Wingnut Noise Machine & Racists Elements in Tea Party Exposed!

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Wingnut Noise Machine & Racists Elements in Tea Party Exposed!

This is mainly a media story.

It is a story about how these days, instead of acting outright racist, racist elements within the conservative movement have gone into the media, where they now dedicate huge resources to exposing reverse racism under every rock, bed, and statement that is critical of white racism. With these conservative media types, to point out that any racism on the part of whites exists, exposes others to charges of being the 'real' racists, with accusations of reverse racism.

Context is everything here. The racists on the right (and their dupes), have based all their arguments on a contextual framework that demands ignoring the reality of how this all came about.

The initial motivation for the airing of the edited and deceptive video was a response to perceived racism by the NAACP. The NAACP's supposed racism? It was their charge that the tea party had not denounced the racist elements within the tea party. The irony here is that the NAACP later congratulated the tea party for getting rid of a racist element within, but this was not good enough for the wingnut noise machine. The anger and warped motivations on the part of conservative racists keeps them focused on the bogeyman under the bed, rather than the reality on the ground.


In an interview Wednesday, Breitbart said he first learned of Sherrod's speech in April, when a source he declined to name sent him a DVD copy of it. But the DVD did not work. He said he forgot about the speech until last week, when the NAACP denounced what it called "racist elements" of the "tea party" movement.

Angry at the NAACP's move, Breitbart said he contacted the source again asking for copies of the speech and obtained two edited clips over the weekend.

Read more: Who Tipped Off Shirley Sherrod Last Week? – UPDATE - Swampland -


July 20, 2010
NAACP Statement on the Resignation of Shirley Sherrod

July 18, 2010
The NAACP Commends the National Federation of Tea Parties for Expelling the Tea Party Express

July 13, 2010
NAACP DELEGATES UNANIMOUSLY PASS TEA PARTY AMENDMENT's first report on Sherrod reported her statements made in the clip, but gave no indication that it might have been taken out of context. It reported that Fox was "seeking a response from both the NAACP and the USDA," but not that they had attempted to find the full version of the tape or contact Sherrod herself.

Hannity called Sherrod's remarks "just the latest in a series of racial incidents," called for the NAACP to be "held to account" to repudiate Sherrod
It is my not-so-humble opinion, and an astute observation, that the right wing media is falling all over themselves trying to distance themselves from the initial story because it exposes their motivations and their agenda.

many of these same media types are the same people who had the moral outrage that demanded Dan Rather be fired from CBS for what I consider an honest mistake, as opposed to what we have here, which was a dishonest and deceitful attempt to go after the NAACP and supporters for having exposed what supporters of the tea party have been denying for all too long - that the teaparty is loaded with racist elements.

it is telling that in all the hoopla of the last few days, the fact that the tea party did dismiss elements within for being racist, has got very little news play in the right-wing media or anywhere else.
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It is my not-so-humble opinion, and an astute observation, that the right wing media is falling all over themselves trying to distance themselves from the initial story because it exposes their motivations and their agenda.

many of these same media types are the same people who had the moral outrage that demanded Dan Rather be fired from CBS for what I consider an honest mistake, as opposed to what we have here, which was a dishonest and deceitful attempt to go after the NAACP and supporters for having exposed what supporters of the tea party have been denying for all too long - that the teaparty is loaded with racist elements.

it is telling that in all the hoopla of the last few days, the fact that the tea party did dismiss elements within for being racist, has got very little news play in the right-wing media or anywhere else.

The cognitive dissonance of the right-wing media defenders amazes me.
It is my not-so-humble opinion, and an astute observation, that the right wing media is falling all over themselves trying to distance themselves from the initial story because it exposes their motivations and their agenda.

many of these same media types are the same people who had the moral outrage that demanded Dan Rather be fired from CBS for what I consider an honest mistake, as opposed to what we have here, which was a dishonest and deceitful attempt to go after the NAACP and supporters for having exposed what supporters of the tea party have been denying for all too long - that the teaparty is loaded with racist elements.

it is telling that in all the hoopla of the last few days, the fact that the tea party did dismiss elements within for being racist, has got very little news play in the right-wing media or anywhere else.

The cognitive dissonance of the right-wing media defenders amazes me.

like this one...


yes, his SOURCE was the one that edited the video

He said he forgot about the speech

until last week, when the NAACP denounced what

it called "racist elements" of the "tea party"


Angry at the NAACP's move...


and the NAACP was right about the racists. they commended tea party for agreeing there are racist elements within.

so this whole thing started with a right wing media guy being upset and angry at truth.

here I have come out of self imposed exile just to see if reality could have an effect on certain types.

the media mouthpieces see it. they backtracked and re-focused their attentions on the actions of the Obama admin.

the sheep were shook up, but now have new talking points that keep them safely away from the truth and the reality...

tea party and right wing racism posing as defenders of racial equality
Truth? You guys deny the truth when it's sitting right in front of you. You are still blaming Fox for this mess because they broke the story after the President demanded her resignation.

Totally dishonest.
Truth? You guys deny the truth when it's sitting right in front of you. You are still blaming Fox for this mess because they broke the story after the President demanded her resignation.

Totally dishonest.

the second tea party whacko enters and ignores the context of the OP while making up an argument of her/his own.

'you guys'? you guys who?

who blamed FOX for the mess?

What does the OP say? NAACP challenges Tea Party. Tea Party ends up agreeing with NAACP. Right wing media gets upset at the NAACP and tries to deflect by sniffing out supposed reverse racists only to be snookered by bad reporting and research --- Dan Rather must be on their minds.

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