Will the Border Issue be Joe's Waterloo in the Dem Primary - RFKjr promises to secure border


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
This may shock the Dem talking points crowd here, but Dem voters really do not like what Joe is doing at the border. Blacks and union workers are especially angry.

If blacks in South Carolina go for RFKjr, Joe will get clobbered in SC, Iowa and NH, given what Iowa and NH did to him in 2020... 5th place in NH with under 10% despite 100% name recognition...


Will the Dem primary season start with Joe getting stomped in the first three states??

This may shock the Dem talking points crowd here, but Dem voters really do not like what Joe is doing at the border. Blacks and union workers are especially angry.

If blacks in South Carolina go for RFKjr, Joe will get clobbered in SC, Iowa and NH, given what Iowa and NH did to him in 2020... 5th place in NH with under 10% despite 100% name recognition...


Will the Dem primary season start with Joe getting stomped in the first three states??

If RKJ vows to protect the border, enforce laws, work wth Mexico and build proper barriers such as a wall, he will win the nomination and probably the presidency. If he offers to throw money at border security which has been a sieve he is will gaiin nothing. Without question the border is his greatest achilles heel.
Its not just the border we need to work on. Its the incentive!
They will find ways around walls and patrolmen. They wont find ways around lack of incentive.
NOBODY seems to want to actually fix this border shit!
If RKJ vows to protect the border, enforce laws, work wth Mexico and build proper barriers such as a wall, he will win the nomination and probaboy the presidency. If he offers to throw money at border security which has been a sieve he is willl gaiin nothing.

RFKjr has been polling Dem voters for months.

Dem voters hate Joe's border policy = HATE IT

South Carolina black vote is the first test, because blacks in the labor market are the first ones being "replaced" and are also the #1 victim of Murderous Fraud Vax.

South Carolina goes RFKjr, Joe is finished, on the canvass with the ref counting....
Ah, the MAGA idiots (i.e. MAGGOTS) are in a total state of denial!


"The number of encounters between U.S. agents and migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border has dropped by half compared with the days leading up to the expiration of Title 42"

"The administration also has imposed stricter penalties on asylum-seekers who try to cross the border illegally"

But keep trying...MAGGOTS!
Its not just the border we need to work on. Its the incentive!
They will find ways around walls and patrolmen. They wont find ways around lack of incentive.
NOBODY seems to want to actually fix this border shit!

The Republicans has it been refusing to do anything for generations. They get much too much mileage at the ballot box using this issue, ever want to solve it and give up all those votes
The Republicans has it been refusing to do anything for generations. They get much too much mileage at the ballot box using this issue, ever want to solve it and give up all those votes
Yeah, Ds dont do that :lol:
Yeah, Ds dont do that :lol:

The Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to the table to discuss immigration issues, and Republicans refuse to do so.

Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the first 20 years of the century, and have done nothing except try to put up fences and walls along the southern border.

Democrats have only held the house for eight of those years years, and the Senate for four years. So tell me again, how it’s all the Democrats fault that nothing has been done.

The American Chamber of Commerce is begging for immigration reform so they can hire visa workers and get some of these job openings filled.

Donald Trump completely dismantled your immigration system, both at home and at embassies and diplomatic out posts throughout the world.

That’s not a solution.
The Democrats have been trying to get Republicans to the table to discuss immigration issues, and Republicans refuse to do so.

Republicans have held the White House for 12 of the first 20 years of the century, and have done nothing except try to put up fences and walls along the southern border.

Democrats have only held the house for eight of those years years, and the Senate for four years. So tell me again, how it’s all the Democrats fault that nothing has been done.

The American Chamber of Commerce is begging for immigration reform so they can hire visa workers and get some of these job openings filled.

Donald Trump completely dismantled your immigration system, both at home and at embassies and diplomatic out posts throughout the world.

That’s not a solution.
Ds would only give them more incentive to come here illegally.
Thats not a solution.
Just shut your partisan bullshit up, foreigner.
This may shock the Dem talking points crowd here, but Dem voters really do not like what Joe is doing at the border. Blacks and union workers are especially angry.

If blacks in South Carolina go for RFKjr, Joe will get clobbered in SC, Iowa and NH, given what Iowa and NH did to him in 2020... 5th place in NH with under 10% despite 100% name recognition...


Will the Dem primary season start with Joe getting stomped in the first three states??

I just read today that there's a very good chance that in New Hampshire, the Democrat's first primary state, Biden won't be on the ballot, guaranteeing someone else will win the Democratic New Hampshire primary.

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