With Friends Like These...


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
Okay, so here we are at the close of the silly season, we've all had our fill of campaign ads, rolled our eyes, and cursed our televisions and the networks every time one comes on. We've seen them all, or so I thought...

Here in New Mexico we are about to elect our first woman Governor. The choices are what you'd expect, a Republican, Susana Martinez, and a Democrat, Diane Denish. The ads have been pretty much what you'd expect and similar to all those you've probably seen in your area, though Denish did catch some heat for one with some calling it "borderline race baiting."


Tonight, as the Mrs and I ignored the neighborhood trick-or-treaters, I was treated to a Denish ad I had not seen before. This ad could best be titled "Friends." The ad shows both candidates being endorsed by "friends" with the voice over telling us, essentially, that we are known by the company we keep, who our friends are. The ad uses the word "friends." Martinez is shown being endorsed, and embraced by Sarah Palin while Denish is shown being endorsed by former President Bill Clinton.

My reaction? Raucous laughter.

Now I have no love for Palin, but as far as I can tell, the worst that can be said about her is she quit her job before her term was up. Everything else is personal opinion. As far as Clinton is concerned, meh, I don't dislike the man and have no complaints about his tenure as CinC, except...

He did cheat on his wife, with a woman young enough to be his daughter, in the Oval Office (yeah, I know, not the first one to do it, won't be the last, yadah yadah yadah) and he lied about it while under oath.

So, if you're known by the friends you keep, are we to assume that Denish is a liar and a cheat? Martinez a quitter? Who do you vote for?

If this ad were to hold any sway on my vote, I'd have to go with the quitter...
If this ad were to hold any sway on my vote, I'd have to go with the quitter...
.....And, the company SHE keeps, right???

Susana Martinez.... won't she be the first female Latino to be elected Governor anywhere in the US.... assuming she wins?

And, for the record, if we elect people and judge them on the company they keep, yea, I would vote for Martinez. I too would take a 'quitter' like Palin over a corrupt, lying, cheating POS like Clinton.
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Okay, so here we are at the close of the silly season, we've all had our fill of campaign ads, rolled our eyes, and cursed our televisions and the networks every time one comes on. We've seen them all, or so I thought...

Here in New Mexico we are about to elect our first woman Governor. The choices are what you'd expect, a Republican, Susana Martinez, and a Democrat, Diane Denish. The ads have been pretty much what you'd expect and similar to all those you've probably seen in your area, though Denish did catch some heat for one with some calling it "borderline race baiting."


Tonight, as the Mrs and I ignored the neighborhood trick-or-treaters, I was treated to a Denish ad I had not seen before. This ad could best be titled "Friends." The ad shows both candidates being endorsed by "friends" with the voice over telling us, essentially, that we are known by the company we keep, who our friends are. The ad uses the word "friends." Martinez is shown being endorsed, and embraced by Sarah Palin while Denish is shown being endorsed by former President Bill Clinton.

My reaction? Raucous laughter.

Now I have no love for Palin, but as far as I can tell, the worst that can be said about her is she quit her job before her term was up. Everything else is personal opinion. As far as Clinton is concerned, meh, I don't dislike the man and have no complaints about his tenure as CinC, except...

He did cheat on his wife, with a woman young enough to be his daughter, in the Oval Office (yeah, I know, not the first one to do it, won't be the last, yadah yadah yadah) and he lied about it while under oath.

So, if you're known by the friends you keep, are we to assume that Denish is a liar and a cheat? Martinez a quitter? Who do you vote for?

If this ad were to hold any sway on my vote, I'd have to go with the quitter...

If you were hiring someone for your company in a sales position, which is what a politicians job really amounts to, you would probably be better off putting a person on board that tells people what they want to hear from time to time than a quitter. A politician needs to be somewhat of a bullshitter to get along with a lot of people. You don't get co-operation with others by being 100 % honest and constantly reminding them of their faults.
Susana Martinez.... won't she be the first female Latino to be elected Governor anywhere in the US.... assuming she wins?

And, for the record, if we elect people and judge them on the company they keep, yea, I would vote for Martinez. I too would take a 'quitter' like Palin over a corrupt, lying, cheating POS like Clinton.
Yeah....that's what we need....a return to Bushenomics!!!


Pro$perity is sooooooooooooooo over-rated!!!!
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Okay, so here we are at the close of the silly season, we've all had our fill of campaign ads, rolled our eyes, and cursed our televisions and the networks every time one comes on. We've seen them all, or so I thought...

Here in New Mexico we are about to elect our first woman Governor. The choices are what you'd expect, a Republican, Susana Martinez, and a Democrat, Diane Denish. The ads have been pretty much what you'd expect and similar to all those you've probably seen in your area, though Denish did catch some heat for one with some calling it "borderline race baiting."


Tonight, as the Mrs and I ignored the neighborhood trick-or-treaters, I was treated to a Denish ad I had not seen before. This ad could best be titled "Friends." The ad shows both candidates being endorsed by "friends" with the voice over telling us, essentially, that we are known by the company we keep, who our friends are. The ad uses the word "friends." Martinez is shown being endorsed, and embraced by Sarah Palin while Denish is shown being endorsed by former President Bill Clinton.

My reaction? Raucous laughter.

Now I have no love for Palin, but as far as I can tell, the worst that can be said about her is she quit her job before her term was up. Everything else is personal opinion. As far as Clinton is concerned, meh, I don't dislike the man and have no complaints about his tenure as CinC, except...

He did cheat on his wife, with a woman young enough to be his daughter, in the Oval Office (yeah, I know, not the first one to do it, won't be the last, yadah yadah yadah) and he lied about it while under oath.

So, if you're known by the friends you keep, are we to assume that Denish is a liar and a cheat? Martinez a quitter? Who do you vote for?

If this ad were to hold any sway on my vote, I'd have to go with the quitter...

If you were hiring someone for your company in a sales position, which is what a politicians job really amounts to, you would probably be better off putting a person on board that tells people what they want to hear from time to time than a quitter.

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