Wingnuts get their asses kicked


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.

A couple local referendums does not negate Obama's $1,5000,000,000,00 debt, deficits, collapsing Obamacare, feckless foreign policy, inflation, rampant unemployment, support for Marxists and other assorted fruitcakes crapping in the public square, Wall Street & union bailouts, Fast and Furious, Solyndra, etc.

But keep telling yourself he's going win in 2012.

Obama has lost Ohio, so I guess he wont be campaigning in there anytime soon, maybe he can concentrate on Virginia next ?
Good grief. you people are such HACKS. So the PEOPLE voted on a few things in their states. How the FUCK does that help the Obama..
At some point Barack is going to have to stand on a stage and defend his record in a series of debates. So how does one defend 9% unemployment, a deficit that has doubled since he took office, the first credit downgrade in our nation's history, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, and a health care plan that didn't lower the cost of health care?

Good luck with that...
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.

:lol: Yes they did!
At some point Barack is going to have to stand on a stage and defend his record in a series of debates. So how does one defend 9% unemployment, a deficit that has doubled since he took office, the first credit downgrade in our nation's history, Solyndra, Fast & Furious, and a health care plan that didn't lower the cost of health care?

Good luck with that...

Let's see...Crumbling infrastructure that the GOP doesn't want to pay for, Corrupt banks that won't loan money to small businesses for expansion or startups, Slave labor outsourcing to pad the wallets of the rich elite.... That pretty much covers the 9% unemployment.

A deficit that has doubled when almost a Trillion of it came from Bushie bailing out his Wall Street buddies... let's knock that off the top and see what the deficit is.

The first Credit Downgrade was DIRECTLY caused by Conservative Politicians trying to hold the debt limit hostage to their Draconian demands for cuts on 90% of our citizenry.

Solyndra? 85K documents released to the witch hunters when they asked for them...they found nothing, so they are grasping at straws trying to find something... ANYTHING that makes them feel justified.

Fast and Furious? That was a fuckup... I'll admit it. How much involvement did he have in it though? I mean Reagan wasn't found culpable for Iran/Contra... Ollie North jumped on that Grenade for him and Bush I. Truthfully, I'd like to know what he knew and what his involvement was in Fast and furious... I don't care for shit like that no matter who is in Office.
Opinion from a partisan source, but I thought I'd share it anyway:

...that’s just how big of a disaster Issue 2 was for Ohio Republicans last night. [ ] The failure of Republicans to coalesce around this issue not only backfired miserably, it had the completely opposite effect, creating an off-year grassroots surge that knocked the blocks out from under Cincy conservatives. He cannot be jettisoned fast enough in the Buckeye State and Republicans in Ohio are now in a deep hole. The network to bring Ohio back into the blue column next year is already in place. The overreach was brutal, and a significant number of Ohio GOP voters jumped ship on this measure and mobilized Democrats to boot.

The coattails on the Issue 2 No vote completely reworked the government of one of the more conservative cities in the state and made it overwhelmingly progressive, not to mention creating a majority African-American council to back Mayor Mallory. Between this and Dems rolling to wins in Kentucky as mistermix mentioned, yeah, Tuesday was a pretty good day for our side ‘round my neck of the woods.

Balloon Juice » Queen City Shuffle
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.

Sorry, not here in Virginia asswipe.

Do a little research before gloating with your stupidity.

Without Virginia, the Dems are toast.

President Cain.

Nice ring to it, huh?
As far as Kentucky goes, though, is it really all that great to have Steve Beshear kept in office?
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.

Sorry, not here in Virginia asswipe.

Do a little research before gloating with your stupidity.

Without Virginia, the Dems are toast.

President Cain.

Nice ring to it, huh?

But I didn't include Virginia, did I? :cuckoo:
As far as Kentucky goes, though, is it really all that great to have Steve Beshear kept in office?

It's the Ben Nelson thing. Better to have a Blue Dog than a Wingnut.

And that's the advantage that Liberals have over wingnuts. We don't demand ideological purity. This is why 'DINO' never caught on.
The "Papers, Please" Arizona Legislator has also been kicked to the curb.

When you are too wingnutty for Arizona, you are a radical fringe extremist.
in Ohio, in Kentucky, in Mississippi, in Maine.

Maine returned to the ability to register to vote on the day of the election, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Ohio stood up for public employee union rights, reversing a recent wingnut law.

Kentucky reelected a Democratic governor and a Democratic Atty. Gen., reversing recent wingnut trends.

Mississippi showed that they do have a brain in their head, slapping down the draconian and wingnut attempt to make fertilization the standard for personhood.

The Wingnuts have overplayed their hand, and misinterpreted – on purpose – their mandate for job creation into a call for social engineering, restriction of rights, and the furtherance of bigotry.

The tide has turned. Obama 2012.

:lol::lol: Well if you consider Ohio voting more than two to one against Obamacare--a win--hey go for it--:lol::lol:

As far as Kentucky & Mississippi--you really don't believe that these two very conservative states are going to FLIP and vote for a democrat for POTUS--do you??--because I don't think in my 58 years they ever have---:lol:
As far as Kentucky goes, though, is it really all that great to have Steve Beshear kept in office?

If you don't mind one of those WINGNUT blue dog conservative democrats that really should just refer to himself as a REPUBLICAN---:lol:

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The "Papers, Please" Arizona Legislator has also been kicked to the curb.

When you are too wingnutty for Arizona, you are a radical fringe extremist.

open border douche bags are hard to finger out

did I mention clueless/detach keep shoving your face with electronic distractions
Obama has lost Ohio, so I guess he wont be campaigning in there anytime soon, maybe he can concentrate on Virginia next ?

Not quite sure how you came to that conclusion. Kasich, the Republican Governor who hasn't even completed his first year has an approval rating of 37%. That does not bode well at all for the Republican nominee. But please do keep thinking the Republicans have Ohio in the bag.

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