Wonder WHY GOP senators are against a justice's nomination??

There's no precedent for not considering a nominee it the last year of an admin, but what's really in play is the GOP lost on gay marriage. Remember Roberts's admonition that he was privately supportive or happy for gay people, but they shouldn't be celebrating too much because Justice Kennedy reached a decision that didn't have any constitutional foundation. Most legal watchers figured Obamacare was constitutional, but seriously if Roberts had a sixth nay vote, he probably would have been the fifth. Calmer heads might be able to persuade gop senators that Justices have to follow the law, but when the gay marriage case didn't .... all bets are off.

Possibly, but there is something bigger at play here with the left. For years now they have loaded the judicial branch with left wing limp-wrists. It is their desire to completely circumvent the electorate at every turn. Legislate from the bench. That has always been the ultimate goal.

Hell, it's no secret.
The Senate is invoking the Schumer Rule.

A wise man once said, "Elections have consequences, you lost - so suck this" You lost the Senate so payback is a barack
There is no rule which forbids the Senate from voting up or down on a nominee in the fourth year of a Presidency, idiot.

Let Obama send through a Scalia clone and he'll get confirmed
Confirmed? How is a Scalia clone confirmation even possible when they refuse to do their job and even take a vote?

I suspect if Obama sent up a name of a Scalia clone, that things would change fast.

Of course if he was the type of person to do something like, that, we wouldn't be here.
The Senate is invoking the Schumer Rule.

A wise man once said, "Elections have consequences, you lost - so suck this" You lost the Senate so payback is a barack
There is no rule which forbids the Senate from voting up or down on a nominee in the fourth year of a Presidency, idiot.

Let Obama send through a Scalia clone and he'll get confirmed
Confirmed? How is a Scalia clone confirmation even possible when they refuse to do their job and even take a vote?

Agreed. McConnell is a moron

I was home on leave in the 70s. I went down to the local bank to cash a check and as I was waiting in line, a young Mitch McConnell was walking around shaking hands and asking for votes. I "think" he was running for a local Congressional seat which he won.

You want GOP establishment? Look no farther than that asshole, who has spent his entire adult life "serving" - I mean - "taking"" the American people.
'Wonder WHY GOP senators are against a justice's nomination??'

Yep. They are showing their partisan hypocrisy.

Like I said, you find out the true character of people who claim to love the Constitution when it really matters. It's easy to fool yourself into thinking you love the Constitution when things are going your way. But you don't really find out what kind of person you are until the going gets tough. A terrorist attack, a dead Supreme Court Justice, and other hard times.

Their hatred of Obama has revealed they are hacks who HATE the Constitution.
There's no precedent for not considering a nominee it the last year of an admin, but what's really in play is the GOP lost on gay marriage. Remember Roberts's admonition that he was privately supportive or happy for gay people, but they shouldn't be celebrating too much because Justice Kennedy reached a decision that didn't have any constitutional foundation. Most legal watchers figured Obamacare was constitutional, but seriously if Roberts had a sixth nay vote, he probably would have been the fifth. Calmer heads might be able to persuade gop senators that Justices have to follow the law, but when the gay marriage case didn't .... all bets are off.

Possibly, but there is something bigger at play here with the left. For years now they have loaded the judicial branch with left wing limp-wrists. It is their desire to completely circumvent the electorate at every turn. Legislate from the bench. That has always been the ultimate goal.

Hell, it's no secret.
Both sides load. It's 4-4 now. That's the thing.
You're right. There is no "rule" . They are CHOOSING not to vote. Indeed, election have consequences. Looks as though the shoe is on the other hand, now doesn't it? :)

It makes me smile. :)
I think we normally wear our shoes on our FEET.
Vote yes or no, but don't refuse to do your job, take your constitutional responsibility to advise seriously. Although it's not very likely, if for no other reason, I wish a Democrat would win the presidency just to teach these obstructionists a lesson.
'Wonder WHY GOP senators are against a justice's nomination??'

Yep. They are showing their partisan hypocrisy.

Like I said, you find out the true character of people who claim to love the Constitution when it really matters. It's easy to fool yourself into thinking you love the Constitution when things are going your way. But you don't really find out what kind of person you are until the going gets tough. A terrorist attack, a dead Supreme Court Justice, and other hard times.

Their hatred of Obama has revealed they are hacks who HATE the Constitution.

What a crock of crap! It's amazing how much YOU loved the Constitution when Harry Reid was stopping EVERY piece of legislation and using the nuclear option at every turn.

Hypocrite much?
Obama and Progressive Liberal pukes will push for a Liberal Justice. God damn any Republican who votes for a Progressive OWO Liberal. When Justice Scalia died, a little bit more of America died. If one should be nominated and approved and we get a Democrat president then I plan on living the rest of my life elsewhere.
'Wonder WHY GOP senators are against a justice's nomination??'

Yep. They are showing their partisan hypocrisy.

Like I said, you find out the true character of people who claim to love the Constitution when it really matters. It's easy to fool yourself into thinking you love the Constitution when things are going your way. But you don't really find out what kind of person you are until the going gets tough. A terrorist attack, a dead Supreme Court Justice, and other hard times.

Their hatred of Obama has revealed they are hacks who HATE the Constitution.

What a crock of crap! It's amazing how much YOU loved the Constitution when Harry Reid was stopping EVERY piece of legislation and using the nuclear option at every turn.

Hypocrite much?
Show me where I loved Harry Reid. Ever.

Nice apples and oranges fallacy you have there. And nice straw man you have there. A two-fer!

You tards act as if Harry Reid is the first Majority Leader to ever spike legislation, as if it wasn't a practice going back literally for centuries.

Mitch McConnell is, in fact, the first Majority Leader who has ever pre-emptively stated he will not even allow the Senate to vote up or down on a nomination.
You're right. There is no "rule" . They are CHOOSING not to vote. Indeed, election have consequences. Looks as though the shoe is on the other hand, now doesn't it? :)

It makes me smile. :)
I think we normally wear our shoes on our FEET.
Vote yes or no, but don't refuse to do your job, take your constitutional responsibility to advise seriously. Although it's not very likely, if for no other reason, I wish a Democrat would win the presidency just to teach these obstructionists a lesson.

Again, bullshit. Conservatives have lived through nearly 8 years of obstructionism from the left. ENOUGH.

Like the man said - "Elections have consequences" or have you forgotten so quickly?
Liberals want to use SCOTUS nominations to undermine the Constitution, Conservatives want to use SCOTUS nominations to protect and defend the Constitution, its that simple.
You're right. There is no "rule" . They are CHOOSING not to vote. Indeed, election have consequences. Looks as though the shoe is on the other hand, now doesn't it? :)

It makes me smile. :)
I think we normally wear our shoes on our FEET.
Vote yes or no, but don't refuse to do your job, take your constitutional responsibility to advise seriously. Although it's not very likely, if for no other reason, I wish a Democrat would win the presidency just to teach these obstructionists a lesson.

Again, bullshit. Conservatives have lived through nearly 8 years of obstructionism from the left. ENOUGH.

Like the man said - "Elections have consequences" or have you forgotten so quickly?
The American people elected a President in 2012 who is Constitutionally entitled to appoint Supreme Court Justices.

They knew when they elected him he would choose liberal judges.

So, you are damn straight election have consequences, and you are acting like a titty baby who won't accept it.

You hypocrites are showing your true character with respect to the Constitution, I tell you what.
Yep. They are showing their partisan hypocrisy. .... Their hatred of Obama has revealed they are hacks who HATE the Constitution.
It has nothing to do with hating THE MAN. In my response I detailed every exact ACT, every act of disdain for and disregard for the Constitution that makes him, IMO, unfit to nominate any USSC Justice. I don't care it it was / is Trump, Rubio, Bush, or even Reagan himself who had done the things I pointed out Obama has done I would make the argument they are / were unfit to make such a nomination.

You seek to twist, spin, and manipulate everything into a partisan hatred when that is not the case at all. You seek to prevent any personal accountability of the man's own actions and instead, like Hillary, falsely blame some 'vast right wing conspiracy / hatred' of 'all things Liberal' when that is NOT the case by far / at all.
You're right. There is no "rule" . They are CHOOSING not to vote. Indeed, election have consequences. Looks as though the shoe is on the other hand, now doesn't it? :)

It makes me smile. :)
I think we normally wear our shoes on our FEET.
Vote yes or no, but don't refuse to do your job, take your constitutional responsibility to advise seriously. Although it's not very likely, if for no other reason, I wish a Democrat would win the presidency just to teach these obstructionists a lesson.

Again, bullshit. Conservatives have lived through nearly 8 years of obstructionism from the left. ENOUGH.

Like the man said - "Elections have consequences" or have you forgotten so quickly?
The American people elected a President in 2012 who is Constitutionally entitled to appoint Supreme Court Justices.

They knew when they elected him he would choose liberal judges.

So, you are damn straight election have consequences, and you are acting like a titty baby who won't accept it.

You hypocrites are showing your true character with respect to the Constitution, I tell you what.

When I vote for Republican senators, I want them to oppose lefty Justices.

When people vote for Senators this election coming up, they will know that REpublican Senators fight against Leftist Justices.

Or they will know that they cave.

Either way they will know what they are voting for there also.
Yep. They are showing their partisan hypocrisy. .... Their hatred of Obama has revealed they are hacks who HATE the Constitution.
It has nothing to do with hating THE MAN. In my response I detailed every exact ACT, every act of disdain for and disregard for the Constitution that makes him, IMO, unfit to nominate any USSC Justice. I don't care it it was / is Trump, Rubio, Bush, or even Reagan himself who had done the things I pointed out Obama has done I would make the argument they are / were unfit to make such a nomination.

You seek to twist, spin, and manipulate everything into a partisan hatred when that is not the case at all. You seek to prevent any personal accountability of the man's own actions and instead, like Hillary, falsely blame some 'vast right wing conspiracy / hatred' of 'all things Liberal' when that is NOT the case by far / at all.
The American people elected Obama, TWICE, knowing full well what kind of judges he would nominate.

Elections have consequences.
'Wonder WHY GOP senators are against a justice's nomination??'

Yep. They are showing their partisan hypocrisy.

Like I said, you find out the true character of people who claim to love the Constitution when it really matters. It's easy to fool yourself into thinking you love the Constitution when things are going your way. But you don't really find out what kind of person you are until the going gets tough. A terrorist attack, a dead Supreme Court Justice, and other hard times.

Their hatred of Obama has revealed they are hacks who HATE the Constitution.


Dems invented Borking! Dems made the "Schumer Rule" but now all of a sudden its he Republicans who are mean poppyheads.

Obviously the libs want a progressive activist on the bench, it's where their best laws come from. Republicans have the duty to stop it, God knows they have done too little as it is. Sit that one out and we might as well call it a day.
Actually, GOP senators are not so much against a nomination of a justice by Obama, their problem is the expected spectacle of their nitpicking even a moderate nomination during the subsequent hearings. Bear in mind that many of these GOP senators (if the nomination ever made it out of the judicial committee) are up for re-election, and their stalling tactics may not go over well among those independent voters that they so much need.

Realizing that the portion of a Daily Kos article below will be met with sneers by right wingers, for those who still have an open mind, the influence that big donors play on GOP senators (and representatives) is both informative and scary for any democracy turning into a plutocracy.....

So, if the McConnell and company "warning" to Obama to not even nominate someone, the author of the article offers the following:

What really matters is why they're doing it, and who it serves. The answer to that question leads straight to their donor base. Although it scarcely bears repeating, the Republican Senate and (to an even greater extent) the Republican House of Representatives now exists to serve the economic interests of a tiny group of very, very wealthy people, people who now stand to either gain or lose hundreds of millions, even billions of dollars spent complying with environmental, finance and labor laws and regulations, depending on who replaces Scalia. That is what this fight is all about. For the GOP and the billionaires who pull their strings, much ballyhooed rhetoric about abortion, affirmative action, union rights and voting rights are all subsidiary to this main event.
The two most prominent members of this tiny group of people are Charles and David Koch:

In this election cycle... the Kochs have publicly stated that they and their compatriots will spend $889 million, more than either the Republican or Democratic parties spent last time around. According to a recent analysis in Politico, their privatized political network is backed by a group of several hundred extremely rich fellow donors who often meet at off-the-record conclaves organized by the Kochs at desert resorts. It has at least 1,200 full-time staffers in 107 offices nationwide, or three and a half times as many as the Republican National Committee. They may be the most important un-elected political figures in American history.

We're against whack-job activists. It is that simple.

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