Will Obama be the Comeback Kid on Wednesday?


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
It seems that unless Obama totally tanks again in the next debate, MSM will invariably declare him the Comeback Kid. He only needs to do a bit better than his first debate and he will inevitably be heralded as the victor by a desperate and slavishly devoted media.

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It seems that unless Obama totally tanks again in the next debate, MSM will invariably declare him the Comeback Kid. He only needs to do a bit better than his first debate and he will inevitably be heralded as the victor by a desperate and slavishly devoted media.

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i very much doubt it. i think if it tie then media will say so like they did with vp debate. only if obama somehow produces peformance of his life would he then be called comeback kid.

my guess is obama will be better but still fancy romney to edge him debate as he more natural debater then obama is,
It seems that unless Obama totally tanks again in the next debate, MSM will invariably declare him the Comeback Kid. He only needs to do a bit better than his first debate and he will inevitably be heralded as the victor by a desperate and slavishly devoted media.

Mark my words on this.
i very much doubt it. i think if it tie then media will say so like they did with vp debate. only if obama somehow produces peformance of his life would he then be called comeback kid.

my guess is obama will be better but still fancy romney to edge him debate as he more natural debater then obama is,
Please, Obama was pretty much the media's creation. They pass seldom the opportunity to sing his praises, and now they are desepeate. He's MSM's baby and they're ready to grasp at anything . His failure is essentially their failure.
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It seems that unless Obama totally tanks again in the next debate, MSM will invariably declare him the Comeback Kid. He only needs to do a bit better than his first debate and he will inevitably be heralded as the victor by a desperate and slavishly devoted media.

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i very much doubt it. i think if it tie then media will say so like they did with vp debate. only if obama somehow produces peformance of his life would he then be called comeback kid.

my guess is obama will be better but still fancy romney to edge him debate as he more natural debater then obama is,
Please, Obama was pretty much the media's creation. They pass seldom the opportunity to sing his praises, and now they are desepeate. He's MSM's baby and they're ready to grasp at anything . His failure is essentially their failure.
i think their being more honest. otherwise if they were not cnn would have lied and go again their own polls . but they have no on either debate.

i don,t think media are showing same love to obama. not hating him but calling him out more. Even jon strewart of daily show had a go at obama handling of libya and the use of the big bird advert against romney last week.

personally think romney will probally win next debate and media will be bar msnbc pretty honest about it.
My guess is Obama will try to be more agressive in Round 2, but the Romney camp is ready for him. They know that he will come out slugging at Romney to make up for Round 1, so they are prepping Romney harder to get ready to play hardcore dodgeball.

Will Obama do better? Probably. Will he win it? Who knows. The debate theme is foreign policy. If Obama is weak on anything, it's that. He's going to have to answer to not just Libya, but how he's treated our allies the last 4 years.
My guess is Obama will try to be more agressive in Round 2, but the Romney camp is ready for him. They know that he will come out slugging at Romney to make up for Round 1, so they are prepping Romney harder to get ready to play hardcore dodgeball.

Will Obama do better? Probably. Will he win it? Who knows. The debate theme is foreign policy. If Obama is weak on anything, it's that. He's going to have to answer to not just Libya, but how he's treated our allies the last 4 years.
I think obama been mistaken for being too argessive. That be mistake is it allow people to accuse him of being rude. need to find right balance. Also think it be tough debate for him as librya will come uo. That will be awkward , as they don,t seem to have consitant response to it.

he must turn up on tuesday. if romney wins debate again the election could be over on tuesday night.
Yes, I think Obama will try to be more aggressive in the next debate.

However, if Gov Romney remains cool and calm and answers with reasonable facts and statements, Obama will become rattled. He has never had anybody truly confront him in the three plus years since his matriculation. He'll do his little nose-up-in-the-air bit that makes him look like an angry little child who's above it all.

And, as he seem not to know how many states there area, or the size of the National Debt, or what actually went on in Libya, or any one of a thousand other things a chief executive should know, he'll get mad and show it. He'll pout and roll out the old Democrat playbook to blame everybody else but himself.

I don't think the governor has to do anything different than last time. We all know Obama will try to throw the 47% at him over and over so all he has to do is provide a factual and calm rebuttal.

Of BHO fights MR to a draw on Wed, I agree that most will see it as a victory.

I want Romney to pound him flat again.

It seems that unless Obama totally tanks again in the next debate, MSM will invariably declare him the Comeback Kid. He only needs to do a bit better than his first debate and he will inevitably be heralded as the victor by a desperate and slavishly devoted media.

Mark my words on this.
obama just isn't the genius his creators and handlers have portrayed him to be. He's actually a dull, stuttering, lost little narcissist bubble head without his teleprompters, and with this debate being in the format of a town hall meeting, look for him to do more of his signature, "I, I, I, I, I, ... but, but, but, but, but, now hold on"... the man is a buffoon, and he'll lose this next debate as bad if not worse than he did the prior one.
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007, you are the buffoon, and the one who does not understand what is going on.

Turn off Rush, Glenn, and Sean and start reading and researching for yourself.

Romney is the much better choice but you truly do not understand why that is so.
Yes, I think Obama will try to be more aggressive in the next debate.

However, if Gov Romney remains cool and calm and answers with reasonable facts and statements, Obama will become rattled. He has never had anybody truly confront him in the three plus years since his matriculation. He'll do his little nose-up-in-the-air bit that makes him look like an angry little child who's above it all.

And, as he seem not to know how many states there area, or the size of the National Debt, or what actually went on in Libya, or any one of a thousand other things a chief executive should know, he'll get mad and show it. He'll pout and roll out the old Democrat playbook to blame everybody else but himself.

I don't think the governor has to do anything different than last time. We all know Obama will try to throw the 47% at him over and over so all he has to do is provide a factual and calm rebuttal.

i think obama need focus on people asking him questions and not romney. he also need to have vision for next four years and be postive but passionate as well about it

no point attacking romney too much. Rick perry tried it in cnn debate in primarys and it did not help him at all. Romney although disagree with him politically is one of best counter puncher debaters i have ever seen.
obama just isn't the genius his creators and handlers have portrayed him to be. He's actually a dull, stuttering, lost little narcissist bubble head without his teleprompters, and with this debate being in the format of a town hall meeting, look for him to do more of his signature, "I, I, I, I, I, ... but, but, but, but, but, now hold on"... the man is a buffoon, and he'll lose this next debate as bad if not worse than he did the prior one.
if that does happen then romney won the election
Of BHO fights MR to a draw on Wed, I agree that most will see it as a victory.

I want Romney to pound him flat again.

It seems that unless Obama totally tanks again in the next debate, MSM will invariably declare him the Comeback Kid. He only needs to do a bit better than his first debate and he will inevitably be heralded as the victor by a desperate and slavishly devoted media.

Mark my words on this.
if romney wins debate with ease again then he won the election. simple as that.
The press will crow that Obama won, pretty much no matter what. They have a vested interest in seeing him win. The moderator will be even more biased towards Obama than in the VP debate, and that was pretty blatant.
But it doesn't matter. Because Obama will be forced to defend an indefensible record of total and complete failure in foreign policy. The most he can do is blame forces beyond his control and ask what Romney would have done differently. Of course you can't detail everything you would have done differently. There are way too many variables. Romney can only state basic principles: The U.S. is a unique power, the only superpower, committed to economic and personal freedom for everyone on the planet. As such we have nothing to apologize for. Obama believes in cultural relatvism. He believes most problems in the world come from U.S involvement and are not solved by it. With any luck the debate will highlight those big differences, regardless of what the moderator or press does.
The press will crow that Obama won, pretty much no matter what. They have a vested interest in seeing him win. The moderator will be even more biased towards Obama than in the VP debate, and that was pretty blatant.
But it doesn't matter. Because Obama will be forced to defend an indefensible record of total and complete failure in foreign policy. The most he can do is blame forces beyond his control and ask what Romney would have done differently. Of course you can't detail everything you would have done differently. There are way too many variables. Romney can only state basic principles: The U.S. is a unique power, the only superpower, committed to economic and personal freedom for everyone on the planet. As such we have nothing to apologize for. Obama believes in cultural relatvism. He believes most problems in the world come from U.S involvement and are not solved by it. With any luck the debate will highlight those big differences, regardless of what the moderator or press does.
well the press were pretty honest that romney won the first debate by a lot. if same happens again they will say thing.

like i said if romney beats up obama again in debates then this election is over
It seems that unless Obama totally tanks again in the next debate, MSM will invariably declare him the Comeback Kid. He only needs to do a bit better than his first debate and he will inevitably be heralded as the victor by a desperate and slavishly devoted media.

Mark my words on this.

He doesn't need to "come back", he's never been behind. He does need to neutralize Romney. That won't be hard if Romney tries to land some whoppers like he did last time.
Yes, I think Obama will try to be more aggressive in the next debate.

However, if Gov Romney remains cool and calm and answers with reasonable facts and statements, Obama will become rattled. He has never had anybody truly confront him in the three plus years since his matriculation. He'll do his little nose-up-in-the-air bit that makes him look like an angry little child who's above it all.

And, as he seem not to know how many states there area, or the size of the National Debt, or what actually went on in Libya, or any one of a thousand other things a chief executive should know, he'll get mad and show it. He'll pout and roll out the old Democrat playbook to blame everybody else but himself.

I don't think the governor has to do anything different than last time. We all know Obama will try to throw the 47% at him over and over so all he has to do is provide a factual and calm rebuttal.

i think obama need focus on people asking him questions and not romney. he also need to have vision for next four years and be postive but passionate as well about it

no point attacking romney too much. Rick perry tried it in cnn debate in primarys and it did not help him at all. Romney although disagree with him politically is one of best counter puncher debaters i have ever seen.

Exactly. Some one said recently that the momentum hasn't shifted to Romney because Obama had a bad ninety minutes in the first debate but because Obama has had a bad four years. The Obama campaign understood this a long time ago, that if they tried to run on Obama's record they would have a very hard time winning, so nearly their entire campaign effort was based on trying to make the election a referendum on Romney and to that end they tried to portray him as a right wing extremist, a front man for a right wing conspiracy that was out to take away Medicare, SS, etc. from the middle class for the benefit of the wealthy.

Obama tried to follow through with this tactic during the first debate, but voters believed the Mitt Romney they saw and heard was the real Mitt Romney and didn't believe the lies Obama was telling about him. If Obama tries to get tough or come out swinging, meaning to continue the failed strategy of trying to portray Romney as some one he is not, in the second debate, again, voters will believe the man they see and hear is the real Mitt Romney and again reject Obama's lies about him.

As you say, for Obama to win the debate he will have to do what he has been afraid of doing up until now, project a positive vision for the next four years that will explain how he intends to lower unemployment, grow the economy and reduce the deficits and explain why he didn't do these things until now in a believable way. This is a great deal to accomplish in 90 minutes, especially since as much as half the time may be given to foreign policy, however, if Obama has such a vision for the next four years and can explain how he intends to reach these goals in a believable way, it may not be impossible, but this would require Obama to hold himself accountable to voters, and so far he has been either unwilling or unable to do this.

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