Will the Kavanaugh Coin be Repaid After Jan 21st, 2025?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This a real “Wow!” essay. I have no idea where the author came up with this but it not only makes perfect sense, it hits right to the very core of Donald J. Trump’s personality.

Donald Trump will not be president forever, but when he leaves office either after a first term or a second he will once a again be a private citizen with vast resources at his disposal and a very long memory. Given how the Democrats and the media have treated him culminating with the current attack on Brett Kavanaugh what do you think the odds are that he decides to invest in such an enterprise? I think right now the odds favor it.

Given Trump’s billions it would be very possible for citizen Trump to dedicate $125 million dollars to such an enterprise. Based on my $125K per figure quote that I gave he could finance investigations of 1,000 such public figures. That would be enough to crawl up the ass of every sitting Democrat member of congress and every single sitting federal judge who was appointed by a democrat with money left over to include every single ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS television host who has gone after him and most if not all of the talking heads to boot.

Now normally an ex president doesn’t get involved in such things after leaving office but with the incredible attacks on him combined with Barack Obama breaking this tradition do you really think for one moment that Donald Trump will sit back and not take revenge on these people once he’s out of office, and remember he was deeply involved in many of them and likely has heard plenty of stories about these jokers to start with over the decades.

I think these people have no idea what they are going to unleash and if they are the slightest bit smart will start to reverse course or they will wish they were the thug from that Batman comic.

From Expect the #KavanaughCoin to be repaid to Dems Starting either Jan 21st 2021 or Jan 21st 2025
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
This a real “Wow!” essay. I have no idea where the author came up with this but it not only makes perfect sense, it hits right to the very core of Donald J. Trump’s personality.

Donald Trump will not be president forever, but when he leaves office either after a first term or a second he will once a again be a private citizen with vast resources at his disposal and a very long memory. Given how the Democrats and the media have treated him culminating with the current attack on Brett Kavanaugh what do you think the odds are that he decides to invest in such an enterprise? I think right now the odds favor it.

Given Trump’s billions it would be very possible for citizen Trump to dedicate $125 million dollars to such an enterprise. Based on my $125K per figure quote that I gave he could finance investigations of 1,000 such public figures. That would be enough to crawl up the ass of every sitting Democrat member of congress and every single sitting federal judge who was appointed by a democrat with money left over to include every single ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS television host who has gone after him and most if not all of the talking heads to boot.

Now normally an ex president doesn’t get involved in such things after leaving office but with the incredible attacks on him combined with Barack Obama breaking this tradition do you really think for one moment that Donald Trump will sit back and not take revenge on these people once he’s out of office, and remember he was deeply involved in many of them and likely has heard plenty of stories about these jokers to start with over the decades.

I think these people have no idea what they are going to unleash and if they are the slightest bit smart will start to reverse course or they will wish they were the thug from that Batman comic.

From Expect the #KavanaughCoin to be repaid to Dems Starting either Jan 21st 2021 or Jan 21st 2025
Trump will be worse political poison than Dubya once he’s out. He’ll vanish or become another Infowars type voice; completely irrelevant. Plus, as he’s an old, obese asshole, who’s like to croak sooner than later.
This a real “Wow!” essay. I have no idea where the author came up with this but it not only makes perfect sense, it hits right to the very core of Donald J. Trump’s personality.

Donald Trump will not be president forever, but when he leaves office either after a first term or a second he will once a again be a private citizen with vast resources at his disposal and a very long memory. Given how the Democrats and the media have treated him culminating with the current attack on Brett Kavanaugh what do you think the odds are that he decides to invest in such an enterprise? I think right now the odds favor it.

Given Trump’s billions it would be very possible for citizen Trump to dedicate $125 million dollars to such an enterprise. Based on my $125K per figure quote that I gave he could finance investigations of 1,000 such public figures. That would be enough to crawl up the ass of every sitting Democrat member of congress and every single sitting federal judge who was appointed by a democrat with money left over to include every single ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS television host who has gone after him and most if not all of the talking heads to boot.

Now normally an ex president doesn’t get involved in such things after leaving office but with the incredible attacks on him combined with Barack Obama breaking this tradition do you really think for one moment that Donald Trump will sit back and not take revenge on these people once he’s out of office, and remember he was deeply involved in many of them and likely has heard plenty of stories about these jokers to start with over the decades.

I think these people have no idea what they are going to unleash and if they are the slightest bit smart will start to reverse course or they will wish they were the thug from that Batman comic.

From Expect the #KavanaughCoin to be repaid to Dems Starting either Jan 21st 2021 or Jan 21st 2025
No wonder dump likes him a pos after his own heart
How Brett Kavanaugh explains his baseball ticket debt - CNNPolitics
6 days ago - As to what drove that debt, Kavanaugh said it was primarily related to his home. "Over the years, we have sunk a decent amount of money into ...
Brett Kavanaugh's Explanation For His Crippling Credit-Card Debt Is ...
Jul 12, 2018 - Brett Kavanaugh's Explanation For His Crippling Credit-CardDebt Is Pure MAGA ... exceeded his assets. If that's not MAGA, we don'twhat is!
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh piled up credit card debt by ...
Jul 11, 2018 - What to expect from Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation battle ... Each credit card held between $15,000 and $50,000 in debt, and a Thrift Savings ...
Supreme Court Nominee Was Deep In Debt | PYMNTS.com
Supreme Court Nominee Was Deep In Debt | PYMNTS.com
Jul 12, 2018 - News: President Trump's Supreme Court nominee BrettKavanaugh ... “The activity feed helps you keep track of what's happening on the board, ...
Inside Brett Kavanaugh's personal finances: credit card debts, $92,000 ...
Aug 9, 2018 - A financial statement that was filed last month as part of the Senate vetting process reveals that Kavanaugh's net worth, the calculation of what ...
Kavanaugh Accrued Thousands in Debt on Baseball Tickets - The ...
Jul 12, 2018 - The Mystery of Brett Kavanaugh's Baseball-Ticket Debt .... information emerges, and what other opposition research on Kavanaughemerges.
Report: Brett Kavanaugh racked up thousands in debt buying baseball ...
Jul 11, 2018 - Kavanaugh's love of baseball isn't at issue here. As the New Yorker's Eric Lach pointed out on Twitter, it's really what's not on the filings that ...
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh credit card debt - CNBC.com
Jul 12, 2018 - While it's unknown exactly how much debt Kavanaugh carried — the form only requires that filers report the amount in ranges — or what ...
Where Did Brett Kavanaugh's Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Credit ...
Where Did Brett Kavanaugh's Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Credit Card Debt Go?
Jul 12, 2018 - SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh had between $60000 and $200000 in credit card debt that all vanished last year.
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This a real “Wow!” essay. I have no idea where the author came up with this but it not only makes perfect sense, it hits right to the very core of Donald J. Trump’s personality.

Donald Trump will not be president forever, but when he leaves office either after a first term or a second he will once a again be a private citizen with vast resources at his disposal and a very long memory. Given how the Democrats and the media have treated him culminating with the current attack on Brett Kavanaugh what do you think the odds are that he decides to invest in such an enterprise? I think right now the odds favor it.

Given Trump’s billions it would be very possible for citizen Trump to dedicate $125 million dollars to such an enterprise. Based on my $125K per figure quote that I gave he could finance investigations of 1,000 such public figures. That would be enough to crawl up the ass of every sitting Democrat member of congress and every single sitting federal judge who was appointed by a democrat with money left over to include every single ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS television host who has gone after him and most if not all of the talking heads to boot.

Now normally an ex president doesn’t get involved in such things after leaving office but with the incredible attacks on him combined with Barack Obama breaking this tradition do you really think for one moment that Donald Trump will sit back and not take revenge on these people once he’s out of office, and remember he was deeply involved in many of them and likely has heard plenty of stories about these jokers to start with over the decades.

I think these people have no idea what they are going to unleash and if they are the slightest bit smart will start to reverse course or they will wish they were the thug from that Batman comic.

From Expect the #KavanaughCoin to be repaid to Dems Starting either Jan 21st 2021 or Jan 21st 2025
No wonder dump likes him a pos after his own heart
How Brett Kavanaugh explains his baseball ticket debt - CNNPolitics
6 days ago - As to what drove that debt, Kavanaugh said it was primarily related to his home. "Over the years, we have sunk a decent amount of money into ...
Brett Kavanaugh's Explanation For His Crippling Credit-Card Debt Is ...
Jul 12, 2018 - Brett Kavanaugh's Explanation For His Crippling Credit-CardDebt Is Pure MAGA ... exceeded his assets. If that's not MAGA, we don'twhat is!
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh piled up credit card debt by ...
Jul 11, 2018 - What to expect from Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation battle ... Each credit card held between $15,000 and $50,000 in debt, and a Thrift Savings ...
Supreme Court Nominee Was Deep In Debt | PYMNTS.com
Supreme Court Nominee Was Deep In Debt | PYMNTS.com
Jul 12, 2018 - News: President Trump's Supreme Court nominee BrettKavanaugh ... “The activity feed helps you keep track of what's happening on the board, ...
Inside Brett Kavanaugh's personal finances: credit card debts, $92,000 ...
Aug 9, 2018 - A financial statement that was filed last month as part of the Senate vetting process reveals that Kavanaugh's net worth, the calculation of what ...
Kavanaugh Accrued Thousands in Debt on Baseball Tickets - The ...
Jul 12, 2018 - The Mystery of Brett Kavanaugh's Baseball-Ticket Debt .... information emerges, and what other opposition research on Kavanaughemerges.
Report: Brett Kavanaugh racked up thousands in debt buying baseball ...
Jul 11, 2018 - Kavanaugh's love of baseball isn't at issue here. As the New Yorker's Eric Lach pointed out on Twitter, it's really what's not on the filings that ...
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh credit card debt - CNBC.com
Jul 12, 2018 - While it's unknown exactly how much debt Kavanaugh carried — the form only requires that filers report the amount in ranges — or what ...
Where Did Brett Kavanaugh's Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Credit ...
Where Did Brett Kavanaugh's Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Credit Card Debt Go?
Jul 12, 2018 - SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh had between $60000 and $200000 in credit card debt that all vanished last year.
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Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.

You cant open your mouth without a whataboutism. You are the epitome of the shallow liberal looking for a deflection rather than an answer. "What about...fill in the blank". Should I try and speak about principles with you when your only desire to excuse?

American ex-presidents have always honored a code of silence. (Sorry no link..read a book.) It wasnt Obama who broke it. It was Obama-Bush on the same day. The representatives of the old guard, the deep state, the swamp. They coordinated it and on the same day broke tradition in October 2017. Then Obama convened a meeting of activists to discuss ways to undermine President Trump.

But worry no more is what I was saying. I would have thought Bush was a sorry piece of shit had he done it but I now hope Trump never "fades away" as we move into the era of loyalty to men rather than institutions. And its fine with me. But dont pretend it isnt an innovation. I dont live in your fantasy world. It's a sign of something. Just as savaging Supreme Court nominees is...and getting rid of the filibuster was.
And now that Obama and Bush have opened their mouths, so has The Peanut Farmer. The end of dignity for the Chief Executive of the United States is at hand.

As for President Trump. He has never made a secret of who he is and how he operates. He will never forget the attacks and slurs and there is no doubt in my mind that he will make it a point to speak up and even act to repay those debts.

His motto - Payback is a bitch!
This a real “Wow!” essay. I have no idea where the author came up with this but it not only makes perfect sense, it hits right to the very core of Donald J. Trump’s personality.

Donald Trump will not be president forever, but when he leaves office either after a first term or a second he will once a again be a private citizen with vast resources at his disposal and a very long memory. Given how the Democrats and the media have treated him culminating with the current attack on Brett Kavanaugh what do you think the odds are that he decides to invest in such an enterprise? I think right now the odds favor it.

Given Trump’s billions it would be very possible for citizen Trump to dedicate $125 million dollars to such an enterprise. Based on my $125K per figure quote that I gave he could finance investigations of 1,000 such public figures. That would be enough to crawl up the ass of every sitting Democrat member of congress and every single sitting federal judge who was appointed by a democrat with money left over to include every single ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS television host who has gone after him and most if not all of the talking heads to boot.

Now normally an ex president doesn’t get involved in such things after leaving office but with the incredible attacks on him combined with Barack Obama breaking this tradition do you really think for one moment that Donald Trump will sit back and not take revenge on these people once he’s out of office, and remember he was deeply involved in many of them and likely has heard plenty of stories about these jokers to start with over the decades.

I think these people have no idea what they are going to unleash and if they are the slightest bit smart will start to reverse course or they will wish they were the thug from that Batman comic.

From Expect the #KavanaughCoin to be repaid to Dems Starting either Jan 21st 2021 or Jan 21st 2025
No wonder dump likes him a pos after his own heart
How Brett Kavanaugh explains his baseball ticket debt - CNNPolitics
6 days ago - As to what drove that debt, Kavanaugh said it was primarily related to his home. "Over the years, we have sunk a decent amount of money into ...
Brett Kavanaugh's Explanation For His Crippling Credit-Card Debt Is ...
Jul 12, 2018 - Brett Kavanaugh's Explanation For His Crippling Credit-CardDebt Is Pure MAGA ... exceeded his assets. If that's not MAGA, we don'twhat is!
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh piled up credit card debt by ...
Jul 11, 2018 - What to expect from Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation battle ... Each credit card held between $15,000 and $50,000 in debt, and a Thrift Savings ...
Supreme Court Nominee Was Deep In Debt | PYMNTS.com
Supreme Court Nominee Was Deep In Debt | PYMNTS.com
Jul 12, 2018 - News: President Trump's Supreme Court nominee BrettKavanaugh ... “The activity feed helps you keep track of what's happening on the board, ...
Inside Brett Kavanaugh's personal finances: credit card debts, $92,000 ...
Aug 9, 2018 - A financial statement that was filed last month as part of the Senate vetting process reveals that Kavanaugh's net worth, the calculation of what ...
Kavanaugh Accrued Thousands in Debt on Baseball Tickets - The ...
Jul 12, 2018 - The Mystery of Brett Kavanaugh's Baseball-Ticket Debt .... information emerges, and what other opposition research on Kavanaughemerges.
Report: Brett Kavanaugh racked up thousands in debt buying baseball ...
Jul 11, 2018 - Kavanaugh's love of baseball isn't at issue here. As the New Yorker's Eric Lach pointed out on Twitter, it's really what's not on the filings that ...
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh credit card debt - CNBC.com
Jul 12, 2018 - While it's unknown exactly how much debt Kavanaugh carried — the form only requires that filers report the amount in ranges — or what ...
Where Did Brett Kavanaugh's Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Credit ...
Where Did Brett Kavanaugh's Tens of Thousands of Dollars in Credit Card Debt Go?
Jul 12, 2018 - SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh had between $60000 and $200000 in credit card debt that all vanished last year.
Missing: whats ‎| ‎Must include: ‎whats

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The FBI and the Dims must have missed the deep research you did.

I’ll play...what do you think you have here?

Here is what I have:

He bought a bunch of Natonals seasons tickets for him and his friends on a credit card and they paid him back.

What do you think you have?
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.

You cant open your mouth without a whataboutism. You are the epitome of the shallow liberal looking for a deflection rather than an answer. "What about...fill in the blank". Should I try and speak about principles with you when your only desire to excuse?

American ex-presidents have always honored a code of silence. (Sorry no link..read a book.) It wasnt Obama who broke it. It was Obama-Bush on the same day. The representatives of the old guard, the deep state, the swamp. They coordinated it and on the same day broke tradition in October 2017. Then Obama convened a meeting of activists to discuss ways to undermine President Trump.

But worry no more is what I was saying. I would have thought Bush was a sorry piece of shit had he done it but I now hope Trump never "fades away" as we move into the era of loyalty to men rather than institutions. And its fine with me. But dont pretend it isnt an innovation. I dont live in your fantasy world. It's a sign of something. Just as savaging Supreme Court nominees is...and getting rid of the filibuster was.
Loyalty to a man that's a pervert and crook?? Never And once more the pos doesn't like getting hit with the same shit he was dealing out?? Let me punch his too fn bad ticket And this pos SC guy is just like the other pervert Thomas Go ahead fill our SC with all your AH's Ever read the rise and fall of the roman empire??
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.

You cant open your mouth without a whataboutism. You are the epitome of the shallow liberal looking for a deflection rather than an answer. "What about...fill in the blank". Should I try and speak about principles with you when your only desire to excuse?

American ex-presidents have always honored a code of silence. (Sorry no link..read a book.) It wasnt Obama who broke it. It was Obama-Bush on the same day. The representatives of the old guard, the deep state, the swamp. They coordinated it and on the same day broke tradition in October 2017. Then Obama convened a meeting of activists to discuss ways to undermine President Trump.

But worry no more is what I was saying. I would have thought Bush was a sorry piece of shit had he done it but I now hope Trump never "fades away" as we move into the era of loyalty to men rather than institutions. And its fine with me. But dont pretend it isnt an innovation. I dont live in your fantasy world. It's a sign of something. Just as savaging Supreme Court nominees is...and getting rid of the filibuster was.
DOTR again Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
What about the above don't you get??
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
The reason Obama has to speak out is because Donald Dumbass has been attacking him relentlessly for the past two years. No other president in history has ever done that to his predecessor. You cheer when the Trumpian buffoon attacks Obama. Instead of acting like a Trump cultist look at Trump's conduct for once.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.

You cant open your mouth without a whataboutism. You are the epitome of the shallow liberal looking for a deflection rather than an answer. "What about...fill in the blank". Should I try and speak about principles with you when your only desire to excuse?

American ex-presidents have always honored a code of silence. (Sorry no link..read a book.) It wasnt Obama who broke it. It was Obama-Bush on the same day. The representatives of the old guard, the deep state, the swamp. They coordinated it and on the same day broke tradition in October 2017. Then Obama convened a meeting of activists to discuss ways to undermine President Trump.

But worry no more is what I was saying. I would have thought Bush was a sorry piece of shit had he done it but I now hope Trump never "fades away" as we move into the era of loyalty to men rather than institutions. And its fine with me. But dont pretend it isnt an innovation. I dont live in your fantasy world. It's a sign of something. Just as savaging Supreme Court nominees is...and getting rid of the filibuster was.
Loyalty to a man that's a pervert and crook?? Never And once more the pos doesn't like getting hit with the same shit he was dealing out?? Let me punch his too fn bad ticket And this pos SC guy is just like the other pervert Thomas Go ahead fill our SC with all your AH's Ever read the rise and fall of the roman empire??

History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire? No but neither have you so what does it matter?
But I’ll repeat the gist of my post since you misunderstood it. You people have begun the move from institutions to men. It was a nice cultural tradition we had but third worlders have worked to destroy it.
So there’s no sympathy asked or given here. Trump has years left but when he’s done he won’t be bound by such quaint trappings of republican caution. I look forward to it.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.

You cant open your mouth without a whataboutism. You are the epitome of the shallow liberal looking for a deflection rather than an answer. "What about...fill in the blank". Should I try and speak about principles with you when your only desire to excuse?

American ex-presidents have always honored a code of silence. (Sorry no link..read a book.) It wasnt Obama who broke it. It was Obama-Bush on the same day. The representatives of the old guard, the deep state, the swamp. They coordinated it and on the same day broke tradition in October 2017. Then Obama convened a meeting of activists to discuss ways to undermine President Trump.

But worry no more is what I was saying. I would have thought Bush was a sorry piece of shit had he done it but I now hope Trump never "fades away" as we move into the era of loyalty to men rather than institutions. And its fine with me. But dont pretend it isnt an innovation. I dont live in your fantasy world. It's a sign of something. Just as savaging Supreme Court nominees is...and getting rid of the filibuster was.
DOTR again Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
What about the above don't you get??

You aren’t on ritilan are you? Talking smack bothers you it seems. It’s the least of what is going to be smacked against your head. Is that hard to understand?
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
The reason Obama has to speak out is because Donald Dumbass has been attacking him relentlessly for the past two years. No other president in history has ever done that to his predecessor. You cheer when the Trumpian buffoon attacks Obama. Instead of acting like a Trump cultist look at Trump's conduct for once.

Go sit with Lysistrata and Penelope. You can discuss the Emmys.
Last edited:
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.

You cant open your mouth without a whataboutism. You are the epitome of the shallow liberal looking for a deflection rather than an answer. "What about...fill in the blank". Should I try and speak about principles with you when your only desire to excuse?

American ex-presidents have always honored a code of silence. (Sorry no link..read a book.) It wasnt Obama who broke it. It was Obama-Bush on the same day. The representatives of the old guard, the deep state, the swamp. They coordinated it and on the same day broke tradition in October 2017. Then Obama convened a meeting of activists to discuss ways to undermine President Trump.

But worry no more is what I was saying. I would have thought Bush was a sorry piece of shit had he done it but I now hope Trump never "fades away" as we move into the era of loyalty to men rather than institutions. And its fine with me. But dont pretend it isnt an innovation. I dont live in your fantasy world. It's a sign of something. Just as savaging Supreme Court nominees is...and getting rid of the filibuster was.
DOTR again Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
What about the above don't you get??

You aren’t on ritilan are you? Talking smack bothers you it seems. It’s the least of what is going to be smacked against your head. Is that hard to understand?
Finesteride but that's it ,,but supporting trump you must be on the really strong stuff
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.

You cant open your mouth without a whataboutism. You are the epitome of the shallow liberal looking for a deflection rather than an answer. "What about...fill in the blank". Should I try and speak about principles with you when your only desire to excuse?

American ex-presidents have always honored a code of silence. (Sorry no link..read a book.) It wasnt Obama who broke it. It was Obama-Bush on the same day. The representatives of the old guard, the deep state, the swamp. They coordinated it and on the same day broke tradition in October 2017. Then Obama convened a meeting of activists to discuss ways to undermine President Trump.

But worry no more is what I was saying. I would have thought Bush was a sorry piece of shit had he done it but I now hope Trump never "fades away" as we move into the era of loyalty to men rather than institutions. And its fine with me. But dont pretend it isnt an innovation. I dont live in your fantasy world. It's a sign of something. Just as savaging Supreme Court nominees is...and getting rid of the filibuster was.
Loyalty to a man that's a pervert and crook?? Never And once more the pos doesn't like getting hit with the same shit he was dealing out?? Let me punch his too fn bad ticket And this pos SC guy is just like the other pervert Thomas Go ahead fill our SC with all your AH's Ever read the rise and fall of the roman empire??

History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire? No but neither have you so what does it matter?
But I’ll repeat the gist of my post since you misunderstood it. You people have begun the move from institutions to men. It was a nice cultural tradition we had but third worlders have worked to destroy it.
So there’s no sympathy asked or given here. Trump has years left but when he’s done he won’t be bound by such quaint trappings of republican caution. I look forward to it.
I did read it probably 40 years ago America under this AH is going down
I did read it probably 40 years ago America under this AH is going down

If you plowed through 6 volumes of Gibbon then you will have read Suetonius? A much more pleasant read. I reread The 12 Caesars at least once a year.

So at the risk of engaging a sufferer of TDS in civil conversation...give me a point of similarity between something in Gibbon's (or Sutonius') writing and anything today.
Our tradition has always been that ex presidents fade into the background. But, once again, the Democrats shit on cultural values.
And as I say don’t go unarmed to a knife fight. I fully expect Trump to remain active after he leaves office in 2024. Presidents are for life now it seems.
Fade away Dotr??
Here's the distinction that has shot right over your head: Bush didn't badmouth Obama because Obama didn't badmouth him. Ya think? On the other hand, trumpf badmouthed Obama for FIVE FUCKING YEARS before the 2016 election, and after taking office is STILL at it.

Generally speaking, when you are constantly talking smack about people, like trumpf constantly does, eventually you get smacked back. That's how things work in life in general, trumpf doesn't get a pass.
Perhaps you should go teach that lesson to the progressive media. Maybe then they'll understand why they are so hated.

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