Wisconsin Supreme Court Election


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Tight race... but Democratic votes come flooding in at the end...looking like Chicago!

50% -50% Prosser losing by 700 votes.

Somebody see buses?
Let them continue...all the rest of the bastards will suffer the same fate.

Good riddance!
Oddball, I have lurked for a hot minuet and you are a smart person. lets play nice, shall we? Im going to find as many sources as possible. Some still have Gov Walkers agenda in the lead.
does not look good for the anti Union, Conservative types....

below is a decent blow by blow....

WI Special Election: Results

Looks like Prosser is going to win. That doesn't look good for the union thug types. Despite all the millions that poured in to defeat him, he still wins. The people of Wisconsin aren't as stupid as the union thugs thought they were.
see, im only trying to inform. Tight race indeed. My sources in WI tell me its a sure thing against Walker. Is this a a sign of things to come for Obama?
does not look good for the anti Union, Conservative types....

below is a decent blow by blow....

WI Special Election: Results

Looks like Prosser is going to win. That doesn't look good for the union thug types. Despite all the millions that poured in to defeat him, he still wins. The people of Wisconsin aren't as stupid as the union thugs thought they were.

Umm.... Its still too close to call. In a race that was suppose to be a big win for Prosser. I think that speaks volumes coming for November 2012 that Wisconsin will go democrat. Union thugs? Give me a break.
see, im only trying to inform. Tight race indeed. My sources in WI tell me its a sure thing against Walker. Is this a a sign of things to come for Obama?

It also might have a lot to do with the ads the Libs ran-- which were lies about Prosser ignoring pedophiles. The poor kid who was abused has come out and said her ads were offensive.

Joanne Kloppenburg and WI Dems are All About the Children, Until they Need to Further Abuse One to Win an Election

Except that’s not what happened. How do I know? Because the young man molested in the case has publicly stated Kloppenburg’s ads are “offensive, inaccurate and out of context.” He calls on Kloppenburg to pull them while explaining what really happened.

Joanne Kloppenburg and WI Dems are All About the Children, Until they Need to Further Abuse One to Win an Election | Blue Collar Muse
Supreme Court REPORTING 97%
David Prosser 724,355
Joanne Kloppenburg 722,518
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im claiming im on Ascension Island in the south Atlantic protecting your sorry a$$. Chill out dude or dudett, whatev.

I have a very close friend in WI, a single mom with 2 kiddos. She disapproves of Walker and all of this mess he has created. Im just trying to report what she has shared with me.
im claiming im on Ascension Island in the south Atlantic protecting your sorry a$$. Chill out dude or dudett, whatev.

I have a very close friend in WI, a single mom with 2 kiddos. She disapproves of Walker and all of this mess he has created. Im just trying to report what she has shared with me.

Chill? LOL You said you were told this was against Walker, I said " it might also have something to do with the ads that were run". And then you state it was not fact.

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