Windows 10


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
Got free upgrade to Windows 10 July 29th. I'm not sure whether I should do it? Anyone hear anything about Windows 10. I'm thinking about keeping 7. I need my computer for work and would hate to do anything that'll screw it up. But I'd also hate to miss out on the latest game because I didn't upgrade.

What to do ...
Hubby just now said he got a notice he can get an upgrade to 10. I told him to go right on ahead but I'm sticking with my windows 7.
I HATE new gadgetry.
He decided not to try it. Windows 8 sucked so bad..I guess they decided to forego windows 9?
Got free upgrade to Windows 10 July 29th. I'm not sure whether I should do it? Anyone hear anything about Windows 10. I'm thinking about keeping 7. I need my computer for work and would hate to do anything that'll screw it up. But I'd also hate to miss out on the latest game because I didn't upgrade.

What to do ...
I have been running 10 for almost a year now. My IT got me signed up as a "tester". I myself like it. You still run 7? A lot of sites no longer support 7.

Now IE10 sucks as a search engine. But Google chrome and Firefox rock with 10. Hope that helps.

I fucking HATE that goofy-ass layout. When 7 came out with that "apps" bullshit and the shit creeping in from the side, I immediately, without a second's hesitation, went looking for a workaround to avoid it and found the Classic Shell program to emulate the previous layout. I've been using it continually ever since.

This one looks like they've at least conceded in part that they fucked up and brought back some semblance of a menu on the left column. But it's still full of useless floating fucking bullshit.

Microslush -- always fixing what ain't broke. :death:
Most folks don't like change. Most folks that change things just flat don't get it.
Most folks don't like change. Most folks that change things just flat don't get it.

My desktop is still running XP. Eleven years old. Has no problems.
Bill Gates is not amused when his monkeys don't have problems.
When I went looking at new pc's, I was fucking around with the ones they had on the floor at Best Buy. Took me FOREVER just to find the control panel and menus. I messed with it for about half an hour and knew I hated it. We left and went to Staples to see what they had, and I messed with a few laptops there. While cussing and fussing with one, the sales guy said "why not just buy a new brain for your pc and keep 7? It's cheaper too. Or, if you want a laptop, we can install windows 7 in it.".
I decided to bring my pc in and let them fuck with it. Got a new brain, they tossed in a free logitech mouse, moved all my shit from the old brain to the new one and charged me 150 bucks total.
Happy Gracie!
Got free upgrade to Windows 10 July 29th. I'm not sure whether I should do it? Anyone hear anything about Windows 10. I'm thinking about keeping 7. I need my computer for work and would hate to do anything that'll screw it up. But I'd also hate to miss out on the latest game because I didn't upgrade.

What to do ...
I would recommend installing it on a second hard drive to preserve your 7 install and data.
When I went looking at new pc's, I was fucking around with the ones they had on the floor at Best Buy. Took me FOREVER just to find the control panel and menus. I messed with it for about half an hour and knew I hated it. We left and went to Staples to see what they had, and I messed with a few laptops there. While cussing and fussing with one, the sales guy said "why not just buy a new brain for your pc and keep 7? It's cheaper too. Or, if you want a laptop, we can install windows 7 in it.".
I decided to bring my pc in and let them fuck with it. Got a new brain, they tossed in a free logitech mouse, moved all my shit from the old brain to the new one and charged me 150 bucks total.
Happy Gracie!
I bought the main tower used by the local hospital for two years and just had it stripped and upgraded. It does suck the juice but then I have EIGHT TERRA BYTES to work with.
I don't need a lot of doodlypoo. I just use the pc for entertainment,netflix, ebay, craigslist and message boards, lol.

I fucking HATE that goofy-ass layout. When 7 came out with that "apps" bullshit and the shit creeping in from the side, I immediately, without a second's hesitation, went looking for a workaround to avoid it and found the Classic Shell program to emulate the previous layout. I've been using it continually ever since.

This one looks like they've at least conceded in part that they fucked up and brought back some semblance of a menu on the left column. But it's still full of useless floating fucking bullshit.

Microslush -- always fixing what ain't broke. :death:

Look out in the Windows 8 support thread for my collection of solutions dealing with Windows 8´s bad properties.
I use them and now it is an improved Windows 7, indeed. Something it should have been from the beginning. You can even pin shortcuts to the startmenu again.
Got free upgrade to Windows 10 July 29th. I'm not sure whether I should do it? Anyone hear anything about Windows 10. I'm thinking about keeping 7. I need my computer for work and would hate to do anything that'll screw it up. But I'd also hate to miss out on the latest game because I didn't upgrade.

What to do ...

10 is the next great OS. It looks a little different than 7 or 8, sort of a fusion of the two;


Full DX12 support and a fully implemented 64 bit kernal.

Metro becomes subservient to Aero, as it should be. You can operate the system entirely from Aero, and never touch metro. If you use a touch screen, or if you have a motion interface, then the Metro interface is available.

Windows 10 is based on the Longhorn kernal introduced under Vista - it is rock solid and has massive support for devices and peripherals.

It is a top notch OS.
Most folks don't like change. Most folks that change things just flat don't get it.

People do fear change. But progress requires change. Windows 10 is a great interface to a great OS. People like Pogo bitched about XP and how much better Windows 98 was, now they act like XP is the greatest OS ever. They are just low intellect fools who adapt poorly to change.
I had no idea my new Dell desktop ran and didn't really care. All I wanted was a new pc to support my web browsing and writing. Thankfully, I found Classic Shell and rarely have to go to the Win8.1 desktop. But, I too got my Win10 invitation and signed up. But, here's a bit more news on it:

More Windows 10 News

Windows 10 upgrade will allow clean installs on the same device for free

I'm not exactly certain what this means. Perhaps a Geek can explain it to us.

Read more @ Windows 10 upgrade will allow clean installs on the same device for free PCWorld

Hate Windows 8? Its long, ugly reign comes to an end with Windows 10

I have no idea what's behind this headline as I have no real problems with Win8.1. But, read the full story @ Hate Windows 8 Its long ugly reign comes to an end with Windows 10 Fox News

This Is Microsoft’s Big Secret Windows 10 Feature which is Microsoft announced last November Windows 10 would pack a technology called AllJoyn With more @ Microsoft s Windows 10 Includes Smart Home Features
I had no idea my new Dell desktop ran and didn't really care. All I wanted was a new pc to support my web browsing and writing. Thankfully, I found Classic Shell and rarely have to go to the Win8.1 desktop. But, I too got my Win10 invitation and signed up. But, here's a bit more news on it:

More Windows 10 News

Windows 10 upgrade will allow clean installs on the same device for free

I'm not exactly certain what this means. Perhaps a Geek can explain it to us.

Read more @ Windows 10 upgrade will allow clean installs on the same device for free PCWorld

Hate Windows 8? Its long, ugly reign comes to an end with Windows 10

I have no idea what's behind this headline as I have no real problems with Win8.1. But, read the full story @ Hate Windows 8 Its long ugly reign comes to an end with Windows 10 Fox News

This Is Microsoft’s Big Secret Windows 10 Feature which is Microsoft announced last November Windows 10 would pack a technology called AllJoyn With more @ Microsoft s Windows 10 Includes Smart Home Features

A "clean install" means that the hard drive is formatted and a fresh copy of the OS is loaded. Windows 7 liked to play games and sell "upgrade" versions that required an existing Windows install prior to putting the new version on. What this means is that you could not load it on a freshly formatted drive, but needed XP or Vista loaded first.

Microsoft has done away with this idiocy and will let you install Windows 10 anytime you like.

Oh and with 57% of computers running Windows 7 - Windows 8 never had a reign. There are more installed Windows XP machines than there are Windows 8.

Windows 8 is not a bad operating system, Metro is just a shitty interface for the desktop. Windows 10 hasn't changed the OS much, it's still Longhorn, same underlying system in Vista/7/8/8.1, they have really just put out a better interface.
Most folks don't like change. Most folks that change things just flat don't get it.

People do fear change. But progress requires change. Windows 10 is a great interface to a great OS. People like Pogo bitched about XP and how much better Windows 98 was, now they act like XP is the greatest OS ever. They are just low intellect fools who adapt poorly to change.

I've never posted anything anywhere about 98 being superior to XP. Ever. But I could see that XP pretty much got it right and there simply was not a need to go fucking with it just to make a buck.

As I said, I have a desktop still left over from the XP days, 11 years old, maybe 12, and it's the most stable OS I've ever had, including this one. Microslush is a long shabby legacy of taking what more or less works and continually bloating it with more and more and more completely unneccessary crap. And it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to see that.

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