With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
There is a way that this school system and every school system in Ohio could save enough money to avoid such deep budget cuts. The new budgeting would take at least four years to fully institute, but would then save around $3 million every year for the Athens City Schools. The strategy: elect reform-minded legislators to the Ohio Assembly who would support single-payer health care in Ohio.

The present “sick care system” is dominated by for-profit insurance companies whose purpose is to keep the returns on investment high so that their shareholders and top executives can maximize their gains. The health of customers who directly or indirectly acquire insurance is secondary and too often unethical. Insurance companies have their place — but not in health care. The thousands of Ohio people currently employed in health-care billing deserve legislated transitional monetary supports. With a fair payroll and income tax, we can reap enormous savings for schools and government while improving the physical and financial health of families.

Healthcare-NOW! - With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions
There is a way that this school system and every school system in Ohio could save enough money to avoid such deep budget cuts. The new budgeting would take at least four years to fully institute, but would then save around $3 million every year for the Athens City Schools. The strategy: elect reform-minded legislators to the Ohio Assembly who would support single-payer health care in Ohio.

The present “sick care system” is dominated by for-profit insurance companies whose purpose is to keep the returns on investment high so that their shareholders and top executives can maximize their gains. The health of customers who directly or indirectly acquire insurance is secondary and too often unethical. Insurance companies have their place — but not in health care. The thousands of Ohio people currently employed in health-care billing deserve legislated transitional monetary supports. With a fair payroll and income tax, we can reap enormous savings for schools and government while improving the physical and financial health of families.

Healthcare-NOW! - With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions

Wouldn't it be faster and easier to make teachers and govt. workers pay for more of their health insurance costs?
There is a way that this school system and every school system in Ohio could save enough money to avoid such deep budget cuts. The new budgeting would take at least four years to fully institute, but would then save around $3 million every year for the Athens City Schools. The strategy: elect reform-minded legislators to the Ohio Assembly who would support single-payer health care in Ohio.

The present “sick care system” is dominated by for-profit insurance companies whose purpose is to keep the returns on investment high so that their shareholders and top executives can maximize their gains. The health of customers who directly or indirectly acquire insurance is secondary and too often unethical. Insurance companies have their place — but not in health care. The thousands of Ohio people currently employed in health-care billing deserve legislated transitional monetary supports. With a fair payroll and income tax, we can reap enormous savings for schools and government while improving the physical and financial health of families.

Healthcare-NOW! - With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions

Wouldn't it be faster and easier to make teachers and govt. workers pay for more of their health insurance costs?

Would it be faster,cheaper and easier to have the homeless teach our children?
There is a way that this school system and every school system in Ohio could save enough money to avoid such deep budget cuts. The new budgeting would take at least four years to fully institute, but would then save around $3 million every year for the Athens City Schools. The strategy: elect reform-minded legislators to the Ohio Assembly who would support single-payer health care in Ohio.

The present “sick care system” is dominated by for-profit insurance companies whose purpose is to keep the returns on investment high so that their shareholders and top executives can maximize their gains. The health of customers who directly or indirectly acquire insurance is secondary and too often unethical. Insurance companies have their place — but not in health care. The thousands of Ohio people currently employed in health-care billing deserve legislated transitional monetary supports. With a fair payroll and income tax, we can reap enormous savings for schools and government while improving the physical and financial health of families.

Healthcare-NOW! - With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions

Wouldn't it be faster and easier to make teachers and govt. workers pay for more of their health insurance costs?

Would it be faster,cheaper and easier to have the homeless teach our children?

Do they have their own transportation to be able to get back and forth to work?
School districts are inefficient bloated fiefdoms filled with low-performing nepotistic hires from top to bottom. It's a corrupt and broken system nationwide.

$3 million spread over the entire Athens county schools payroll is nothing. This shit should come out of their own pockets.
School districts are inefficient bloated fiefdoms filled with low-performing nepotistic hires from top to bottom. It's a corrupt and broken system nationwide.

I've long maintained that the public school system is the most inefficient and corrupt government bureaucracy in this country.
Wouldn't it be faster and easier to make teachers and govt. workers pay for more of their health insurance costs?

That's actually the correct solution to bring down health care costs for everyone across the board. The recipient needs to start bearing more of the cost out of their own pocket and let market forces and competition force the cost down. The more government and third party subsidizing the health care industry receives, the more expensive it becomes. We're seeing the same thing happen with college education now as well for exactly the same reason.
He's right, it would. Even better would be a single-payer system nationwide, which would save Medicare, cut the federal budget dramatically, give people more spending money by lowering health-care costs, boost consumer demand for that reason, and help grow the economy.
He's right, it would. Even better would be a single-payer system nationwide, which would save Medicare, cut the federal budget dramatically, give people more spending money by lowering health-care costs, boost consumer demand for that reason, and help grow the economy.

Oh, be serious.

Have you looked at a single payer system anywhere around the world? I have. Britain. They have their NHS, funded by a 'national insurance' tax that everyone pays (except the unemployed). In a country of some 62 million people, their NHS is the 4th largest employer in the world. Not the largest in their country, or in Europe, but on the whole entire planet.

Now, you tell me how that's gonna work in a country of over 300 million.

And that's before you drill down into the clusterfuck of that particular system.

This issue is just so much more complicated than people make it out to be.
IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance would reduce the cost of doing business in the USA across the board significantly.

Certain would reduce the cost of all levels of government significantly = welcome relief.

Why would anyone say no to this?

A family of four making the median income of $56,200 would pay approximately $2,700 a year for all health care costs.
Why continue supporting this crap?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Health insurers have forced consumers to pay billions of dollars in medical bills that the insurers themselves should have paid, according to a report released yesterday by the staff of the Senate Commerce Committee.

At a committee hearing yesterday, three health-care specialists testified that insurers go to great lengths to avoid responsibility for sick people, use deliberately incomprehensible documents to mislead consumers about their benefits, and sell "junk" policies that do not cover needed care. Rockefeller said he was exploring "why consumers get such a raw deal from their insurance companies."

The star witness at the hearing was a former public relations executive for major health insurers whose testimony boiled down to this: Don't trust the insurers.

"The industry and its backers are using fear tactics, as they did in 1994, to tar a transparent and accountable -- publicly accountable -- health-care option," said Wendell Potter, who until early last year was vice president for corporate communications at the big insurer Cigna.

Insurers make paperwork confusing because "they realize that people will just simply give up and not pursue it" if they think they have been shortchanged, Potter said.

More on this story:
Senate Panel Hears of ‘Raw Deal' Consumers Get From Health Insurers
How many health insurance workers would be laid off?

Maybe none. The medical insurance industry would not disappear.

What should be a matter of choice however is IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance. Allow we IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance consumers the right to bring OUR tax dollars home to our respective communities.

There are close to 70 million uninsured as we speak. Open up IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer insurance and bring them on. Their tax dollars alone would support a Medicare single payer system. Plus senior citizens would participate. Now there are plenty of tax dollars to support Improved Medicare Single Payer Insurance.

The 70 million or more uninsured are not with any medical insurance company and the industry is raking in profits. The industry does not want the uninsured or the senior citizen population. This is where Improved Medicare Single Payer Insurance steps up to the plate.

Moreover, tax dollars pay for critical elements of the health care system apart from direct care. Medicare Insurance funds much of the expensive equipment hospitals use along with all medical residencies.

Open the IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance door wide to all who want to switch.
How many health insurance workers would be laid off?

Maybe none. The medical insurance industry would not disappear.

What should be a matter of choice however is IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance. Allow we IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance consumers the right to bring OUR tax dollars home to our respective communities.

There are close to 70 million uninsured as we speak. Open up IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer insurance and bring them on. Their tax dollars alone would support a Medicare single payer system. Plus senior citizens would participate. Now there are plenty of tax dollars to support Improved Medicare Single Payer Insurance.

The 70 million or more uninsured are not with any medical insurance company and the industry is raking in profits. The industry does not want the uninsured or the senior citizen population. This is where Improved Medicare Single Payer Insurance steps up to the plate.

Moreover, tax dollars pay for critical elements of the health care system apart from direct care. Medicare Insurance funds much of the expensive equipment hospitals use along with all medical residencies.

Open the IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance door wide to all who want to switch.

When the figures don't add up for the 70 million paying $2,700 pa.... who is going to make up the shortfall?
Only a total fool can possibly believe single payer healthcare can work in this country. First off, there's no way on God's green earth the number of providers we have now could possibly keep up with the increased demand. And there's also no way in hell we could possibly afford it. What are you going to do, try more price controls like we do now? Oh yeah, that'll work even though it never has in the history of mankind. In 10 years, maybe less, we'd be bankrupt.
There is a way that this school system and every school system in Ohio could save enough money to avoid such deep budget cuts. The new budgeting would take at least four years to fully institute, but would then save around $3 million every year for the Athens City Schools. The strategy: elect reform-minded legislators to the Ohio Assembly who would support single-payer health care in Ohio.

The present “sick care system” is dominated by for-profit insurance companies whose purpose is to keep the returns on investment high so that their shareholders and top executives can maximize their gains. The health of customers who directly or indirectly acquire insurance is secondary and too often unethical. Insurance companies have their place — but not in health care. The thousands of Ohio people currently employed in health-care billing deserve legislated transitional monetary supports. With a fair payroll and income tax, we can reap enormous savings for schools and government while improving the physical and financial health of families.

Healthcare-NOW! - With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions

The best way to avoid deep cuts in the education system is to oust the unions.
There is a way that this school system and every school system in Ohio could save enough money to avoid such deep budget cuts. The new budgeting would take at least four years to fully institute, but would then save around $3 million every year for the Athens City Schools. The strategy: elect reform-minded legislators to the Ohio Assembly who would support single-payer health care in Ohio.

The present “sick care system” is dominated by for-profit insurance companies whose purpose is to keep the returns on investment high so that their shareholders and top executives can maximize their gains. The health of customers who directly or indirectly acquire insurance is secondary and too often unethical. Insurance companies have their place — but not in health care. The thousands of Ohio people currently employed in health-care billing deserve legislated transitional monetary supports. With a fair payroll and income tax, we can reap enormous savings for schools and government while improving the physical and financial health of families.

Healthcare-NOW! - With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions

The best way to avoid deep cuts in the education system is to oust the unions.

I'd agree with that, plus we should have more competition between public and private schools, that's how you get the best results. At least IMHO.
There is a way that this school system and every school system in Ohio could save enough money to avoid such deep budget cuts. The new budgeting would take at least four years to fully institute, but would then save around $3 million every year for the Athens City Schools. The strategy: elect reform-minded legislators to the Ohio Assembly who would support single-payer health care in Ohio.

The present “sick care system” is dominated by for-profit insurance companies whose purpose is to keep the returns on investment high so that their shareholders and top executives can maximize their gains. The health of customers who directly or indirectly acquire insurance is secondary and too often unethical. Insurance companies have their place — but not in health care. The thousands of Ohio people currently employed in health-care billing deserve legislated transitional monetary supports. With a fair payroll and income tax, we can reap enormous savings for schools and government while improving the physical and financial health of families.

Healthcare-NOW! - With single-payer reform, schools all over Ohio could save millions

The best way to avoid deep cuts in the education system is to oust the unions.

I'd agree with that, plus we should have more competition between public and private schools, that's how you get the best results. At least IMHO.

He is hung up on his health care issues all over the board. Health care costs are directly related to what the unions demand. They are also responsible for the retirement packages that are killing everything in every state, and not only in education.

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