Woke Army Sergeant Wants You to Know She's Ready and Willing to Shoot You if Martial Law Is Declared


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
There’s good reason we were given the 2nd When Civil War II gets it Fort Sumter moment, there won’t be the peaceful division of the military as sides went their way that occurred in Civil War I. It’ll be a bloodbath inside our bases first.
Then it’ll take to the streets, and those who side with Democrats will be in for a very rude awakening. There’s basically three armed groups. Military/law enforcement, 2A supporters, and street criminals.

There’s good reason we were given the 2nd When Civil War II gets it Fort Sumter moment, there won’t be the peaceful division of the military as sides went their way that occurred in Civil War I. It’ll be a bloodbath inside our bases first.
Then it’ll take to the streets, and those who side with Democrats will be in for a very rude awakening. There’s basically three armed groups. Military/law enforcement, 2A supporters, and street criminals.

Don't be a dumb ass. She just represents why E-5s are not spokesman for the armed services. I kind of doubt, she will see promotion to Staff Sergeant and probably will not even be a member within 2 years.
Dismaying to see American troops so ready and willing to shoot fellow Americans if someone like
Senile Joe declares a form of martial law which the CDC wants in order to go after guns.
Hopefully things never come to that but I wouldn't want to be her in any event.
The filthy ass butch queer bitch doesn't understand that the guys she will be shooting at will probably be vets that are much better trained than she is.

By the way, her MOS is 88M, fucking truck driver.
Woke soldier says she’ll shoot Americans who disobey her if martial law is declared. She must not realize how many of us veterans have the same training and won’t be on her side pic.twitter.com/iAhCEPrRKv

Travis (@TWines4congress) August 27, 2021

The queer should be court martial for suggesting she wanted to kill Americans. just like Joe Dufus needs to be impeached for saying he would kill Americans with F-15s and nuclear weapons.
Don't be a dumb ass. She just represents why E-5s are not spokesman for the armed services. I kind of doubt, she will see promotion to Staff Sergeant and probably will not even be a member within 2 years.
My mistake. I just spotted the Staff Sergeant (E-6) chevron pinned to her tab. Still, if I were her commander, there would be a counseling statement in her file and her next EER would certainly not be impressive to a promotion board reviewing her file for years to come. I still predict she will leave the service of her own decision within two years.
The filthy ass butch queer bitch doesn't understand that the guys she will be shooting at will probably be vets that are much better trained than she is.

By the way, her MOS is 88M, fucking truck driver.
How did you know she was 88M. What else did I miss besides the Staff Sergeant chevron?
Don't be a dumb ass. She just represents why E-5s are not spokesman for the armed services. I kind of doubt, she will see promotion to Staff Sergeant and probably will not even be a member within 2 years.
She's already a SSgt. Unless they've changed the rank insignia in the past 4 years..... But your point still stands. Her commander should make her an E-5 for running her mouth like that in uniform though....
Placing the 'woke' smut aside, there's an important revelation to be recognized in the soldier's tenor. There's a reality here that gets ignored far too often in all of the hero worship.

And It's something I was reminded of in another thread around here the other day.

US soldiers historicaly choose to obey a sitting president, irrelevant of who it might be. Always. They tend to rationalize this decision by convincing themselves that by obeying the president, they are supporting and defending the Constitution. Which is seldom the case at all.

The Founders were very strict in their oposition to ''standing armies". And for good reason. Dialogue like what we see in the video in the op, dialogue that clearly forwards the message that the majority of soldiers will remain loyal to and obey a ruler, regardless of who it may be at any give ntime, versus their oath to the Constitution is now and was then the greatest threat of all to the freedom and well-being of all Americans, the very democratic process itself, regardless of their opposing ideologies.

And this mindset isn't limited to a standing army, btw. Huh uh...

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Don't be a dumb ass. She just represents why E-5s are not spokesman for the armed services. I kind of doubt, she will see promotion to Staff Sergeant and probably will not even be a member within 2 years.
Biden is purging Trump supporters from the military because of ‘threats of terrorism’.
But Sergeants bragging they’ll start shooting Americans as soon as possible is welcome on the Democrats side of the war.

There’s a clear distinction between the two sides. One supports the Constitution, the other is acting just like the Brits of the 70’s - grab all guns from citizens and shoot anyone who objects.

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