Will Anti Mormonism be a factor in this Election?


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

[SIZE=+3]Mormonism Unmasked 2012[/SIZE]
This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?​
Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!​

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.
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I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
Anti-Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

[SIZE=+3]Mormonism Unmasked 2012[/SIZE]
This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?​
Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!​

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.

Considering most of the Anti Mormonism, Scare tactics, and Fear are coming from the left, so I really don't think it will be a Factor.
I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)
Anti-Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

[SIZE=+3]Mormonism Unmasked 2012[/SIZE]
This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?​
Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!​

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.

Considering most of the Anti Mormonism, Scare tactics, and Fear are coming from the left, so I really don't think it will be a Factor.
You think this evangelical site I posted is coming from the left? :confused:
I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

I believe there is a small percentage of fanatical types who just won't accept Romney and they just won't vote, on the Republican side obviously. I think they have already pretty much been factored into the numbers. It's probably the reason Obama is hanging on to a slight lead in the polls. The vast majority of these people are in red states, so it's not likely to really hurt Romney that much. Where it could hurt is in states like Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, just off the top of my head.
Anti-Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.

Considering most of the Anti Mormonism, Scare tactics, and Fear are coming from the left, so I really don't think it will be a Factor.
You think this evangelical site I posted is coming from the left? :confused:

Did I say all of it was coming from the left?
I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

Of course it will be a factor, just how much no one can know. Evangelicals are certainly not going to vote for Obama instead. Most likely they will hold their nose and vote for him anyway, after all, he is the nominee for the godly republican party and so must not be questioned on those grounds lest god smite them for lack of faith in holy republicanism.
I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

Of course it will be a factor, just how much no one can know. Evangelicals are certainly not going to vote for Obama instead. Most likely they will hold their nose and vote for him anyway, after all, he is the nominee for the godly republican party and so must not be questioned on those grounds lest god smite them for lack of faith in holy republicanism.
see, I thought that as well...about holding the nose and flipping the key for romney but then there is this, coming from the evangelicals...

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
these guys are saying the bible forbids them to vote for him....????

(Note, I have not read the book or seen the DVD to know all of why they would not support a Mormon )
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I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

Of course it will be a factor, just how much no one can know. Evangelicals are certainly not going to vote for Obama instead. Most likely they will hold their nose and vote for him anyway, after all, he is the nominee for the godly republican party and so must not be questioned on those grounds lest god smite them for lack of faith in holy republicanism.
see, I thought that as well...about holding the nose and flipping the key for romney but then there is this, coming from the evangelicals...

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
these guys are saying the bible forbids them to vote for him....????

(Note, I have not read the book or seen the DVD to know all of why they would not support a Mormon )

It also Forbids them to support someone who Support Late Term Abortions like Obama, so at best it may keep some of them home.
yeah charles, I think that is what I am leaning towards...it probably will make some evangelicals "pass" on the election
Of course it will be a factor, just how much no one can know. Evangelicals are certainly not going to vote for Obama instead. Most likely they will hold their nose and vote for him anyway, after all, he is the nominee for the godly republican party and so must not be questioned on those grounds lest god smite them for lack of faith in holy republicanism.
see, I thought that as well...about holding the nose and flipping the key for romney but then there is this, coming from the evangelicals...

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
these guys are saying the bible forbids them to vote for him....????

(Note, I have not read the book or seen the DVD to know all of why they would not support a Mormon )

It also Forbids them to support someone who Support Late Term Abortions like Obama, so at best it may keep some of them home.

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion - Abortion in the Bible
I view romney's mormonism something like I view christianity. If you know about both religions you recognize neither has much to do with god, and both were created hundreds of years after jesus by con men looking to cash in on the money and power popular religion offers. Anyone who believes in any christian faith's church shows their gullibility and their blind faith shows a lack of concern for reality and facts. That being said there is no real choice to go for someone who is not christian for president. The best I can say is obama seems to regard it more as a guideline of morality rather than a litteral book of some really crazy rules.

The area where it effects me with romney is his position as the moral and rightious candidate. I find that his moral values do not coincide with many things christians find to supposedly be good. his family has long supported the ideas of polygamy, and they even renounced their US citizenship to go to mexico to practice their faith until they realized mexico is poor. They certainly had a much better chance of riches and power in america, and certainly their greed has paid off. I don't really give a fuck about polygamy, but it does show what a crock of shit the right pushes when it comes to their supposed moral and family values, and how quickly they drop them for money and power.

Then there is the increased gullibility of the cult of LDS. I could understand the faith based ignorance based on christ's supposed life because there is a lack of records for the time, and many people are willfully ignorant of the fact christ did not write the bible. The guy who wrote the book of mormon was a known con man who obviously lied. we now this from his life and records from the time. Bearing that in mind, and that the mormon church has always known they were con men, along with the obvious attempts at brainwashing and mental manipulation used by this cult and many other dangerous cults which destroy lives, it just gives me the knowledge that Romney doesn't believe in a word he says and greed is the guiding force in his life. you couple that with his time at bain, and his clear lust for power and money in other areas and he is the epitome of greedy corrupt government.

Finally, it is cool to believe you are a god on earth and blindly follow a religion which has racism and slavery written directly into it's instruction book. Except for the god part all christians do that. I don't really care much about what wackydoodle beliefs he has regarding his diety status or that having a beer means consignment to hell for an eternity. I just have a small problem with putting someone who's head is that far in the clouds in a position to be president of the US. I don't mind people who consider themselves jedis or animals in human bodies, but I would probably stay away from making them president also.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

Of course it will be a factor, just how much no one can know. Evangelicals are certainly not going to vote for Obama instead. Most likely they will hold their nose and vote for him anyway, after all, he is the nominee for the godly republican party and so must not be questioned on those grounds lest god smite them for lack of faith in holy republicanism.
see, I thought that as well...about holding the nose and flipping the key for romney but then there is this, coming from the evangelicals...

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
these guys are saying the bible forbids them to vote for him....????

(Note, I have not read the book or seen the DVD to know all of why they would not support a Mormon )

Aliens And How They Control Earth
And here is a group that believes aliens (the et type) are in secret control of our government. The point is, there is a website and a group for absolutely everything. The number of people that are not going to vote for the 'mormon' are going to be in such low numbers as to be completely meaningless not to mention the high likelihood they are in deep, deep red states to begin with. No, his religion is likely to be a non starter in this race, unless he really pushes it. I guess there is always the sanatorium rout, then it might be a factor.
Anti-Mormonism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After seeing 2-3 threads already about the Black Pastors being against Obama's position on Gay Marriage, and thinking back to 2008, what they were saying about Jeremiah Wright and his church, it got me wondering about what the Fundamentalist/ Evangelical Christians were saying about Romney....?

Do you all think this could be a factor that is not being calculated in the picture right now?

I did a google on it and lots to be found..... mind you, these are groups that do NOT in any way, support Obama...yet I am reading things like this and seeing books like this being promoted on Fundamental religious sites:

[SIZE=+3]Mormonism Unmasked 2012[/SIZE]
This year, 2012, is shaping up to be the 'Year of the Mormon', as a Mormon is set to capture the Presidential Republican nomination. How are genuine Christians to vote? We can't stand Obama, and Romney is a highly-ranked member of a pagan religion. Do we "hold our noses" and vote for the 'lesser of two evils', as many are saying?​
Bill Schnoebelen, former Satanist/Mormon/Freemason, provides the authoritative answer!​

'A Mormon President' proves that Mormon leadership has had an obsession for gaining control over our government since the days of Brigham Young, 150 years ago. That obsession can turn tragic for American Christians should a Mormon ever wield the powers of the White House.

'Throne of Fools' proves that there is no difference between Democrat and Republican, Obama and Romney. We have not had a real choice for almost 100 years! At the very end, Bill Schnoebelen tells us how he is going to vote.

'Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert' DVD thoroughly informs us as to what this religion truly believes coming from Schnoebelen who was once a Mormon. At the end we demonstrate how the Bible forbids us to support a Mormon for any office.
The Cutting Edge - Spiritual Insights Into The New World Order So Startling You'll Never Look At The News The Same Way Again.

I can't imagine anyone caring about Mormonism.
Polls show that about 18% will not vote for a Mormon, including 10% of Republicans and 18% of independents.

The same poll shows that about 43% of potential voters are unaware of Romney's membership in the Mormon Cult.

The thing is, it SHOULD be a factor. Mormons believe some absolutely crazy stuff and they don't respect that there's a clear line between church and state and we don't run our country by the dictates of imaginary sky pixies.

I think in the case of a lot of Evangelicals, some of whom thing Obama is an Muslim because, you know, when you're ignorant, you believe anything, they are swallowing their pride and voting for a Mormon and pretending they don't consider them the enemy.
I think in the case of a lot of Evangelicals, some of whom thing Obama is an Muslim because, you know, when you're ignorant, you believe anything, they are swallowing their pride and voting for a Mormon and pretending they don't consider them the enemy.

Yeah, that's what I'd guess.

Similarly, the Republicans who think blacks aren't going to vote for Obama because of his stance on gay marriage are definitely engaging in wishful thinking.

This polarization is running deep.

I have decided not to hold his religion against him until his campaign starts using it as a selling point and so far this has not been the case, besides, I happen to believe Romney is ultimately an authoritarian Mammonist like the rest of the conservatives.
I have never seen Romney put his religion before us either, and he was my governor when I lived in Massachusetts, but my question is more about the Evangelicals that have been told never to accept Mormonism....or a Morman in the Whitehouse...(sure they also have been told never to accept an atheist as well....)

there are a lot of reasons for me not to vote for romney.

his religion isn't one of them and he has no history of inserting religion into his political or business career. the fact that he owes the radical religious right if he were to win is far more worrying.

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