with oil and gas rising every single day ole joe shuts down another 3 leases

So you are saying you refuse to watch the video, will remain completely ignorant, then comment anyway as if you have a clue.

In short, you will do in this thread what you do in all threads.

If you disagree with something I said, say so, otherwise make it about me as you usually are left doing.
The reason they’re not interested is because the iden Administration has made it very clear that they will not approve the permits, pipelines and other infrastructure necessary to actually do anything on those leases.

Do we have shortages?
If you disagree with something I said, say so, otherwise make it about me as you usually are left doing.
Nope. I wholeheartedly agree with your announcement you refuse to get educated on the topic of this thread, but will comment anyway.
Everything depends on future anticipation of supply and profits. Biden's hostility works

We will burn up in 8 yrs if we don't stop. 10 buck a gallon gas will solve so much of this burning. All petroleum products must cease usage now..........we need to switch the military to all electric soon....electric tanks, battleships, planes.

all commercial flight needs to go electric soon

Electricity comes from burning fossil fuels as well, but just adds the extra inefficient layers of converting the kinetic energy to electricity, storing it, retrieving it, converting it back to kinetic energy, and carrying around the tons of extra battery weight.

There will NEVER be battery electric trains, trucks, ships, tanks, or planes.

Even if we ever came up with free and clean electricity, like from fusion, we would still never go to battery electric vehicles. Batteries are way too expensive, heavy, inefficient, etc. We instead would use something like hydrogen, which we would burn. Hydrogen just produces clean water when burned, and weighs far less than heavy batteries.
Nope. I wholeheartedly agree with your announcement you refuse to get educated on the topic of this thread, but will comment anyway.

Again, what did I state that was wrong? Be specific.
Do we have shortages?
Shortages of gas products, yes. Just look at the prices for gas, diesel and home heating oil. Check out what the generators are paying for LNG these days. We aren’t going off the need for oil products any time soon.
Shortages of gas products, yes. Just look at the prices for gas, diesel and home heating oil. Check out what the generators are paying for LNG these days. We aren’t going off the need for oil products any time soon.

Prices are not reflective of any shortages. Prices are reflective of the irrational exhuberances of the markets.
I've been watching the development of nuclear waste batteries and electricity generated by nuclear waste.

And the idea isn't exactly a bad one.

The kinetic energy from radioactive isotopes used to create electricity. Some things stay "hot" for thousands of years. Meaning that potentially a "battery" could be created that would last just as long. It really is not a battery as much as an electricity generating device for low voltage needs. Sunlight is currently being used in this fashion...I see no reason to not use radioactive decay in the same manner.
like a lot of things today, in this country and the world...the left has been satanically influenced. Didn't start yesterday or last year. It's been going on for sometime. Take the Envirowhackjobs. You've seen the video of them in the forest lamenting the death of old growth, speaking to the trees, apologizing to the trees, weeping and wailing. Worshipping the creation rather than the CREATOR. In the Book of Revelation, God sends his judgement to the world...initially on the environment. It is my belief that environmentalism is the brain child of satan inspiring his believers to try to delete, suspend, subvert, delay these judgements. They are coming. IF the left environmentalists do not succeed in that endeavor then they can at least blame the situation on the alleged inaction for the environnmental doom on the right. I just hope i'm not HERE to see it.

God says the earth will end in fire. And that might mean that the earth will continue to get hotter and hotter. If that is the case...there is nothing you can do about that. Many people tend to do what they can to be good stewards of the earth. We pick up after ourselves, avoid littering, many of us recycle in different ways among other things.

Coming up with outlandish plans to 'put a protective covering of some sort over the earth, seed the heavens, 'messing with nature' , depopulating the earth one way or another, aren't going to do a thing to HELP the earth. It will kill people, animals, and perhaps even speed along the ultimate coming judgements.
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Prices are not reflective of any shortages. Prices are reflective of the irrational exhuberances of the markets
Until we don’t need to buy a single drop of oil or natural gas from any foreign entity I will suggest that we have a shortage in the United States. We should not be allowing a single unit of gas or LNG out of this country until we sre fully independent with those substances ourselves.
Until we don’t need to buy a single drop of oil or natural gas from any foreign entity I will suggest that we have a shortage in the United States. We should not be allowing a single unit of gas or LNG out of this country until we sre fully independent with those substances ourselves.

Which is fine but there are no shortages.
The reason why Biden is cutting oil production is because the Crazy Climate Change Cultists are controlling him.
Oil production and leases, has increased under Biden.

Oil production in Biden’s first year on par …

Mar 09, 2022 · Oil production in the U.S. in President Joe Biden’s first year was on par with 2020 and higher than in two of the four years Trump was president. Increased consumer demand, inflation and the war ...
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The reason they’re not interested is because the iden Administration has made it very clear that they will not approve the permits, pipelines and other infrastructure necessary to actually do anything on those leases.

The damage Biden is doing and either he or Kamala will continue to do until January 20, 2025, is incalculable.

Even should Republicans win bigly in the midterms, either Biden or Harris will just on doing what they've been doing.

We really are screwed.
Oil production and leases, has increased under Biden.

Oil production in Biden’s first year on par …

Mar 09, 2022 · Oil production in the U.S. in President Joe Biden’s first year was on par with 2020 and higher than in two of the four years Trump was president. Increased consumer demand, inflation and the war ...

Oil production was down in 2020 because of COVID, it isn't near what it was during the peak under Trump. It was 12.826 million bbls a day in February 2020, as of
March 2022 it was 11.312 million bbls a day.

Biden has dithered on leases and several courts have was that he is in violation of federal law over that.


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