Will Crazy Bernie Refuse to Debate President Trump?

Will Crazy Bernie Refuse to Debate President Trump?

  • Yes, Crazy Bernie knows what the outcome would be. Total embarrassment.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No, Crazy Bernie really has a good head on his ribcage and is very intelligent and quick witted.

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
If Crazy Bernie manages to overcome the election tampering of the DNC this time, will the drooling idiot with no neck refuse to debate President Trump?
Dont underestimate sanders

he will have the full support of the election cheating democrat party whose motto is “we may lose on election day but we always win the recount afterward”

I hope America does not want a communist president because that will end the American Dream once and for all
Bernie will debate Trump. His schtick is aimed at billionaires, so Trump would make the perfect foil.
2020 will be the "haves" vs the "have-nots", the ones who are happy and the ones who are unhappy, the city mice vs the country mice.
IMHO the democrats will lose the blue-collar working class vote, but they will keep the urban white-collar vote.
What I don't like about Trump and the GOP are the tax cuts and the huge Budget Deficit and $23T Debt.

IMHO Trump will only debate Bernie on FXN, that may cause Bernie to bail on the debates.
President Trump doesn't like FOX actually. Crazy Bernie's uses the term "billionaire" is a dog whistle meaning Whitey. Crazy Bernie is a low level shyster and has not the foggiest idea how President Trump obtained his wealth. President Trump will destroy the neckless idiot.
If Crazy Bernie manages to overcome the election tampering of the DNC this time, will the drooling idiot with no neck refuse to debate President Trump?
Talk about 'eye of the beholder' stuff. I always thought of Rudy as the drooling idiot with no neck. As for the debate, you live under the illusion that Trump is so powerful that everyone is scared of him. Of course Bernie would debate him...and in complete sentences, on topic too. And your pitiful claim that the DNC is election tampering makes it so obvious that you fear your mob boss can't make it on his own.

I am not a Bernie fan, and I genuinely doubt he can initiate many of his campaign promises. But he has honor, which our current CIC lacks, and he will abide by the rules of the Constitution that have been stricken recently, such as checks and balances and subpoenas and emoluments and not charging the US government for housing Secret Service staff and providing spectacular and expensive events at his businesses, which he pockets. Nor do I see him acting like Mussolini among his foreign counterparts. So if Bernie is chosen, he has my vote.

Did you see the Clint Eastwood just came out for Bloomberg?
If Crazy Bernie manages to overcome the election tampering of the DNC this time, will the drooling idiot with no neck refuse to debate President Trump?
Talk about 'eye of the beholder' stuff. I always thought of Rudy as the drooling idiot with no neck. As for the debate, you live under the illusion that Trump is so powerful that everyone is scared of him. Of course Bernie would debate him...and in complete sentences, on topic too. And your pitiful claim that the DNC is election tampering makes it so obvious that you fear your mob boss can't make it on his own.

I am not a Bernie fan, and I genuinely doubt he can initiate many of his campaign promises. But he has honor, which our current CIC lacks, and he will abide by the rules of the Constitution that have been stricken recently, such as checks and balances and subpoenas and emoluments and not charging the US government for housing Secret Service staff and providing spectacular and expensive events at his businesses, which he pockets. Nor do I see him acting like Mussolini among his foreign counterparts. So if Bernie is chosen, he has my vote.

Did you see the Clint Eastwood just came out for Bloomberg?

A socialist abides by the rules of constitution?

You can't make this shit up.
If Crazy Bernie manages to overcome the election tampering of the DNC this time, will the drooling idiot with no neck refuse to debate President Trump?
Talk about 'eye of the beholder' stuff. I always thought of Rudy as the drooling idiot with no neck. As for the debate, you live under the illusion that Trump is so powerful that everyone is scared of him. Of course Bernie would debate him...and in complete sentences, on topic too. And your pitiful claim that the DNC is election tampering makes it so obvious that you fear your mob boss can't make it on his own.

I am not a Bernie fan, and I genuinely doubt he can initiate many of his campaign promises. But he has honor, which our current CIC lacks, and he will abide by the rules of the Constitution that have been stricken recently, such as checks and balances and subpoenas and emoluments and not charging the US government for housing Secret Service staff and providing spectacular and expensive events at his businesses, which he pockets. Nor do I see him acting like Mussolini among his foreign counterparts. So if Bernie is chosen, he has my vote.

Did you see the Clint Eastwood just came out for Bloomberg?

Bernie wants to take control of the US economy. Some of the things he said he would do are:
Nationalize the electric grid and all utilities making them green by 2030
Nationalize the healthcare system, Medicare for all including illegals
Nationalize all pharmaceuticals
All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber
"Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas

Bernie's math is as bad as Warren's. There is no way to pay for what he wants to do.
If Crazy Bernie manages to overcome the election tampering of the DNC this time, will the drooling idiot with no neck refuse to debate President Trump?
Talk about 'eye of the beholder' stuff. I always thought of Rudy as the drooling idiot with no neck. As for the debate, you live under the illusion that Trump is so powerful that everyone is scared of him. Of course Bernie would debate him...and in complete sentences, on topic too. And your pitiful claim that the DNC is election tampering makes it so obvious that you fear your mob boss can't make it on his own.

I am not a Bernie fan, and I genuinely doubt he can initiate many of his campaign promises. But he has honor, which our current CIC lacks, and he will abide by the rules of the Constitution that have been stricken recently, such as checks and balances and subpoenas and emoluments and not charging the US government for housing Secret Service staff and providing spectacular and expensive events at his businesses, which he pockets. Nor do I see him acting like Mussolini among his foreign counterparts. So if Bernie is chosen, he has my vote.

Did you see the Clint Eastwood just came out for Bloomberg?

A socialist abides by the rules of constitution?

You can't make this shit up.
Yes, Bernie will abide by the Constitution. Oh wait...You think Trump is NOT a socialist, right? Neither he nor Bernie are the old commie type socialist, but Trump is paying farmers up the kazoo to cover the trade he lost for them. And I'll bet you like the idea of Medicare as we know it, and SOCIAL security. But again, if elected, I'm betting Bernie wont get Medicare for all thru Congress, but he will work for an acceptable compromise, which is a hell of a lot better than what is offered by the guy whose ring you kiss so reverently.
If Crazy Bernie manages to overcome the election tampering of the DNC this time, will the drooling idiot with no neck refuse to debate President Trump?
Talk about 'eye of the beholder' stuff. I always thought of Rudy as the drooling idiot with no neck. As for the debate, you live under the illusion that Trump is so powerful that everyone is scared of him. Of course Bernie would debate him...and in complete sentences, on topic too. And your pitiful claim that the DNC is election tampering makes it so obvious that you fear your mob boss can't make it on his own.

I am not a Bernie fan, and I genuinely doubt he can initiate many of his campaign promises. But he has honor, which our current CIC lacks, and he will abide by the rules of the Constitution that have been stricken recently, such as checks and balances and subpoenas and emoluments and not charging the US government for housing Secret Service staff and providing spectacular and expensive events at his businesses, which he pockets. Nor do I see him acting like Mussolini among his foreign counterparts. So if Bernie is chosen, he has my vote.

Did you see the Clint Eastwood just came out for Bloomberg?

A socialist abides by the rules of constitution?

You can't make this shit up.
Yes, Bernie will abide by the Constitution. Oh wait...You think Trump is NOT a socialist, right? Neither he nor Bernie are the old commie type socialist, but Trump is paying farmers up the kazoo to cover the trade he lost for them. And I'll bet you like the idea of Medicare as we know it, and SOCIAL security. But again, if elected, I'm betting Bernie wont get Medicare for all thru Congress, but he will work for an acceptable compromise, which is a hell of a lot better than what is offered by the guy whose ring you kiss so reverently.

Granting farm subsidies does not make him a socialist. That is ridiculous.

Sanders is a socialist.
Granting farm subsidies does not make him a socialist. That is ridiculous.
Subsidies is not 'something for nothing'? Do these farmers have to pay it back like GM? These farmers would have lost their business even without Trump's Grandstand interference? Lordy, norm, he didn't even know who pays tariffs!

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