Will Obama stump for Biden since this stuff about Hunter and Joe comes out?

Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

You haven't been paying attention Jackass. Both Barrack and Michelle have made multiple speeches and appearance stumping for Biden. Obama spoke just a couple of days ago in support of Biden. I guess they don''t play the clips of FAUX News.

The speeches basically excoriate Trump's record, and feature smart people talking in complete sentences expounding on sane, lucid information, and promoting sound policy ideas. That's probably why FAUX isn't telling you about them.

As for the attempts by Russian agents to smear the Bidens through emails found on a laptop claimed to be Hunter Biden's. The laptop was found in a computer repair shop in DC. Those emails it contained have been totally debunked and found to be the product of a Russian disinformation campaign, and an investigation is under way into the provenance of that computer and who planted that in the repair shop. The repair people had no idea who left it there, or whether it even belongs to Hunter Biden.

So no. The Russian smear job has failed, and law enforcement is busy tracking them as we speak. Trump and Guiliani have been unsuccessfully trying to peddle Russian propaganda and bullshit about the Bidens since last year. Attempts to extort false the Ukrainians into backing up Russian propaganda and lies got Trump impeached.

Donald Trump would be facing criminal charges for promoting this smear job if he wasn't the President of the United States.

Keep shooting yourselves in the foot with this bullshit. Once Trump is out of office, he has no Presidential immunity from prosecution.
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
Hunter Biden's lawyer called it "hunter's" and "his"
so ball's in your court

Is that the hill you want to die on: You'd better have a link for that one, because google doesn't have it.

Rudy Guiliani's lawyer is the guy who retrieved the laptop from the store owners. Why would the store owners have called Rudy Guliani and not the FBI, or the Justice Department. Then there's the evasiveness of the store owner in talking about how he came to have the computer.

The whole story smells like dead fish left out in the sun.

Bill Barr had these emails in December when Guiliani met with him and gave them to him to use as evidence against the Bidens in the charges Trump was planning to file against Biden. Remember the announcement that Guiliani would be providing evidence to Barr from his investigation. Barr dismissed them as forgeries.

The thing is, Russian hackers hacked into Burisma last November. So it was fully expected that their purpose was to help Trump prosecute the Bidens. It was first suspected that they were planting evidence but then Guilani came trotting back to the USA with his "evidence" which was handed over to Barr.

This is just another ham handed attempt by your loser President to smear the opposition. When all you have to run on are lies, deceptions, and bullshit, you're pretty pathetic both as a candidate and a human being.
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
As usual, libtards never deal with the substance of any issue. They know that the Bidens (like the Clintons) are dirty as hell, so they deflect to irrelevant details. Does anyone really believe that Biden didn't use his public positions to financially benefit himself and his family? How else would he have made his $millions? Investing in cattle futures?
Since we have Biden's tax returns, that issue can be resolved; questions answered....
Why of course, if he took a bribe, he declared it and paid taxes on it, so we can just check the return. You are like Dick Tracy and Perry Mason rolled into one.

Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor: Just weeks before the election, the tech giants unite to block access to incriminating reporting about their preferred candidate.

THE NEW YORK POST IS one of the country’s oldest and largest newspapers. Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, only three U.S. newspapers are more widely circulated.

On Wednesday morning, the paper published emails showing that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, traded on his father’s position by securing favors from the then-Vice President to benefit the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid the supremely unqualified Hunter $50,000 each month to sit on its Board. While the Biden campaign denies that any such meetings or favors ever occurred, neither the campaign nor Hunter, has denied the authenticity of the emails.

The New York Post is a tabloid rag owned by Rupert Murdoch. It’s not is past ownership who has a long history of lying for Republicans. It’s Rupert Murdoch and his corrupt right wing billionaire media.

Today, the NY Post is just another lying right wing source.

Easy. So all Team Biden has to do is declare the emails to be fake, and that Hunter's laptop was never dropped off at that repair shop. That's simple enough. What's the hold up?
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
As usual, libtards never deal with the substance of any issue. They know that the Bidens (like the Clintons) are dirty as hell, so they deflect to irrelevant details. Does anyone really believe that Biden didn't use his public positions to financially benefit himself and his family? How else would he have made his $millions? Investing in cattle futures?
Since we have Biden's tax returns, that issue can be resolved; questions answered....
Why of course, if he took a bribe, he declared it and paid taxes on it, so we can just check the return. You are like Dick Tracy and Perry Mason rolled into one.

Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor: Just weeks before the election, the tech giants unite to block access to incriminating reporting about their preferred candidate.

THE NEW YORK POST IS one of the country’s oldest and largest newspapers. Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, only three U.S. newspapers are more widely circulated.

On Wednesday morning, the paper published emails showing that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, traded on his father’s position by securing favors from the then-Vice President to benefit the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid the supremely unqualified Hunter $50,000 each month to sit on its Board. While the Biden campaign denies that any such meetings or favors ever occurred, neither the campaign nor Hunter, has denied the authenticity of the emails.

The New York Post is a tabloid rag owned by Rupert Murdoch. It’s not is past ownership who has a long history of lying for Republicans. It’s Rupert Murdoch and his corrupt right wing billionaire media.

Today, the NY Post is just another lying right wing source.

Easy. So all Team Biden has to do is declare the emails to be fake, and that Hunter's laptop was never dropped off at that repair shop. That's simple enough. What's the hold up?

This should be a slam dunk for Team Biden to debunk and a potential lawsuit against the store owner. But, Team Biden is very slow to respond. Where is the statement that those aren’t his emails and not his laptop?
Hussaine is shitting his diapers wondering if emails will reveal his cut of Biden's cut of his drug addict son's bribes.
As for the attempts by Russian agents to smear the Bidens through emails found on a laptop claimed to be Hunter Biden's. The laptop was found in a computer repair shop in DC. Those emails it contained have been totally debunked and found to be the product of a Russian disinformation campaign, and an investigation is under way into the provenance of that computer and who planted that in the repair shop. The repair people had no idea who left it there, or whether it even belongs to Hunter Biden.
Would you by chance happen to have any link(s) providing any additional documentation to prove this ?
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
As usual, libtards never deal with the substance of any issue. They know that the Bidens (like the Clintons) are dirty as hell, so they deflect to irrelevant details. Does anyone really believe that Biden didn't use his public positions to financially benefit himself and his family? How else would he have made his $millions? Investing in cattle futures?
Since we have Biden's tax returns, that issue can be resolved; questions answered....
Why of course, if he took a bribe, he declared it and paid taxes on it, so we can just check the return. You are like Dick Tracy and Perry Mason rolled into one.

Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor: Just weeks before the election, the tech giants unite to block access to incriminating reporting about their preferred candidate.

THE NEW YORK POST IS one of the country’s oldest and largest newspapers. Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, only three U.S. newspapers are more widely circulated.

On Wednesday morning, the paper published emails showing that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, traded on his father’s position by securing favors from the then-Vice President to benefit the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid the supremely unqualified Hunter $50,000 each month to sit on its Board. While the Biden campaign denies that any such meetings or favors ever occurred, neither the campaign nor Hunter, has denied the authenticity of the emails.

The New York Post is a tabloid rag owned by Rupert Murdoch. It’s not is past ownership who has a long history of lying for Republicans. It’s Rupert Murdoch and his corrupt right wing billionaire media.

Today, the NY Post is just another lying right wing source.

So you are saying the NYTimes and WashPo are just lying leftwing tabloid rags? My guess is your silence will speak for you.


Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

You haven't been paying attention Jackass. Both Barrack and Michelle have made multiple speeches and appearance stumping for Biden. Obama spoke just a couple of days ago in support of Biden. I guess they don''t play the clips of FAUX News.

The speeches basically excoriate Trump's record, and feature smart people talking in complete sentences expounding on sane, lucid information, and promoting sound policy ideas. That's probably why FAUX isn't telling you about them.

As for the attempts by Russian agents to smear the Bidens through emails found on a laptop claimed to be Hunter Biden's. The laptop was found in a computer repair shop in DC. Those emails it contained have been totally debunked and found to be the product of a Russian disinformation campaign, and an investigation is under way into the provenance of that computer and who planted that in the repair shop. The repair people had no idea who left it there, or whether it even belongs to Hunter Biden.

So no. The Russian smear job has failed, and law enforcement is busy tracking them as we speak. Trump and Guiliani have been unsuccessfully trying to peddle Russian propaganda and bullshit about the Bidens since last year. Attempts to extort false the Ukrainians into backing up Russian propaganda and lies got Trump impeached.

Donald Trump would be facing criminal charges for promoting this smear job if he wasn't the President of the United States.

Keep shooting yourselves in the foot with this bullshit. Once Trump is out of office, he has no Presidential immunity from prosecution.
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
Hunter Biden's lawyer called it "hunter's" and "his"
so ball's in your court

Is that the hill you want to die on: You'd better have a link for that one, because google doesn't have it.

Rudy Guiliani's lawyer is the guy who retrieved the laptop from the store owners. Why would the store owners have called Rudy Guliani and not the FBI, or the Justice Department. Then there's the evasiveness of the store owner in talking about how he came to have the computer.

The whole story smells like dead fish left out in the sun.

Bill Barr had these emails in December when Guiliani met with him and gave them to him to use as evidence against the Bidens in the charges Trump was planning to file against Biden. Remember the announcement that Guiliani would be providing evidence to Barr from his investigation. Barr dismissed them as forgeries.

The thing is, Russian hackers hacked into Burisma last November. So it was fully expected that their purpose was to help Trump prosecute the Bidens. It was first suspected that they were planting evidence but then Guilani came trotting back to the USA with his "evidence" which was handed over to Barr.

This is just another ham handed attempt by your loser President to smear the opposition. When all you have to run on are lies, deceptions, and bullshit, you're pretty pathetic both as a candidate and a human being.
Fred Astair couldn't even tap dance like that. And a week later, the Bidens haven't denied anything.
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
As usual, libtards never deal with the substance of any issue. They know that the Bidens (like the Clintons) are dirty as hell, so they deflect to irrelevant details. Does anyone really believe that Biden didn't use his public positions to financially benefit himself and his family? How else would he have made his $millions? Investing in cattle futures?

Joe made his millions, after he left office. Writing books and giving speeches. All of which is contained in his income tax returns.

Tax returns. You know, those things that Trump refuses to release. The things that would tell us where exactly Trump’s income is coming from. And who he owes money to.

Biden has been completely transparent. Trump had released nothing. Who he owes $451 million dollars to is a matter of national security. As is the answer to the question, does he have the cash to meet these payments?
Boy oh boy are you guys spinning and deflecting. So when is Camp Biden going to clearly declare that Hunter never left his laptop at this shop?

We have all wondered why America's Foreign policy is so warped toward China, and here we have emails detailing American Foreign Policy selling out to China while China steered $Millions and $Millions and $Millions and $Millions o the Biden's. Joe was not only aware, but taking a cut.

So, when will we get the blanket denials from the Camp Biden that these emails are Hunters?

Donald Trump’s NSA and FBI have already said they’re forged. They’re looking at charging Rudy Guiliani for being a Russian agent...
Wow. Is that the news in Canada because we haven't heard that story here in the real world?
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
As usual, libtards never deal with the substance of any issue. They know that the Bidens (like the Clintons) are dirty as hell, so they deflect to irrelevant details. Does anyone really believe that Biden didn't use his public positions to financially benefit himself and his family? How else would he have made his $millions? Investing in cattle futures?

Joe made his millions, after he left office. Writing books and giving speeches. All of which is contained in his income tax returns.

Tax returns. You know, those things that Trump refuses to release. The things that would tell us where exactly Trump’s income is coming from. And who he owes money to.

Biden has been completely transparent. Trump had released nothing. Who he owes $451 million dollars to is a matter of national security. As is the answer to the question, does he have the cash to meet these payments?
Not your national security, Canadian.

I live less than 30 miles from the border. Yeah. It affects my security too. Just like your air pollution affects the air I breathe.

Despite all his best efforts the world is not at war. The Mullahs had the good sense to back off. When the Iranian Mullahs are saner and more sensible than the President of the United States, your country is in big trouble.
Trump has refused to involve our military in any new adventures (while eliminating some very bad actors) and in living beyond US borders you have your own probs with which to contend. And you don't know that the Trump Organization owes anyone $451 mil or that it might be a security threat to the US.

Our issues are none of your biz ... mind your own.

For instance you may want to ponder the condition of Canada's economy and how it will impact tax revenues. Your nanny-state will struggle to coddle you in the coming years.
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Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
As usual, libtards never deal with the substance of any issue. They know that the Bidens (like the Clintons) are dirty as hell, so they deflect to irrelevant details. Does anyone really believe that Biden didn't use his public positions to financially benefit himself and his family? How else would he have made his $millions? Investing in cattle futures?
Since we have Biden's tax returns, that issue can be resolved; questions answered....
Why of course, if he took a bribe, he declared it and paid taxes on it, so we can just check the return. You are like Dick Tracy and Perry Mason rolled into one.

Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor: Just weeks before the election, the tech giants unite to block access to incriminating reporting about their preferred candidate.

THE NEW YORK POST IS one of the country’s oldest and largest newspapers. Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, only three U.S. newspapers are more widely circulated.

On Wednesday morning, the paper published emails showing that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, traded on his father’s position by securing favors from the then-Vice President to benefit the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid the supremely unqualified Hunter $50,000 each month to sit on its Board. While the Biden campaign denies that any such meetings or favors ever occurred, neither the campaign nor Hunter, has denied the authenticity of the emails.

The New York Post is a tabloid rag owned by Rupert Murdoch. It’s not is past ownership who has a long history of lying for Republicans. It’s Rupert Murdoch and his corrupt right wing billionaire media.

Today, the NY Post is just another lying right wing source.

So you are saying the NYTimes and WashPo are just lying leftwing tabloid rags? My guess is your silence will speak for you.

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View attachment 402960
Yes. They are lying leftwing rags as is your media "biasfactcheck" fake news site.

If Hunter's laptop was never delivered to that repair shop - the Biden camp can so state, they have not.
If those are not Hunters emails - the Biden camp can so state, they have not.
If the FBI didn't pick up that hard drive during impeachment - they can so state, they have not.

If the FBI has investigated and found that these emails are fake - they can so state, they have not.
Obama was supposed to some out and campaign for Biden soon. The question looms why he hasn't all this time. Now we know why. He didn't want to be in the line of fire. Don't look for him to be seen with them.

Do you mean the stuff on the laptop that the computer store owner and Rudy has changed their stories? The one that the store owner really didn't know it was Hunter but he assumed because it and a sticker with Beau Biden foundation on it? The one that someone signed Hunter Biden's name? The one that O'Brien the NSA told trump the Russians were screwing with Rudy and Trump said, "That's Rudy"? The one that Hunter didn't supposedly pick up after 90 days even though Hunter knew there was damaging evidence? God you guys are dupes.
As usual, libtards never deal with the substance of any issue. They know that the Bidens (like the Clintons) are dirty as hell, so they deflect to irrelevant details. Does anyone really believe that Biden didn't use his public positions to financially benefit himself and his family? How else would he have made his $millions? Investing in cattle futures?
Since we have Biden's tax returns, that issue can be resolved; questions answered....
Why of course, if he took a bribe, he declared it and paid taxes on it, so we can just check the return. You are like Dick Tracy and Perry Mason rolled into one.

Facebook and Twitter Cross a Line Far More Dangerous Than What They Censor: Just weeks before the election, the tech giants unite to block access to incriminating reporting about their preferred candidate.

THE NEW YORK POST IS one of the country’s oldest and largest newspapers. Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, only three U.S. newspapers are more widely circulated.

On Wednesday morning, the paper published emails showing that Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, traded on his father’s position by securing favors from the then-Vice President to benefit the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which paid the supremely unqualified Hunter $50,000 each month to sit on its Board. While the Biden campaign denies that any such meetings or favors ever occurred, neither the campaign nor Hunter, has denied the authenticity of the emails.

The New York Post is a tabloid rag owned by Rupert Murdoch. It’s not is past ownership who has a long history of lying for Republicans. It’s Rupert Murdoch and his corrupt right wing billionaire media.

Today, the NY Post is just another lying right wing source.

Easy. So all Team Biden has to do is declare the emails to be fake, and that Hunter's laptop was never dropped off at that repair shop. That's simple enough. What's the hold up?

This should be a slam dunk for Team Biden to debunk and a potential lawsuit against the store owner. But, Team Biden is very slow to respond. Where is the statement that those aren’t his emails and not his laptop?
Several dogs not barking

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