Winning bidders confirmed in round four of South Africa IPP programme


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Winning bidders confirmed in round four of South Africa IPP programme
Winning bidders confirmed in round four of South Africa IPP programme PV-Tech

  • south_africa_Droogfontein_solar_power_globoteq_200_150_s_c1.jpg

    Droogfontein solar faciilty built in round one of the REIPPP programme. Six PV projects have been chosen in the latest round. Image: Globeleq.
Six PV projects totalling 415MW have been selected under the fourth round of South Africa’s national renewable energy procurement programme.

A statement from the South African Department of Energy this morning confirmed a total of 13 successful bids in the fourth round across all technologies, totalling 1,121MW of new capacity.

The number and capacity of PV projects is roughly in line with what was selected in 2013 under the third round of the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme, when six projects totalling 450MW were chosen.

Nice...They have a lot of solar there.

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