WINNING: U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Hold Below 300,000 for Longest Streak on Record


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

The current streak eclipsed the previous longest stretch that ended in April 1970. Taking into account the size of the labor force, claims today compared to the late 1960s and early 1970s are much lower. In March, about 14 initial jobless claims were filed for every 10,000 people in the labor force, Labor Department data show. This compares with 23 claims filed per 10,000 in spring of 1969.

This year, about twice as many people are in the labor force as in 1969.

U.S. Weekly Jobless Claims Hold Below 300,000 for Longest Streak on Record.
this is big.

Not really. The OP's trying to sneak it in but "jobless claims" means applications for unemployment compensation. There are myriad factors that can affect that including more stringent disqualification standards.

OP article requires subscription so details on that are (conveniently) not available.
What people need to remember is that the really big improvement and gains in American industry have yet to really kick in. When it does it's going to be yuge!

The other aspect of growth is that it is that it is greatest where the Ds are the weakest.

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