Will We Ever Again Know Actual Election Results


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Despite their obfuscation and diversion tactics, it should be coming clear to any unbiased observer that the Democratic Party has added vote fraud as an integral part of its general election strategy. Their bogus attacks on voter ID laws and the Electoral College are designed to control the outcome of future Presidential elections and, through the unilateral abuse of Executive power, impose a de facto one party political system in the U.S.

OK Libs, time for you to ignore the substance of this post and start the name calling...
Despite their obfuscation and diversion tactics, it should be coming clear to any unbiased observer that the Democratic Party has added vote fraud as an integral part of its general election strategy. Their bogus attacks on voter ID laws and the Electoral College are designed to control the outcome of future Presidential elections and, through the unilateral abuse of Executive power, impose a de facto one party political system in the U.S.

OK Libs, time for you to ignore the substance of this post and start the name calling...

You're pretty frickin' blind. The elites do this for both parties. Did you forget the election of 2000? They did the same thing to get George W. in office, both times! There was HUGE voter fraud, both in 2000, and in '04.

Despite their obfuscation and diversion tactics, it should be coming clear to any unbiased observer that the Democratic Party has added vote fraud as an integral part of its general election strategy. Their bogus attacks on voter ID laws and the Electoral College are designed to control the outcome of future Presidential elections and, through the unilateral abuse of Executive power, impose a de facto one party political system in the U.S.

OK Libs, time for you to ignore the substance of this post and start the name calling...

You're pretty frickin' blind. The elites do this for both parties. Did you forget the election of 2000? They did the same thing to get George W. in office, both times! There was HUGE voter fraud, both in 2000, and in '04.

90% of vote fraud cases involve Democrats. Your reference to the 2000 election is idiotic. EVERY reputable source proved Bush won Florida (despite Gore's attempt to cherry-pick precincts). If you want to look at REAL vote fraud, check out "Senator" Al Franken's "election" in 2008.
Ron Paul Supporters Disrupt The Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention Floor Dissent From Ron Paul Supporters - Business Insider
But his efforts had little effect on Paul's supporters, and soon after, the Maine delegates walked out of the convention, chanting "As Maine goes, so goes the nation!"

"They passed the Credentials Committee report with over half of the convention shouting a resounding no," one Texas delegate, a Paul supporter who declined to be named, told Business Insider. "Some people argued that there were people shouting over here — but any convention would have had a standing vote to find out — they didn't even try to double check the vote."

If you think the fix is in just the Democrat party, you are fooling yourself. The globalists have been working on manipulating American eletions since Reagan.

Did you know that Reagan disliked Bush because he was a big government globalist? Look what the former CIA scum did to Reagan when he started to implement his idea about reducing the size of government. Bet you didn't even know that the Bush family was good friends with the Hinckley family, did you?

John Hinckley Jr. behaving normally, Secret Service says
WASHINGTON — The man who shot Ronald Reagan and three other men in 1981 has been behaving normally when he leaves the mental hospital in Washington, D.C., where he is being treated, according to Secret Service observations in newly released court documents.

John Hinckley Jr., 57, shops at Wal-Mart, Target and PetSmart during visits to his mother's home in Williamsburg, Va. One of his first stops is often a Wendy's. At home with his mother, he performs lots of chores, plays guitar and makes art. He shows few of the symptoms that led to the 1982 finding that he was insane, and therefore not guilty of attempted murder and other charges in the assassination attempt.

Hinckley has been allowed to make visits of increasing length to his mother's home since 2006. The documents released Wednesday, including mental evaluations, Secret Service surveillance transcripts and other records, detail his releases from February 2012 to January 2013. They are part of an effort by his attorneys to increase the amount of time Hinckley is allowed out of St. Elizabeth's Hospital — currently 10 days at a time.

Once again, please give clear and concise evidence of massive voter fraud.

What is a threat is vote suppression as practiced by far too many in my GOP.
What the heck does that have to do with the price of tea in china?
Ron Paul Supporters Disrupt The Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention Floor Dissent From Ron Paul Supporters - Business Insider
But his efforts had little effect on Paul's supporters, and soon after, the Maine delegates walked out of the convention, chanting "As Maine goes, so goes the nation!"

"They passed the Credentials Committee report with over half of the convention shouting a resounding no," one Texas delegate, a Paul supporter who declined to be named, told Business Insider. "Some people argued that there were people shouting over here — but any convention would have had a standing vote to find out — they didn't even try to double check the vote."

If you think the fix is in just the Democrat party, you are fooling yourself. The globalists have been working on manipulating American eletions since Reagan.

Did you know that Reagan disliked Bush because he was a big government globalist? Look what the former CIA scum did to Reagan when he started to implement his idea about reducing the size of government. Bet you didn't even know that the Bush family was good friends with the Hinckley family, did you?

John Hinckley Jr. behaving normally, Secret Service says
WASHINGTON — The man who shot Ronald Reagan and three other men in 1981 has been behaving normally when he leaves the mental hospital in Washington, D.C., where he is being treated, according to Secret Service observations in newly released court documents.

John Hinckley Jr., 57, shops at Wal-Mart, Target and PetSmart during visits to his mother's home in Williamsburg, Va. One of his first stops is often a Wendy's. At home with his mother, he performs lots of chores, plays guitar and makes art. He shows few of the symptoms that led to the 1982 finding that he was insane, and therefore not guilty of attempted murder and other charges in the assassination attempt.

Hinckley has been allowed to make visits of increasing length to his mother's home since 2006. The documents released Wednesday, including mental evaluations, Secret Service surveillance transcripts and other records, detail his releases from February 2012 to January 2013. They are part of an effort by his attorneys to increase the amount of time Hinckley is allowed out of St. Elizabeth's Hospital — currently 10 days at a time.

Ron Paul Supporters Disrupt The Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention Floor Dissent From Ron Paul Supporters - Business Insider
But his efforts had little effect on Paul's supporters, and soon after, the Maine delegates walked out of the convention, chanting "As Maine goes, so goes the nation!"

"They passed the Credentials Committee report with over half of the convention shouting a resounding no," one Texas delegate, a Paul supporter who declined to be named, told Business Insider. "Some people argued that there were people shouting over here — but any convention would have had a standing vote to find out — they didn't even try to double check the vote."

If you think the fix is in just the Democrat party, you are fooling yourself. The globalists have been working on manipulating American eletions since Reagan.

Did you know that Reagan disliked Bush because he was a big government globalist? Look what the former CIA scum did to Reagan when he started to implement his idea about reducing the size of government. Bet you didn't even know that the Bush family was good friends with the Hinckley family, did you?

John Hinckley Jr. behaving normally, Secret Service says
WASHINGTON — The man who shot Ronald Reagan and three other men in 1981 has been behaving normally when he leaves the mental hospital in Washington, D.C., where he is being treated, according to Secret Service observations in newly released court documents.

John Hinckley Jr., 57, shops at Wal-Mart, Target and PetSmart during visits to his mother's home in Williamsburg, Va. One of his first stops is often a Wendy's. At home with his mother, he performs lots of chores, plays guitar and makes art. He shows few of the symptoms that led to the 1982 finding that he was insane, and therefore not guilty of attempted murder and other charges in the assassination attempt.

Hinckley has been allowed to make visits of increasing length to his mother's home since 2006. The documents released Wednesday, including mental evaluations, Secret Service surveillance transcripts and other records, detail his releases from February 2012 to January 2013. They are part of an effort by his attorneys to increase the amount of time Hinckley is allowed out of St. Elizabeth's Hospital — currently 10 days at a time.

Once again, please give clear and concise evidence of massive voter fraud.

Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

What is a threat is vote suppression as practiced by far too many in my GOP.

Please provide documented examples and number of votes involved.
What the heck does that have to do with the price of tea in china?
Ron Paul Supporters Disrupt The Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention Floor Dissent From Ron Paul Supporters - Business Insider
But his efforts had little effect on Paul's supporters, and soon after, the Maine delegates walked out of the convention, chanting "As Maine goes, so goes the nation!"

"They passed the Credentials Committee report with over half of the convention shouting a resounding no," one Texas delegate, a Paul supporter who declined to be named, told Business Insider. "Some people argued that there were people shouting over here — but any convention would have had a standing vote to find out — they didn't even try to double check the vote."

If you think the fix is in just the Democrat party, you are fooling yourself. The globalists have been working on manipulating American eletions since Reagan.

Did you know that Reagan disliked Bush because he was a big government globalist? Look what the former CIA scum did to Reagan when he started to implement his idea about reducing the size of government. Bet you didn't even know that the Bush family was good friends with the Hinckley family, did you?

John Hinckley Jr. behaving normally, Secret Service says
WASHINGTON — The man who shot Ronald Reagan and three other men in 1981 has been behaving normally when he leaves the mental hospital in Washington, D.C., where he is being treated, according to Secret Service observations in newly released court documents.

John Hinckley Jr., 57, shops at Wal-Mart, Target and PetSmart during visits to his mother's home in Williamsburg, Va. One of his first stops is often a Wendy's. At home with his mother, he performs lots of chores, plays guitar and makes art. He shows few of the symptoms that led to the 1982 finding that he was insane, and therefore not guilty of attempted murder and other charges in the assassination attempt.

Hinckley has been allowed to make visits of increasing length to his mother's home since 2006. The documents released Wednesday, including mental evaluations, Secret Service surveillance transcripts and other records, detail his releases from February 2012 to January 2013. They are part of an effort by his attorneys to increase the amount of time Hinckley is allowed out of St. Elizabeth's Hospital — currently 10 days at a time.

Control of the voting process. Duh. Voters selected the candidate, then the rules were changed.
So far many speak with fork tongue, Get real,,Dudes....If you make accusations you need proof to back it up, well, unless your a female RW poster...
Ron Paul Supporters Disrupt The Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention Floor Dissent From Ron Paul Supporters - Business Insider
But his efforts had little effect on Paul's supporters, and soon after, the Maine delegates walked out of the convention, chanting "As Maine goes, so goes the nation!"

"They passed the Credentials Committee report with over half of the convention shouting a resounding no," one Texas delegate, a Paul supporter who declined to be named, told Business Insider. "Some people argued that there were people shouting over here — but any convention would have had a standing vote to find out — they didn't even try to double check the vote."

If you think the fix is in just the Democrat party, you are fooling yourself. The globalists have been working on manipulating American eletions since Reagan.

Did you know that Reagan disliked Bush because he was a big government globalist? Look what the former CIA scum did to Reagan when he started to implement his idea about reducing the size of government. Bet you didn't even know that the Bush family was good friends with the Hinckley family, did you?

John Hinckley Jr. behaving normally, Secret Service says
WASHINGTON — The man who shot Ronald Reagan and three other men in 1981 has been behaving normally when he leaves the mental hospital in Washington, D.C., where he is being treated, according to Secret Service observations in newly released court documents.

John Hinckley Jr., 57, shops at Wal-Mart, Target and PetSmart during visits to his mother's home in Williamsburg, Va. One of his first stops is often a Wendy's. At home with his mother, he performs lots of chores, plays guitar and makes art. He shows few of the symptoms that led to the 1982 finding that he was insane, and therefore not guilty of attempted murder and other charges in the assassination attempt.

Hinckley has been allowed to make visits of increasing length to his mother's home since 2006. The documents released Wednesday, including mental evaluations, Secret Service surveillance transcripts and other records, detail his releases from February 2012 to January 2013. They are part of an effort by his attorneys to increase the amount of time Hinckley is allowed out of St. Elizabeth's Hospital — currently 10 days at a time.

Once again, please give clear and concise evidence of massive voter fraud.

Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

What is a threat is vote suppression as practiced by far too many in my GOP.

Please provide documented examples and number of votes involved.

:lol: Fell for hyperbole. Neither exist.
Last edited:
jwoodie just got caught in his own snare above.

Good day's work done and long before dinner.
Where's the "substance"?

You stated an opinion and nothing more.

And you are welcome to it.

1. Voter I.D. Laws
2. Electoral College
3. Executive Branch Power
4. Vote Fraud

How's that for "substance?"

Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

That's a meaningless list of short phrases. Whoever taught you that was substance should lose their teaching license.

Substance = relevant subject matter. Whoever taught you English should lose his or her teaching license.
Ron Paul Supporters Disrupt The Republican National Convention
Republican National Convention Floor Dissent From Ron Paul Supporters - Business Insider
But his efforts had little effect on Paul's supporters, and soon after, the Maine delegates walked out of the convention, chanting "As Maine goes, so goes the nation!"

"They passed the Credentials Committee report with over half of the convention shouting a resounding no," one Texas delegate, a Paul supporter who declined to be named, told Business Insider. "Some people argued that there were people shouting over here — but any convention would have had a standing vote to find out — they didn't even try to double check the vote."

If you think the fix is in just the Democrat party, you are fooling yourself. The globalists have been working on manipulating American eletions since Reagan.

Did you know that Reagan disliked Bush because he was a big government globalist? Look what the former CIA scum did to Reagan when he started to implement his idea about reducing the size of government. Bet you didn't even know that the Bush family was good friends with the Hinckley family, did you?

John Hinckley Jr. behaving normally, Secret Service says
WASHINGTON — The man who shot Ronald Reagan and three other men in 1981 has been behaving normally when he leaves the mental hospital in Washington, D.C., where he is being treated, according to Secret Service observations in newly released court documents.

John Hinckley Jr., 57, shops at Wal-Mart, Target and PetSmart during visits to his mother's home in Williamsburg, Va. One of his first stops is often a Wendy's. At home with his mother, he performs lots of chores, plays guitar and makes art. He shows few of the symptoms that led to the 1982 finding that he was insane, and therefore not guilty of attempted murder and other charges in the assassination attempt.

Hinckley has been allowed to make visits of increasing length to his mother's home since 2006. The documents released Wednesday, including mental evaluations, Secret Service surveillance transcripts and other records, detail his releases from February 2012 to January 2013. They are part of an effort by his attorneys to increase the amount of time Hinckley is allowed out of St. Elizabeth's Hospital — currently 10 days at a time.

Once again, please give clear and concise evidence of massive voter fraud.

Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

What is a threat is vote suppression as practiced by far too many in my GOP.

Please provide documented examples and number of votes involved.


Well now, that's sort of my position in the thread. Your point is moot. You are worried for nothing. They will always tell you who won, regardless of who voted. Stop being so pie-eyed and naive. The behavior of the party bosses at the last convention SHOWED us how the system ostensibly works, don't you get that? Votes don't matter. I can't believe you haven't figured that out yet. If anyone had bothered watching the videos I had posted, they would understand that exit polling, professional statistician number crunching, and election results, TELL us that fraud has gone on in the last three out of four presidential elections. The only presidential election that was legitimate was the one where president Obama won his first term. Other than that, they were all bogus since 2000. Both Bush elections, and the second Obama election.

All the internet polls, all your local polling disagrees with the official outcomes. Yet everyone believes the national polls and the published election results.


It's because those results are from "trusted" and "official" sources. Yeah, whatever.
You misspelled a word and link inadvertently the wrong post.

Why should we take you seriously?

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