Will AOC agree to two debates with Tina Flore, her Republican Challenger for NY’s 14th Cong. District?

Perhaps the stark differences between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stated policies and that of Tina Forte is why AOC will cower from any public debates with Tina Forte.

Tina is a brainless skank who is having her position fed to her

She is no more worthy to engage in debate with AOC than some bar skank who thinks you are trying to steal her boyfriend
I can’t understand todays Republicans as they trot out White Trash Bimbos and try to paint them as legitimate candidates

Taylor Greene and Boebert fight for the lowest element in terms of ignorance and crassness

But Tina Forte sets a new standard of low

Can Republicans really be proud of these low life’s representing them

it's a matter of BAD VS WORSE-----just like the Trump vs Hellcat thing
Tina is a brainless skank who is having her position fed to her

She is no more worthy to engage in debate with AOC than some bar skank who thinks you are trying to steal her boyfriend

According to you who runs from any discussion on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez vs Tina Forte on the issues, immigration and a secure border


Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comfortable with filling New York City’s District 14's scarce public housing with illegal aliens when America’s needy Citizens, including U.S. Military Veterans, are going homeless?
Professional journalism is dying.
Since Fox News identifies itself as being “fair and balanced”, and considering AOC is constantly talked about on Fox and Friends and they had Cuellar, the establishments’ pick in the Republican primary on their show, it seems to not now give Tina Flore equal time on Fox and Friends borders on censorship, and especially so since she beat the establishment’s pick by a two-to-one margin.

I also think Fox News would do well to offer a platform for a debate between Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tina Forte and do so with a set of rules which would be acceptable to the public at large and then let the chips fall where they may.

From my perspective Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists of America [SOURCE], has done nothing to actually help her constituents in NY’s 14th Congressional District, and does nothing more than party while in Washington, D.C.

A public debate between AOC and Tina would be a great way to expose the weaknesses between the two and help to have better informed voters this coming election.


Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comfortable with filling New York City’s scarce public housing with illegal aliens when her constituents who are needy and American citizens, are going homeless and includes U.S. Military Veterans?
AOC is a Lady and acts respectfully

Tina Forte is a thug whose every other word is “Motherfucker”

Why are you making crap up, you %$#^@+_)(&%# ?


Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comfortable with filling New York City’s scarce public housing with illegal aliens when her constituents who are needy and American citizens, are going homeless and includes U.S. Military Veterans?
Why are you making crap up, you %$#^@+_)(&%# ?


Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comfortable with filling New York City’s scarce public housing with illegal aliens when her constituents who are needy and American citizens, are going homeless and includes U.S. Military Veterans?

White Trash
Here is why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who is a registered member of the Democratic Socialists of America SOURCE will not debate Tina Forte, her Republican challenger for New York’s 14th Congressional District ___ AOC cannot defend her two-headed Washington, D.C., swamp snake hypocrisy.

AOC wants to govern like a Democrat ‘but live like a Republican’:

And, AOC has a history of avoiding debates with anyone who challenges her:

AOC plans to skip in-person debate with Democratic primary challengers

”AOC is going AWOL for the city’s only in-person debate ahead of next week’s Democratic Party primary.”
First-term Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens/Bronx) plans to skip out on a face-to-face showdown with three challengers Wednesday, her office told The Post.”

As for Tina Forte, a born and bred New Yorker from the Bronx, she is the very gal who can open a can of Bronx style butt kick on AOC, and why AOC will punk out of any in-person debates with Tina.

This is what AOC cannot defend against:


Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comfortable with filling New York City’s scarce public housing with illegal aliens when America’s needy Citizens, including U.S. Military Veterans, are going homeless?

No, she won't. The only debate she agreed to was with Joe Crowley because she had to. If you notice, her handlers NEVER allow her to be interviewed by anyone other than a fawning leftwing partisan like Colbert. Likewise they won't let her debate because she can only function in a scripted friendly environment. If left on her own, she gets into trouble. Remember how Trump's ICE Director Tom Holman destroyed her when she tried to grill him at a Congressional hearing? Her handlers learned a valuable lesson there. Remember, she's only worked as a bartender since college. And this current acting gig in Congress. So she knows nothing about nothing.
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No, she won't. The only debate she agreed to was with Joe Crowley because she had to. If you notice, her handlers NEVER allow her to be interviewed by anyone other than a fawning leftwing partisan like Colbert. Likewise they won't let her debate because she can only function in a scripted friendly environment. If left on her own, she gets into trouble. Remember, she's only worked as a bartender since college. And this current acting gig in Congress. So she knows nothing about nothing.
AOC is quite witty and fends off Republican attacks quite easily. She has a detailed understanding of the issues

Forte is not in her league and doesn’t know how to behave in public
Cortez never goes head to head with a Republican. She'll only respond on Twitter where she isn't even writing her own tweets.
AOC is a serious Congress Member

She is not going to debate someone who spouts Stolen Election and Q conspiracies

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