With trillions in debt and average quality of life going down, why should we be helping others?


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
If you were having serious financial problems in your life would you be giving much money to charity? Why do we need to give away many billions a year to other countries? Why do we need to accept desperate immigrants that take jobs and often times use some form of welfare? Can we focus on getting the United States back on track before we try to save the world? Maybe I'll start to see costly humanitarian efforts a little differently when the debt is falling and there aren't roads and bridges in disrepair all over the country, or when we can afford to take care of our veterans.
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If you were having serious financial problems in your life would you be giving much money to charity? Why do we need to give away 100 billion a year to other countries? Why do we need to accept desperate immigrants that take jobs and often times use some form of welfare? Can we focus on getting the United States back on track before we try to save the world? Maybe I'll start to see costly humanitarian efforts a little differently when the debt is falling and there aren't roads and bridges in disrepair all over the country, or when we can afford to take care of our veterans.
You're right.
America should keep all their aid money so they can build more bombs to drop on more countries.
My quality of life has been going up for the last year.

It was in serious decline for the last few years but things are looking up.

We do need to get a balanced budget amendment passed though. It's going to be tough with both parties refusing to put their prized pigs on diets.

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You're right.
America should keep all their aid money so they can build more bombs to drop on more countries.

I am for shutting down overseas military bases and staying out of conflicts that don't concern us.

Downsizing the military is obvious. We overspend, a lot, and there really isn't a sane justification for it. I think we need to attack wasteful spending on all fronts. The amount we give away to other countries is more than the amount we spend on science according to your pie graph.
Well i'm with you on that Confounding. I'm all for protecting our borders ,and securing our selves from threats

But what i sense is our foreign policy is less altruistic ,and far more extortionary

the powers that be convinced us our 'big stick' was essential during the cold war , and after that the bogey man was islamic terrorism

To me, it's American exceptionalism or perhaps better said as 'global class warfare' that drives our military cloaked in the guise of democracy building

Most of these sh*thole countries feign interest while our $$$ flows , yet hand their country over to the first tin pot dictator as soon as the dust from our last truck full 'o troops settles...

If you were having serious financial problems in your life would you be giving much money to charity? Why do we need to give away 100 billion a year to other countries? Why do we need to accept desperate immigrants that take jobs and often times use some form of welfare? Can we focus on getting the United States back on track before we try to save the world? Maybe I'll start to see costly humanitarian efforts a little differently when the debt is falling and there aren't roads and bridges in disrepair all over the country, or when we can afford to take care of our veterans.
You're right.
America should keep all their aid money so they can build more bombs to drop on more countries.

We should be doing neither
Well i'm with you on that Confounding. I'm all for protecting our borders ,and securing our selves from threats

But what i sense is our foreign policy is less altruistic ,and far more extortionary

the powers that be convinced us our 'big stick' was essential during the cold war , and after that the bogey man was islamic terrorism

To me, it's American exceptionalism or perhaps better said as 'global class warfare' that drives our military cloaked in the guise of democracy building

Most of these sh*thole countries feign interest while our $$$ flows , yet hand their country over to the first tin pot dictator as soon as the dust from our last truck full 'o troops settles...


The military-industrial complex is corrupt as fuck. People that build tanks and bombs have way too much influence over our politics.
If you were having serious financial problems in your life would you be giving much money to charity? Why do we need to give away many billions a year to other countries? Why do we need to accept desperate immigrants that take jobs and often times use some form of welfare? Can we focus on getting the United States back on track before we try to save the world? Maybe I'll start to see costly humanitarian efforts a little differently when the debt is falling and there aren't roads and bridges in disrepair all over the country, or when we can afford to take care of our veterans.

WTF? How are we still trillions in debt. In 2016 candidate Trump said he could completely pay off the national debt in 8 years. How is the debt still going up?
WTF? How are we still trillions in debt. In 2016 candidate Trump said he could completely pay off the national debt in 8 years. How is the debt still going up?

After 8 years of Obama we should be used to unfulfilled campaign promises.
WTF? How are we still trillions in debt. In 2016 candidate Trump said he could completely pay off the national debt in 8 years. How is the debt still going up?

After 8 years of Obama we should be used to unfulfilled campaign promises.

The deficits under Obama went down year after year for each of his 8 years.

Deficits under Trump have been going up year after year.
The deficits under Obama went down year after year for each of his 8 years.

Right, but he still brought up the total debt by many trillions of dollars. He also failed to fulfill many of his promises and was a bit of a letdown in general. I'm no ally of Trump, but really, don't try to turn this into some partisan bullshit when the truth is both sides have fucked up everything.
Globalism and it's kissing cousin the Military industrial complex aren't really connected to any given potus past being it's mouthpiece

We've had both Dem/Rep, Left/Right administrations , and the general application across the globe may rear it's ugly head, but never has it been cut off

That, in of itself, should be relevant of the inherent insidious power it has assumed.

If you were having serious financial problems in your life would you be giving much money to charity? Why do we need to give away many billions a year to other countries? Why do we need to accept desperate immigrants that take jobs and often times use some form of welfare? Can we focus on getting the United States back on track before we try to save the world? Maybe I'll start to see costly humanitarian efforts a little differently when the debt is falling and there aren't roads and bridges in disrepair all over the country, or when we can afford to take care of our veterans.
It's not going down for billionaires. Why do you think they get all the tax cuts?

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