Woman Who Sought Secret Meeting for Trump and Putin Is Charged as Russian Agent

A Russian woman who tried to broker a pair of secret meetings between candidate Donald J. Trump and the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, during the 2016 presidential campaign, was charged Monday and accused of carrying out a secret Russian effort to influence American politics.

Tried and was not successful seems to support no collusion.
The timing of these announcements seem a bit curious, I wonder if Trump was briefed on this case before he met with Putin.

A Russian woman who tried to broker a pair of secret meetings between candidate Donald J. Trump and the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, during the 2016 presidential campaign, was charged Monday and accused of carrying out a secret Russian effort to influence American politics.

Tried and was not successful seems to support no collusion.
Why do the President's supporters insist on jumping to collusion? After the little spectacle this morning in Helsinki, the evidence of Russian government's attempts to maneuver themselves into the 2016 election is equally important. Trump, and therefore his supporters, seem to think Putin had nothing to do with it. LOL
A Russian woman who tried to broker a pair of secret meetings between candidate Donald J. Trump and the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, during the 2016 presidential campaign, was charged Monday and accused of carrying out a secret Russian effort to influence American politics.

Tried and was not successful seems to support no collusion.
Why do the President's supporters insist on jumping to collusion? After the little spectacle this morning in Helsinki, the evidence of Russian government's attempts to maneuver themselves into the 2016 election is equally important. Trump, and therefore his supporters, seem to think Putin had nothing to do with it. LOL
do we have proof he did, or do you just prefer to believe he did?

in america, innocent til proven guilty - but i guess for liberals that needs to go also.
OldLady, post: 20375419, member: 56127
Why do the President's supporters insist on jumping to collusion? After the little spectacle this morning in Helsinki, the evidence of Russian government's attempts to maneuver themselves into the 2016 election is equally important. Trump, and therefore his supporters, seem to think Putin had nothing to do with it. LOL

Quite the contrary. Obama knew about Russian involvement and laughed it off. The DNC was warned their servers were at risk and did nothing.
Hillary's attempt to operate in the cyber darkness were amateurish at best.

Trump had nothing to do with it and should take the non-accusatory approach to resolve it.
The LWNJ's and Neo-Cons are now officially grasping at straws.

Neocons see their favorite boogyman, the (gasp!) RUSSIANS going away! How can they continue their quest for endless war without an evil henchman to blame?

LWNJ's see a successful Trump presidency as a threat to their failed ideology. How dare he make peace with the (gasp!) RUSSIANS!!

Both of these disparate groups of lunatics will do almost anything to keep the dying "RUSSIA!!" narrative alive. It's like watching a tragicomic opera.....with bad acting and horrible singing!
A Russian woman who tried to broker a pair of secret meetings between candidate Donald J. Trump and the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, during the 2016 presidential campaign, was charged Monday and accused of carrying out a secret Russian effort to influence American politics.

Tried and was not successful seems to support no collusion.
Why do the President's supporters insist on jumping to collusion? After the little spectacle this morning in Helsinki, the evidence of Russian government's attempts to maneuver themselves into the 2016 election is equally important. Trump, and therefore his supporters, seem to think Putin had nothing to do with it. LOL

There's no question of Russia meddling, they've been doing it for decades, it's the commiecrats that always go to collusion, with zero evidence.

Why do the President's supporters insist on jumping to collusion? After the little spectacle this morning in Helsinki, the evidence of Russian government's attempts to maneuver themselves into the 2016 election is equally important. Trump, and therefore his supporters, seem to think Putin had nothing to do with it. LOL

To look at the limited information (filtered) we have in an honest way you have to look at each known connection with Russian nationals to see if it fits a pattern of colluding with the Trump Administration for an illegal purpose.

So far no evidence. Or leaks of hints of evidence from the Mueller investigation(s).
It looks like the democrats grabbed some random woman. Now tbey have to phony up the case.
There's no question of Russia meddling, they've been doing it for decades

Then why are you good with Trump being so chill with Putin? Surely you think he should demand Russia leave our elections alone, no?
Why did Obama's DOJ let Natalia Veselnitskaya into U.S.?

obama's DOJ had to let her in yet no one on the left finds it strange.
Look! >>>>>> Over there! >>>>>> Former President Obama!
If the shoe fits.....

Fact is Obama knew all about Russian "meddling" and laughed it off. Was he a secret Soviet agent? Did he collude with the Russians?? How many times did Putin ejaculate into Obama's anus? Or was his mouth Putin's cock-holster?
There's no question of Russia meddling, they've been doing it for decades

Then why are you good with Trump being so chill with Putin? Surely you think he should demand Russia leave our elections alone, no?

How do you know he didn't? You have no idea what was discussed, or said in private.


I never said he didn't. I said surely that's what you think should happen, right?

Yep, but nothing would be served by Trump publicly calling Putin a liar. They were there to find common ground, not create more conflict.


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