Winning: GREAT AGAIN: JOBS +263,000

Despite the 'triggered' snowflakes proclaiming Trump has done nothing so far, even CNBC had to admit that's not true:

Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
- Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

"The year's fast start for job creation showed no signs of letting up in March as private payrolls saw another big boost, according to a report Wednesday.

Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February.

In addition to the big gain on the headline number, the month also continued a trend away from services-oriented positions dominating job creation. Goods-producing firms contributed 82,000 to the total, as construction led the way with 49,000 new jobs.

Professional and business services was the leading sector, with 57,000, while leisure and hospitality added 55,000 and health care was up 46,000. Manufacturing payrolls grew by 30,000 and trade, transportation and utilities rose by 34,000.

"Job growth is off to a strong start in 2017," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, said in a statement. "The gains are broad-based but most notable in the goods producing side of the economy including construction, manufacturing and mining."

After spending nearly $1 trillion tax dollars Obama failed to do what Trump has done without spending hardly anything.


Pretty good for a guy whose first 60 days have been like this:

1. Baselessly accused his predecessor of illegally wiretapping his phones.
2. Allowed his White House to defame the intelligence agency of a core U.S. ally, for the sake of defending the infallibility of his tweets.
3. Gave his daughter an office in the White House and a security clearance — while keeping her immune from conflict-of-interest laws.
4. Allowed his budget director to argue that cutting funding to Meals on Wheels is “probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”
5. Demanded the passage of a health-care bill that he, himself, admitted would hurt his own supporters.
6. Failed to staff nearly 2,000 vacant Executive branch positions.
7. Signed an Energy Independence Executive Order that will not make America more energy independent — but will likely prevent America from honoring its international commitments to reduce carbon emissions.
8. Declared the mainstream media the “enemy of the American people.”
9. Held a nuclear strategy session in the public dining room of his Florida resort.
10. Allowed one of his senior advisers to complain about CNN’s political coverage to the network’s parent company — which has a proposed merger pending before the government.
11. Trump’s weekend visits to Mar-a-Lago cost American taxpayers more than $10 million in his first month in office, according to the Washington Post.
12. Allowed his administration to ask the FBI to leak favorable information, in violation of rules protecting the Justice Department’s independence.
13. Declared the “court system” a threat to national security.
14. Insisted that his Supreme Court pick had no problem with attacks on the judiciary, in the face of blatant evidence to the contrary.
15. Trashed New START during a call with Putin — after putting the phone aside to ask his advisers what that (nuclear-arms treaty) was.
16. Publicly condemned a private company for dropping his daughter’s (increasingly unpopular) fashion line.
17. Suggested that publicly criticizing his military decisions is tantamount to aiding “the enemy.”
18. Used the executive branch’s immense authority over border control to inflict arbitrary cruelty on thousands of Muslim immigrants, create chaos at airports all across America, and sour diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.
19. Violated court orders against his travel ban.
20. Suggested that Frederick Douglass is still alive in speech on Black History Month.
21. Told a demonstrable lie about the size of the crowd at his inauguration — and predicted that the media would “pay a big price” for refusing to repeat it.
22. Told congressional leaders at a private meeting that he only lost the popular vote because undocumented immigrants cast millions of ballots against him.
23. Suggested America might once again have the opportunity to confiscate Iraq’s oil.
24.Replaced the White House website’s page on climate change with a vow to drill for oil on federal lands.
25. Suggested that America’s intelligence agencies might be turning the United States into something akin to Nazi Germany.
26. Tweeted that Bashir al Assad of Syria needed to be taken out in 2013.
27. Supports Bashir as Assad of Syria after winning election.
28. Blames Obama for as Assad's chemical attack on Syrian civilians.

Every Terrifying Thing That Donald Trump Did Lately

So you see, honey, jobs grew IN SPITE of Trump, not because of him.
So wait, the job numbers are to be trusted now?
so you are saying people actually say the jobs number isn't correct?

You being serious now?
Yes. I couldn't imagine someone would deny the numbers. Maybe the substance, but not the numbers.
Guess its my fault. You partisans shouldn't surprise me anymore..

I don't doubt the numbers, but please don't tell me you didn't see any of the threads over the last 8 years where people swore up and down that the numbers weren't legit. They're "part time", "seasonal", blah blah. And now no mention of that once Trump is president despite the numbers being produced in exactly the same way.

So don't be a hack and save your partisan speech for someone else.
I don't rember anyone doubting the numbers. Since they sucked. Obama was the worst GDP president. Nice to have a winner as president again.
So wait, the job numbers are to be trusted now?
so you are saying people actually say the jobs number isn't correct?

You being serious now?
Yes. I couldn't imagine someone would deny the numbers. Maybe the substance, but not the numbers.
Guess its my fault. You partisans shouldn't surprise me anymore..

I don't doubt the numbers, but please don't tell me you didn't see any of the threads over the last 8 years where people swore up and down that the numbers weren't legit. They're "part time", "seasonal", blah blah. And now no mention of that once Trump is president despite the numbers being produced in exactly the same way.

So don't be a hack and save your partisan speech for someone else.

Since you want to be destroyed I'll destroy you. For 8 years Obama and the Dem's claimed how great the Obama economy was, they boasted about the jobs Obama created...then they claimed the poor and middle class were in dire straights, things were horrible, they were at their wits end. So, which the fuck was it?
The test will be how many of the underemployed can move up and how much business investment increases.

That's when the slack in the economy begins to really tighten and we see higher GDP growth and (hopefully) some organic inflation.

Not enough data yet. Fingers crossed. Regardless of which silly end of our political spectrum gets to crow about it.
The test will be how many of the underemployed can move up and how much business investment increases.

That's when the slack in the economy begins to really tighten and we see higher GDP growth and (hopefully) some organic inflation.

Not enough data yet. Fingers crossed. Regardless of which silly end of our political spectrum gets to crow about it.

The test will be how he handles NK and his mini-me, Kim Jong Un. He fuddles that and all confidence in his admin will be completely gone. He will be exactly where George W. Bush was after the financial crash and two failed wars: around 22% approval and the country a fucking mess.
Despite the 'triggered' snowflakes proclaiming Trump has done nothing so far, even CNBC had to admit that's not true:

Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
- Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

"The year's fast start for job creation showed no signs of letting up in March as private payrolls saw another big boost, according to a report Wednesday.

Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February.

In addition to the big gain on the headline number, the month also continued a trend away from services-oriented positions dominating job creation. Goods-producing firms contributed 82,000 to the total, as construction led the way with 49,000 new jobs.

Professional and business services was the leading sector, with 57,000, while leisure and hospitality added 55,000 and health care was up 46,000. Manufacturing payrolls grew by 30,000 and trade, transportation and utilities rose by 34,000.

"Job growth is off to a strong start in 2017," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, said in a statement. "The gains are broad-based but most notable in the goods producing side of the economy including construction, manufacturing and mining."

After spending nearly $1 trillion tax dollars Obama failed to do what Trump has done without spending hardly anything.


Pretty good for a guy whose first 60 days have been like this:

1. Baselessly accused his predecessor of illegally wiretapping his phones.
2. Allowed his White House to defame the intelligence agency of a core U.S. ally, for the sake of defending the infallibility of his tweets.
3. Gave his daughter an office in the White House and a security clearance — while keeping her immune from conflict-of-interest laws.
4. Allowed his budget director to argue that cutting funding to Meals on Wheels is “probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”
5. Demanded the passage of a health-care bill that he, himself, admitted would hurt his own supporters.
6. Failed to staff nearly 2,000 vacant Executive branch positions.
7. Signed an Energy Independence Executive Order that will not make America more energy independent — but will likely prevent America from honoring its international commitments to reduce carbon emissions.
8. Declared the mainstream media the “enemy of the American people.”
9. Held a nuclear strategy session in the public dining room of his Florida resort.
10. Allowed one of his senior advisers to complain about CNN’s political coverage to the network’s parent company — which has a proposed merger pending before the government.
11. Trump’s weekend visits to Mar-a-Lago cost American taxpayers more than $10 million in his first month in office, according to the Washington Post.
12. Allowed his administration to ask the FBI to leak favorable information, in violation of rules protecting the Justice Department’s independence.
13. Declared the “court system” a threat to national security.
14. Insisted that his Supreme Court pick had no problem with attacks on the judiciary, in the face of blatant evidence to the contrary.
15. Trashed New START during a call with Putin — after putting the phone aside to ask his advisers what that (nuclear-arms treaty) was.
16. Publicly condemned a private company for dropping his daughter’s (increasingly unpopular) fashion line.
17. Suggested that publicly criticizing his military decisions is tantamount to aiding “the enemy.”
18. Used the executive branch’s immense authority over border control to inflict arbitrary cruelty on thousands of Muslim immigrants, create chaos at airports all across America, and sour diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.
19. Violated court orders against his travel ban.
20. Suggested that Frederick Douglass is still alive in speech on Black History Month.
21. Told a demonstrable lie about the size of the crowd at his inauguration — and predicted that the media would “pay a big price” for refusing to repeat it.
22. Told congressional leaders at a private meeting that he only lost the popular vote because undocumented immigrants cast millions of ballots against him.
23. Suggested America might once again have the opportunity to confiscate Iraq’s oil.
24.Replaced the White House website’s page on climate change with a vow to drill for oil on federal lands.
25. Suggested that America’s intelligence agencies might be turning the United States into something akin to Nazi Germany.
26. Tweeted that Bashir al Assad of Syria needed to be taken out in 2013.
27. Supports Bashir as Assad of Syria after winning election.
28. Blames Obama for as Assad's chemical attack on Syrian civilians.

Every Terrifying Thing That Donald Trump Did Lately"]Every Terrifying Thing That Donald Trump Did Lately[/URL]

So you see, honey, jobs grew IN SPITE of Trump, not because of him.
'Triggered' Fake News snowflake :p
So the latest snowflake' LIE is that Trump somehow supports al-Assad because he made a Syrian Foreign Policy change, declaring it is not his or the US's goal to overthrow another world leader in / through an Un-Constitutional War Obama dragged the US into?

Obama helped oust Mubarak and helped replace him and our ally Egypt's government with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama helped Al Qaeda murder and replace Qadaffi, who was HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa.

Obama TRIED to oust Netanyahu, the leader of of another ally, Israel

And he has been trying to oust al-Assad but has miserably failed.

He dragged the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, UN-authorized wars to try to overthrow 2 of these leaders, was successful with 1 and the US is still in the war Obama started to try to oust the 2nd.

Not a bad record for a Nobel Peace Prize winner....

But abandoning Obama's goal of helping ISIS overthrow al-Assad is somehow 'siding with' / 'supporting' Assad?

So wait, the job numbers are to be trusted now?
so you are saying people actually say the jobs number isn't correct?

You being serious now?
Yes. I couldn't imagine someone would deny the numbers. Maybe the substance, but not the numbers.
Guess its my fault. You partisans shouldn't surprise me anymore..

I don't doubt the numbers, but please don't tell me you didn't see any of the threads over the last 8 years where people swore up and down that the numbers weren't legit. They're "part time", "seasonal", blah blah. And now no mention of that once Trump is president despite the numbers being produced in exactly the same way.

So don't be a hack and save your partisan speech for someone else.
I don't rember anyone doubting the numbers. Since they sucked. Obama was the worst GDP president. Nice to have a winner as president again.

How many threads do you want me to show you before you apologize and admit you're wrong? Just let me know.
So much Winning! I'll never get tired of all the WINNING!!!!!!!
Despite the 'triggered' snowflakes proclaiming Trump has done nothing so far, even CNBC had to admit that's not true:

Private payrolls grew 263K in March vs. 185K est.: ADP
- Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says

"The year's fast start for job creation showed no signs of letting up in March as private payrolls saw another big boost, according to a report Wednesday.

Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February.

In addition to the big gain on the headline number, the month also continued a trend away from services-oriented positions dominating job creation. Goods-producing firms contributed 82,000 to the total, as construction led the way with 49,000 new jobs.

Professional and business services was the leading sector, with 57,000, while leisure and hospitality added 55,000 and health care was up 46,000. Manufacturing payrolls grew by 30,000 and trade, transportation and utilities rose by 34,000.

"Job growth is off to a strong start in 2017," Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody's Analytics, said in a statement. "The gains are broad-based but most notable in the goods producing side of the economy including construction, manufacturing and mining."

After spending nearly $1 trillion tax dollars Obama failed to do what Trump has done without spending hardly anything.


Pretty good for a guy whose first 60 days have been like this:

1. Baselessly accused his predecessor of illegally wiretapping his phones.
2. Allowed his White House to defame the intelligence agency of a core U.S. ally, for the sake of defending the infallibility of his tweets.
3. Gave his daughter an office in the White House and a security clearance — while keeping her immune from conflict-of-interest laws.
4. Allowed his budget director to argue that cutting funding to Meals on Wheels is “probably one of the most compassionate things we can do.”
5. Demanded the passage of a health-care bill that he, himself, admitted would hurt his own supporters.
6. Failed to staff nearly 2,000 vacant Executive branch positions.
7. Signed an Energy Independence Executive Order that will not make America more energy independent — but will likely prevent America from honoring its international commitments to reduce carbon emissions.
8. Declared the mainstream media the “enemy of the American people.”
9. Held a nuclear strategy session in the public dining room of his Florida resort.
10. Allowed one of his senior advisers to complain about CNN’s political coverage to the network’s parent company — which has a proposed merger pending before the government.
11. Trump’s weekend visits to Mar-a-Lago cost American taxpayers more than $10 million in his first month in office, according to the Washington Post.
12. Allowed his administration to ask the FBI to leak favorable information, in violation of rules protecting the Justice Department’s independence.
13. Declared the “court system” a threat to national security.
14. Insisted that his Supreme Court pick had no problem with attacks on the judiciary, in the face of blatant evidence to the contrary.
15. Trashed New START during a call with Putin — after putting the phone aside to ask his advisers what that (nuclear-arms treaty) was.
16. Publicly condemned a private company for dropping his daughter’s (increasingly unpopular) fashion line.
17. Suggested that publicly criticizing his military decisions is tantamount to aiding “the enemy.”
18. Used the executive branch’s immense authority over border control to inflict arbitrary cruelty on thousands of Muslim immigrants, create chaos at airports all across America, and sour diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.
19. Violated court orders against his travel ban.
20. Suggested that Frederick Douglass is still alive in speech on Black History Month.
21. Told a demonstrable lie about the size of the crowd at his inauguration — and predicted that the media would “pay a big price” for refusing to repeat it.
22. Told congressional leaders at a private meeting that he only lost the popular vote because undocumented immigrants cast millions of ballots against him.
23. Suggested America might once again have the opportunity to confiscate Iraq’s oil.
24.Replaced the White House website’s page on climate change with a vow to drill for oil on federal lands.
25. Suggested that America’s intelligence agencies might be turning the United States into something akin to Nazi Germany.
26. Tweeted that Bashir al Assad of Syria needed to be taken out in 2013.
27. Supports Bashir as Assad of Syria after winning election.
28. Blames Obama for as Assad's chemical attack on Syrian civilians.

Every Terrifying Thing That Donald Trump Did Lately"]Every Terrifying Thing That Donald Trump Did Lately[/URL]

So you see, honey, jobs grew IN SPITE of Trump, not because of him.

^^^ Sore LoserXyr strikes again ^^^
Biggest gains since 2014. Good on ya Trump. :thup:

The year's fast start for job creation showed no signs of letting up in March as private payrolls saw another big boost, according to a report Wednesday.

Companies added 263,000 jobs for the month, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. That was well above the 185,000 expected from economists surveyed by Reuters and also better than the 245,000 reported for February.

In addition to the big gain on the headline number, the month also continued a trend away from services-oriented positions dominating job creation. Goods-producing firms contributed 82,000 to the total, as construction led the way with 49,000 new jobs...

Another big month for job creation in March, ADP says
proof that his polls are about 15 points off,,,,are they polling rats in NY and California? no wonder they have him around 36%,,,,F------K polling Los Angeles/San Fran !!!
should be real easy to name the legislation (bill #'s and dates) Trump passed that gives him credit for job growth ... shouldn't it ?

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