to neighborhood groups nationwide, this organization is tasked to inform constituent groups of legislation that would impact neighborhoods.

National Association of University Women
An institution geared to providing nationwide organizational structuring to coordinate the concerns and activities of locally based groups of college women towards constructive work in education, public and civic affairs, as well as human relations.

National Association of Urban Bankers (Urban Financial Services Coalition)
An organization made up of minority professionals in the banking industry, as well as other related financial fields.

National Bankers Association
The proud representative of the only trade association whose main task at hand is the representation of the interests of the nation's minority and women-owned banks.

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
As the second largest black Baptist group in America, this organization represents several thousand affiliated churches with a collective membership of four-and-a-half million people. Furthermore, this convention's primary objectives entail doing missionary work in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America to promote and improve home mission, education, and evangelical work.

National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
Boasting the largest organization in the world, this convention was originally established on the basis of a parent institute to a number of smaller black Baptist groups and has worked to unite black groups into a singular economic force.

National Bar AssociationThis association contributes through diligent work, the constant reassurance that equal justice prevails for all Americans of any race.

National Beauty Culturists League, Inc.
This professional cosmetology organization is dedicated to upgrading professional standards in the industry, all while assuring equal opportunities through fair licensing and state regulation practices.

National Black Catholic Congress
Primarily initiated to employ and exhibit the rich gifts of African American history and heritage alongside the Roman Catholic Church, in the process becoming more efficient at evangelizing non-churchgoing African Americans.

National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials
A national not-for-profit, non-partisan organization formed to exert a positive influence on the National League of Cities as it develops policies and program activities that affect issues of concern to African Americans in an effort to provide an organizational structure for local black elected officials.

National Black Caucus of State Legislators
A black caucus established to function as an informational resource and network for African American state legislators.

National Black Chambers of Commerce
Forged to promote the growth of black-owned businesses and support African American members of the chambers of commerce.

National Black Child Development Institute
Standing firmly in support of the improvement of the quality of life and available opportunities for African American Children.

National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Foundation
An alumni foundation set up to preserve and highlight the accomplishments and contributions of historically black colleges and universities and their alumni with the assistance from alumni, administrators, students, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

National Black MBA Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit association for minorities who have received MBA's in both or either the private and public sectors.

National Black Media Coalition
Founded as an organization of communication specialists to monitor African American participation in the media industry.

National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
An association tasked with recruiting for the nursing field, operates as a job bank, functions as a resource for federal agencies to gather information concerning health care, and monitors federal legislation with a special focus on minorities.

National Black Police Association, Inc.
An organization comprised of African American police members dedicated to the promotion of justice, fairness, and effectiveness in law enforcement.

National Black Programming Consortium
A consortium for African American professionals across the United States working in the television industry and seeks to develop more positive portrayals of minorities.

National Black Public Relations Society of America
A public relations committee who was formed with the fundamental purpose of promoting and expanding the opportunities available to minorities in public relations.

Man, they sure have it bad here. Poor little blacks. They need something more other than the presidency, $5000 designer dresses, $4000 custom suits, all the fried fucking chicken they can eat etc etc etc.

Let us all know what else they need. Democrats and their fucking dumb brainwashed voters will certainly tell us ALL about it 24hours a day.

Can you believe it? The fucking democrats have somehow convinced these fucking disasters that they are still fucking victims. That they are still fucking helpless. That they have all of the fucking excuses they can think of. Poor fucking cam newton (a criminal and a liar) that we hate him cause he is a BLACK QB.

Fucking moronic white guilt patronizing racist left wing piles of shit.
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
some black person probably fucked up your title, and life.

Wadda ya' think about this?
" “Tennis is a prejudice game. Well, I’m black and I’m prejudiced, very prejudiced. I’ll be always prejudiced as the white man. The white man hated me all my life and I hate him. That’s no secret. I’m not even an American, it just so happens that I was born in America. People are prejudiced in tennis. I don’t think Venus or Serena was ever accepted by tennis. They never will be. But if you get some little white no-good trasher in America like Tracy Austin or Chris Evert who cannot hit the ball, they will claim this is great…"

Know who said it?
franklin delano roosevelt? hitler? ann coulter?

Lol, are you stupid fucking pawns of your democrat socialist gods anything other than fucking cliches?

You stupid ass patronizing left wing piece of shit.

Yeah, poor blacks sure have it so bad in America.



Awwww, poor blacks. Poor poor black Americans.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Originally set up as a national civil rights law firm, this group provides free legal representation to blacks in cases against discrimination in education, employment, voting, housing, health care, and administration of criminal justice.

National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses, Inc.
This organization is comprised of spouses of attorneys and judges from the Unites States, the Virgin Islands, and Africa. Its role is to execute charitable and/or educational endeavors and to promote a closer union among spouses and surviving spouses of lawyers and judges on local, national, and international levels.

National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
Dedicated to the collaboration between accountants and accounting students with similar interest and ideals, who are equally committed to professional and academic excellence.

National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
An association heading offices for black Catholic ministries in the Roman Catholic dioceses.

National Association of Black County Officials
An association formed for black county officials to review, share, and develop responses to local and national issues affecting their constituency and county government.

National Association of Black Journalists
Representing a majority of African American journalists in the nation's major newspapers, magazines, radio, and television stations and networks.

National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc.
Organized to provide a structure and forum through which African American social workers and workers in related fields of social services can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs which work in cooperation, support, development, or sponsorship with community welfare projects and programs.

National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters
This association provides information on the broadcast industry and the Federal Communications Commissions to both the general public and to its members.

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
A national organization designed to examine and act upon the needs and concerns of African Americans and other minorities in the administration of equal justice in the United States.

National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (NACWC)
A group open to women interested in pursuing civic, education, and social-based activities, which will benefit the African American community at large.

National Association of Health Service Executives
This association sponsors and participates in local and national programs and projects designed to improve quality, access, and availability of health service administration.

National Association of Investment Companies
An association set up to aid private equity firms that invest in an ethnically diverse marketplace.

National Association of Minority Contractors
This is a full-service, not-for-profit, educational association representing thousands of African American, Hispanic, Asian Pacific, and Native American construction contractors in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands.

National Association of Minority Media Executives
Founded to establish relationships among experienced officers, editors, and business managers of color in media based industries in the United States.

National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs
Comprised of a coalition of local groups, this organization serves as a support network for tens of thousands of African American women in both professional and business functions.

National Association of Neighborhoods
Formed to provide information, training, and technical assistance to neighborhood groups nationwide, this organization is tasked to inform constituent groups of legislation that would impact neighborhoods.

National Association of University Women
An institution geared to providing nationwide organizational structuring to coordinate the concerns and activities of locally based groups of college women towards constructive work in education, public and civic affairs, as well as human relations.

National Association of Urban Bankers (Urban Financial Services Coalition)
An organization made up of minority professionals in the banking industry, as well as other related financial fields.

National Bankers Association
The proud representative of the only trade association whose main task at hand is the representation of the interests of the nation's minority and women-owned banks.

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
As the second largest black Baptist group in America, this organization represents several thousand affiliated churches with a collective membership of four-and-a-half million people. Furthermore, this convention's primary objectives entail doing missionary work in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America to promote and improve home mission, education, and evangelical work.

National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
Boasting the largest organization in the world, this convention was originally established on the basis of a parent institute to a number of smaller black Baptist groups and has worked to unite black groups into a singular economic force.

National Bar AssociationThis association contributes through diligent work, the constant reassurance that equal justice prevails for all Americans of any race.

National Beauty Culturists League, Inc.
This professional cosmetology organization is dedicated to upgrading professional standards in the industry, all while assuring equal opportunities through fair licensing and state regulation practices.

National Black Catholic Congress
Primarily initiated to employ and exhibit the rich gifts of African American history and heritage alongside the Roman Catholic Church, in the process becoming more efficient at evangelizing non-churchgoing African Americans.

National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials
A national not-for-profit, non-partisan organization formed to exert a positive influence on the National League of Cities as it develops policies and program activities that affect issues of concern to African Americans in an effort to provide an organizational structure for local black elected officials.

National Black Caucus of State Legislators
A black caucus established to function as an informational resource and network for African American state legislators.

National Black Chambers of Commerce
Forged to promote the growth of black-owned businesses and support African American members of the chambers of commerce.

National Black Child Development Institute
Standing firmly in support of the improvement of the quality of life and available opportunities for African American Children.

National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Foundation
An alumni foundation set up to preserve and highlight the accomplishments and contributions of historically black colleges and universities and their alumni with the assistance from alumni, administrators, students, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

National Black MBA Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit association for minorities who have received MBA's in both or either the private and public sectors.

National Black Media Coalition
Founded as an organization of communication specialists to monitor African American participation in the media industry.

National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
An association tasked with recruiting for the nursing field, operates as a job bank, functions as a resource for federal agencies to gather information concerning health care, and monitors federal legislation with a special focus on minorities.

National Black Police Association, Inc.
An organization comprised of African American police members dedicated to the promotion of justice, fairness, and effectiveness in law enforcement.

National Black Programming Consortium
A consortium for African American professionals across the United States working in the television industry and seeks to develop more positive portrayals of minorities.

National Black Public Relations Society of America
A public relations committee who was formed with the fundamental purpose of promoting and expanding the opportunities available to minorities in public relations.

Man, they sure have it bad here. Poor little blacks. They need something more other than the presidency, $5000 designer dresses, $4000 custom suits, all the fried fucking chicken they can eat etc etc etc.

Let us all know what else they need. Democrats and their fucking dumb brainwashed voters will certainly tell us ALL about it 24hours a day.

Can you believe it? The fucking democrats have somehow convinced these fucking disasters that they are still fucking victims. That they are still fucking helpless. That they have all of the fucking excuses they can think of. Poor fucking cam newton (a criminal and a liar) that we hate him cause he is a BLACK QB.

Fucking moronic white guilt patronizing racist left wing piles of shit.
what was the part in the middle?
Jesus H Christ what happened to the freaking title?

It was suppose to be:

Wonderful News everyone. Serena Williams eliminated in the Australian open. Unfortunately, it is SB week.

Of course we cannot "edit the title" for whatever stupid reason.
some black person probably fucked up your title, and life.

Wadda ya' think about this?
" “Tennis is a prejudice game. Well, I’m black and I’m prejudiced, very prejudiced. I’ll be always prejudiced as the white man. The white man hated me all my life and I hate him. That’s no secret. I’m not even an American, it just so happens that I was born in America. People are prejudiced in tennis. I don’t think Venus or Serena was ever accepted by tennis. They never will be. But if you get some little white no-good trasher in America like Tracy Austin or Chris Evert who cannot hit the ball, they will claim this is great…"

Know who said it?
franklin delano roosevelt? hitler? ann coulter?

Lol, are you stupid fucking pawns of your democrat socialist gods anything other than fucking cliches?

You stupid ass patronizing left wing piece of shit.

Yeah, poor blacks sure have it so bad in America.



Awwww, poor blacks. Poor poor black Americans.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Originally set up as a national civil rights law firm, this group provides free legal representation to blacks in cases against discrimination in education, employment, voting, housing, health care, and administration of criminal justice.

National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses, Inc.
This organization is comprised of spouses of attorneys and judges from the Unites States, the Virgin Islands, and Africa. Its role is to execute charitable and/or educational endeavors and to promote a closer union among spouses and surviving spouses of lawyers and judges on local, national, and international levels.

National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
Dedicated to the collaboration between accountants and accounting students with similar interest and ideals, who are equally committed to professional and academic excellence.

National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
An association heading offices for black Catholic ministries in the Roman Catholic dioceses.

National Association of Black County Officials
An association formed for black county officials to review, share, and develop responses to local and national issues affecting their constituency and county government.

National Association of Black Journalists
Representing a majority of African American journalists in the nation's major newspapers, magazines, radio, and television stations and networks.

National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc.
Organized to provide a structure and forum through which African American social workers and workers in related fields of social services can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs which work in cooperation, support, development, or sponsorship with community welfare projects and programs.

National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters
This association provides information on the broadcast industry and the Federal Communications Commissions to both the general public and to its members.

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
A national organization designed to examine and act upon the needs and concerns of African Americans and other minorities in the administration of equal justice in the United States.

National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (NACWC)
A group open to women interested in pursuing civic, education, and social-based activities, which will benefit the African American community at large.

National Association of Health Service Executives
This association sponsors and participates in local and national programs and projects designed to improve quality, access, and availability of health service administration.

National Association of Investment Companies
An association set up to aid private equity firms that invest in an ethnically diverse marketplace.

National Association of Minority Contractors
This is a full-service, not-for-profit, educational association representing thousands of African American, Hispanic, Asian Pacific, and Native American construction contractors in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands.

National Association of Minority Media Executives
Founded to establish relationships among experienced officers, editors, and business managers of color in media based industries in the United States.

National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs
Comprised of a coalition of local groups, this organization serves as a support network for tens of thousands of African American women in both professional and business functions.

National Association of Neighborhoods
Formed to provide information, training, and technical assistance to neighborhood groups nationwide, this organization is tasked to inform constituent groups of legislation that would impact neighborhoods.

National Association of University Women
An institution geared to providing nationwide organizational structuring to coordinate the concerns and activities of locally based groups of college women towards constructive work in education, public and civic affairs, as well as human relations.

National Association of Urban Bankers (Urban Financial Services Coalition)
An organization made up of minority professionals in the banking industry, as well as other related financial fields.

National Bankers Association
The proud representative of the only trade association whose main task at hand is the representation of the interests of the nation's minority and women-owned banks.

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
As the second largest black Baptist group in America, this organization represents several thousand affiliated churches with a collective membership of four-and-a-half million people. Furthermore, this convention's primary objectives entail doing missionary work in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America to promote and improve home mission, education, and evangelical work.

National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
Boasting the largest organization in the world, this convention was originally established on the basis of a parent institute to a number of smaller black Baptist groups and has worked to unite black groups into a singular economic force.

National Bar AssociationThis association contributes through diligent work, the constant reassurance that equal justice prevails for all Americans of any race.

National Beauty Culturists League, Inc.
This professional cosmetology organization is dedicated to upgrading professional standards in the industry, all while assuring equal opportunities through fair licensing and state regulation practices.

National Black Catholic Congress
Primarily initiated to employ and exhibit the rich gifts of African American history and heritage alongside the Roman Catholic Church, in the process becoming more efficient at evangelizing non-churchgoing African Americans.

National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials
A national not-for-profit, non-partisan organization formed to exert a positive influence on the National League of Cities as it develops policies and program activities that affect issues of concern to African Americans in an effort to provide an organizational structure for local black elected officials.

National Black Caucus of State Legislators
A black caucus established to function as an informational resource and network for African American state legislators.

National Black Chambers of Commerce
Forged to promote the growth of black-owned businesses and support African American members of the chambers of commerce.

National Black Child Development Institute
Standing firmly in support of the improvement of the quality of life and available opportunities for African American Children.

National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Foundation
An alumni foundation set up to preserve and highlight the accomplishments and contributions of historically black colleges and universities and their alumni with the assistance from alumni, administrators, students, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

National Black MBA Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit association for minorities who have received MBA's in both or either the private and public sectors.

National Black Media Coalition
Founded as an organization of communication specialists to monitor African American participation in the media industry.

National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
An association tasked with recruiting for the nursing field, operates as a job bank, functions as a resource for federal agencies to gather information concerning health care, and monitors federal legislation with a special focus on minorities.

National Black Police Association, Inc.
An organization comprised of African American police members dedicated to the promotion of justice, fairness, and effectiveness in law enforcement.

National Black Programming Consortium
A consortium for African American professionals across the United States working in the television industry and seeks to develop more positive portrayals of minorities.

National Black Public Relations Society of America
A public relations committee who was formed with the fundamental purpose of promoting and expanding the opportunities available to minorities in public relations.

Man, they sure have it bad here. Poor little blacks. They need something more other than the presidency, $5000 designer dresses, $4000 custom suits, all the fried fucking chicken they can eat etc etc etc.

Let us all know what else they need. Democrats and their fucking dumb brainwashed voters will certainly tell us ALL about it 24hours a day.

Can you believe it? The fucking democrats have somehow convinced these fucking disasters that they are still fucking victims. That they are still fucking helpless. That they have all of the fucking excuses they can think of. Poor fucking cam newton (a criminal and a liar) that we hate him cause he is a BLACK QB.

Fucking moronic white guilt patronizing racist left wing piles of shit.
what was the part in the middle?
Now ESPN will need to somehow not talk about Serena Williams and how she is the greatest woman to ever live and how much she had to overcome. You know, since she is a black person.

Is your title supposed to reflect your proud Aryan ancestry?
You have to be a damned good tennis player if coming in second is considered a failure

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