
What a pussy ass copout. There is no clause in the Constitution, and although stare decisis over the last 150 years have resulted in "qualified immunity" for the executive office, there has never been a court decision granting total immunity to the president, and it is just plain stupid, and actually insulting to anyone with intelligence, to imply that there is.

You could have mentioned Nixon v. Fitzgerald, or even Clinton v. Jones. Department of Justice memorandums from 1973 and 2000, both indicating an unwillingness to criminally prosecute a sitting president--got that, a sitting president. Both those memorandums have laid down the rules that have dictated justice department behavior for more than twenty years.

To put it simply, a president cannot be prosecuted for criminal actions he engages in, while president, and while performing his duties. And he has great leeway in the definition of his "duties". But the moment he leaves office, that "qualified immunity" evaporates. Rather it is via impeachment, resignation, or end of his term.

Trump is claiming total immunity. He claims no president can be punished for criminal actions while they are president. Doesn't have to do with the performance of their duties. And when they leave office, well they can't be prosecuted

It is funny really. All those people Bill Clinton had killed while he was president, according to Trump, well he had immunity, so why the hell did all you Republican turds bitch about it. Biden, while VP, accepting all those bribes and shit, well if the executive office enjoys total immunity, the VP is part of the executive office. He gets it too.

Trump is a very sick man. He's a mental health case.
above my pay grade and why we have courts,,

That hasn't stopped you from condemning any and all prosecutions of Trump's criminal acts, both corporate or political.

If deciding whether a President is above the law is to much for your tiny brain to wrap itself around, maybe you should stop opining on the legitimacy of these court cases. Trump has never said he didn't do the things he's accused of, just that it was OK for him to overturn the election and try to kill the opposition because he was President and he wasn't convicted at his Impeachment Trial.
Fuck Putin. I hope he dies.
You POS reaganites are still a stain on our country. And considering your war mongering, the world as well.
You can type lies, but that doesn't prove anything.

Nikki would win in a landslide over Biden.
Desantis would lose because of the women voting against his pro-life policy.
Trump would be too close to call, and we know that the voter fraudsters would be working OT.

Nikki wins, its that simple.
Lol, so absent a super majority in house and senate no recourse. No thanks. That's OK we are in power right now. Might as well just play your game and put a hit out on enough people in the house to give our selves a majority right now. No recourse for you and we stay in power. Gotta get us supreme court critters also. If a civil war is gunna pop off might as well do it with our guy in power.

I think something as big as a President offing his opponent would get both parties to impeach and remove.

And if not, the country is dead anyway and civil war is the only way out.
Absolutely immunity allows it. We already watch him send a mob after his own vp. The shot was fired. Either you idiots come back to reality or we use the rules to our favor. It's that simple.

A "mob" he told to be peaceful.
A large majority of Americans don't want Biden or Trump to run for re-election. Biden's too old, and Trump's too dangerous.

Now...follow me here.

Biden has said the main reason he is running is he believes he is the only one who can defeat Trump in the next election:

Trump has argued that if a president assassinates his political rival and then immediately resigns, he is immune from prosecution.

So...Biden should put out a hit on Trump, then resign.

Presto! Nikki Haley is our next president.

It's win/win for America.

Let's start a petition!

US president could have a rival assassinated and not be criminally prosecuted, Trump’s lawyer argues

Haley was pretty good at the UN , but she is horrible in her present aspirations.​

It happened with Pete Buttigieg too. This phenomenon is called the Peter Principle

The Peter principle that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another

Your reasoning is fallacious as it would implay that being good at one thing qualifies you for the top job.
Nope the McConnell rule is you can't convict a president if he's not in office. If Benedict Donald is granted this immunity pipedream, without a Senate conviction a former president can't be prosecuted.

It's not a rule, and it doesn't set precedent until someone complains about it and the SC takes up the argument.

If we don't give Presidents immunity for what they do in office, expect every one to be sued for whatever one side didn't like about them when they were president.
Republicans voted against Donald Trump's second impeachment for January 6th, on the grounds that Trump was no longer President, and therefore could not be impeached. At that time, Republicans argued that he could ONLY be dealt with by the DOJ as a private citizen and so they voted against impeachment.

Yesterday Trump's lawyers argued that, if Joe Biden sent Seal Team 6 to assassinate him tomorrow, Biden could resign the moment that Trump was dead, and Biden couldn't be impeached because he's no longer President, and he can't be arrested or tried for the crime, because he did it while he was President, and has absolute immunity from prosecution for any crime he commits while President, unless he's impeached and convicted before he leaves office.

Under the heading of "Do unto others before they do it to you", Joe Biden should order Seal Team 6 to assassinate Trump, and then resign. Biden could also claim "Not guilty" by reason of dementia, since all Republicans believe he's not of sound mind, if they try to prosecute.

Well they might have been wrong.

How would you like Presidents being sued/prosecuted for things like drone strikes after they leave office?
A large majority of Americans don't want Biden or Trump to run for re-election. Biden's too old, and Trump's too dangerous.

Now...follow me here.

Biden has said the main reason he is running is he believes he is the only one who can defeat Trump in the next election:

Trump has argued that if a president assassinates his political rival and then immediately resigns, he is immune from prosecution.

So...Biden should put out a hit on Trump, then resign.

Presto! Nikki Haley is our next president.

It's win/win for America.

Let's start a petition!

US president could have a rival assassinated and not be criminally prosecuted, Trump’s lawyer argues​

I know you are being sarcastic and I get that you want Haley
You don't think his supporters wouldn't see assassinating him as a direct attack on them?
Relax junior. He’s not serious.

He’s pointing out the danger that Trump is… and he’s right.

Unfortunately his solution is Haley.

On the one hand I think Haley is the one candidate that could beat Biden and I think she would be as big a disaster for this country as Bush was.

But having Trump run leaves the possibility of him becoming President again. I don’t think he can win but the mere possibility is chilling
I know you are being sarcastic and I get that you want Haley
Relax junior. He’s not serious.

He’s pointing out the danger that Trump is… and he’s right.

Unfortunately his solution is Haley.

On the one hand I think Haley is the one candidate that could beat Biden and I think she would be as big a disaster for this country as Bush was.

But having Trump run leaves the possibility of him becoming President again. I don’t think he can win but the mere possibility is chilling

Actually the danger is the other way. If Presidents can be sued/prosecuted for their actions as president at will just wait until Biden gets out of office and local DA's and other groups sue him for the Yemen drone strikes and helping Israel.
wouldnt that mean we can prosecute every POTUS after they leave office for crimes they committed while in office??

if thats true oibama better run,,
Actually yes. If they committed crimes.

Cooler heads generally prevail. There was talk of prosecuting Bush for invading Iraq and that COULD have happened.

But no one had an appetite for that nor did they think it warranted the precedent it would set
You can type lies, but that doesn't prove anything.

Nikki would win in a landslide over Biden.
Desantis would lose because of the women voting against his pro-life policy.
Trump would be too close to call, and we know that the voter fraudsters would be working OT.

Nikki wins, its that simple.
While I don’t think Haley would win in a landslide she probably has the better chance of beating Biden.

But do we really want a second Bush Presidency?

Because that’s what it would be

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