Women trafficked to Glasgow for sham marriages


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The programme, Humans for Sale, found one Slovakian girl who had been trafficked to Glasgow three times.

Many of the women were forced into sham marriages with men, mainly from Pakistan, who were seeking to apply for residency in the UK.

The women, who are EU citizens, are lured to the UK with false promises.
According to Angelika Molnar, who runs Europol's human trafficking unit, the victims were encouraged to leave poverty and deprivation in countries such as Romania and Slovakia with the prospect of a well-paid job in Scotland.

"It's only upon arrival that they are told there is no work available and they have to be engaged in marriages with Pakistani men," she said.

Ms Molnar said the potential grooms wanted to stay in Scotland but needed marriage to an EU citizen to be able to apply for residency.

"After the marriage, the women are kept under control by the traffickers and are exploited as domestic service by the husband but also raped and sexually exploited by fellow nationals of the traffickers," she said.
Women trafficked to Glasgow for sham marriages - BBC News

The second most lucrative commodity.
sheeeesh Glasgow, no less------it was once a scholarly center------
It now appears to be a cesspit of muslim scum and misogynists. Who gives a fuck about women...their only legitimate purpose is to provide a vessel for men's sexual release and breed more muslim scum.

the scholars located in GLASGOW-----used to be famous Neurologists-----their works are still vital in the study of neurology. Even today----COMA is described according to

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